Ecommerce MasterClass: Start Making Money With Shopify


The training covers everything from A to Z exactly how to set up their very own Shopify store – niche selection, finding and sourcing products, fulfillment, etc. – as well as the exact unique Facebook ads methods used to sell products, build highly-targeted custom audiences, build a buyers list, and grow their fan page. You won’t find this ads method taught anywhere else!Module 1: Planning & ResearchIn this module, you will learn how to properly plan out your business before ever opening your store – from niche selection, niche validation, selecting your store type, store branding, and more – get this right, and you’ll be setting yourself up to win from the get-goModule 2: Store Set-upIn this module, you will learn exactly how to set up your store when it comes to selecting your Shopify plan, configuring your payment preference, shipping, theme, domains, pages, products, collections, and all the little settings you’ll need to configure properly to ensure your store runs like a well-oiled machine.Module 3: Sourcing & FulfillmentIn this module, you’ll discover the three best ways to get and add products to your store and the best hacks and tricks I’ve discovered for making it drop-dead simple without costing you an arm and a leg. I will share with you exactly how I go about sourcing hot products for my store that sell like crazy.Module 4: Facebook AdvertisingIn module 4, I’ll walk you through precisely how I run my traffic from Facebook including how to set up your fan page, the Facebook Business Manager, conversion tracking pixels, ad creatives and strategies, and my front-end ad strategy – the simplicity of which you will not believe.Module 5: Back-end AdvertisingIn this module, I’ll share with you simple, yet devastatingly effective strategies you can use for recapturing lost sales, retargeting visitors who didn’t buy, and the automated email marketing sequences you can set and forget to boost your monthly income as much as $3500 or more in additional revenue.Module 6: Advanced Facebook TrackingThis is the stuff that NO ONE else is teaching. After this module, you might just go strutting around calling yourself a Facebook Ads Expert because I’m going to arm you with everything you need to blast past your competition when it comes to Facebook ads. You’ll discover the Facebook Super Pixel, how to sync your entire catalog with Facebook, and even how to run dynamic product ads for your store. This stuff is insane! (yet embarassingly simple once you understand how it all works).Module 7: Day-to-Day OperationsCongratulations! You now have a flourishing e-commerce business you can be proud of. No more long-winded explanations to your friends and family about what it is you do exactly. However, with this great priviledge comes a little responsibility. You need to understand how to run your business like an executive, how to ensure things continue to run smoothly, and how to care for your customers like a Fortune 500 company.Module 8: Expert InterviewsIn this module you’ll hear from several other e-commerce experts as they reveal their insightful expertise and experiences in response to some direct, secret-forcing questions..Get Ecommerce MasterClass: Start Making Money With Shopify – Anonymous, Only Price $37Tag: Ecommerce MasterClass: Start Making Money With Shopify Review. Ecommerce MasterClass: Start Making Money With Shopify download. Ecommerce MasterClass: Start Making Money With Shopify discount.