
Ed Leake – God Tier Agency Scaling 2022

Original price was: ₹148,500.00.Current price is: ₹6,972.00.


A no nonsense training series for freelancers and agency owners – to get more leads, consistently close the sale, onboard your new clients – successfully and without confusion – and retain them for longer, by using tried and tested processes.
Ed Leake – God Tier Agency Scaling


Please, Start Here

Quick intro, please watch!
6 mins


Financial Planning

Introduction to the “Backwards Business Plan”
6 mins

Working Through the Plan
7 mins

Tracking Progress
3 mins

The Backwards Business Plan Template File

Inbound Prospecting

Introduction to the Inbound Funnel
7 mins

Framework, Ads & Audience
26 mins

Landing Page, VSL & Calls
9 mins

Outbound Prospecting

1 – Outbound Prospecting Introduction
7 mins

2 – Prospecting Philosphy (Important)
5 mins

3 – List Building
11 mins

4.1 – Your Outreach Messaging
8 mins

4a – Results Based Email Template.pdf
331 KB

4.2 – Results Based Email
4 mins

4b – PPC Ad Lab Outreach Email.pdf
242 KB

4.3 – Market Report Outreach
6 mins

4c – Free Help Offer Email Prospecting Sequence.pdf
266 KB

4.4 – Another Example
5 mins

5.1 – Setting-up the Tech
3 mins

5.2 – The Email Warm-up
3 mins

5.3 – Importing Your Prospects
5 mins

5.4 – Creating & Sending Your Campaign
5 mins

Cold Email Technical Sign-off.pdf
912 KB

BONUS: PPC Ad Lab Step-by-Step
29 mins

Sales Conversion

Introduction & Red Flags
6 mins

Step-1 the Discovery & Audit
20 mins

Step-2 the Review & Close
6 mins

100 Percent Close Rate Script
405 KB

2-page Agreement Template


Client Onboarding Overview
4 mins

Part 1: Asana Import
3 mins

Asana Customisations
3 mins

Client Onboarding Checklist – Asana.csv
74.9 KB

Part 1: ClickUp Import
6 mins

Part 2: ClickUp Import
2 mins

ClickUp Customisations
18 mins

Client Retention

100-day Communication Schedule
237 KB

6-Month Rentention Roadmap
472 KB

Your ‘Sleep Well’ Guide to Performance Concerns