
Earnest Epps – High Ticket eCom Secrets 2022

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Earnest Epps – High Ticket eCom Secrets 2022
Escape Your 9-to-5 by Building a High Ticket Dropshipping Business

Everything you need to know about selling high ticket products to make money with eCommerce.

Your Instructor

Earnest Epps

Earnest Epps is an International Speaker and eCommerce Expert, specializing in high ticket dropshipping. Earnest was once caged in a cubicle with an uneventful 9-to-5 life. But by employing some very simple methods, he ditched his day job and is now able to conduct business when and where he chooses, earning well over 7 figures annually from his eCommerce businesses. You can learn more about Earnest at

Course Curriculum

Module 1 : Successful Selection

1.1 : Product Selection Introduction
1.2 : Product Pricing
1.3 : Target Market
1.4 Market InterestMaking Sure There’s Market Interest
1.5 Product Selection Selecting Your First Product

Module 2 : Defining the Market

2.1 Introduction to Market Research Overview of Market Research
2.2 Brand Loyalty Market Research Requirements for Brand Loyalty
2.3 Market Research How to know if your products are dropship friendly?
2.4 Monthly Search Volume Find out the average monthly search volume for the niche ideas that you currently have.
2.5 Competition Determine the level of competitiveness a product niche
2.6 Market Research Recap Determine if this will be the right product for you with the product checklist.
2.7 Bonus Market Research Some secret ninja criteria that will give you the edge over your competitors.

Module 3 : Business Formation

3.1 Business Formation Introduction What you will need to have in place in order to have a high likelihood of getting suppliers approved.
3.2 Business Registration Which entity should one choose
3.3 EIN You’ll learn what an EIN is and why you need one
3.4 Resellers Certificate/Permit You’ll learn what is a resellers certificate and why do you need one
3.5 DBA Registration We’ll be covering the importance of a DBA
3.6 Website Domain Why do you need a domain name and how important it is to pick the right one
3.7 Business Phone Number Learn the importance of having a business phone number
3.8 Business Email Learn the importance of having a business email.
3.9 Business Formation Action Tasks Action steps in order to set up for success

Module 4 : Website Creation

4.1 Introduction The introduction to creating your own Shopify Ecommerce Website
4.2 Shopify Introduction Learn more about Shopify
4.3 Built To Sell Theme Introduction A walk-through of our recommended Built To Sell Theme.
4.4 Targeting Our Audience This Is My Awesome Thingy Membership
4.5 Theme Installation A complete walkthrough on how to install a theme on Shopify
4.6 Understanding Our Colors Understand the importance of choosing the right colors
4.7 Home Page StructureProperly structure the homepage of your site for success
4.8 Collection Pages Properly structure the collections for your site for succes
4.9 Apps The best apps to use when getting ed
4.10 Final Edits These are must-have content pages for your store
4.11 Action Tasks Your action tasks for forming building your website.

Module 5 : Supplier Approval

5.1 Introduction You’ll learn everything that you will need to do to have success with getting approved with suppliers.
5.2 Supplier Types Not all suppliers are created equal now discover why
5.3 Additional Supplier ResearchGet more detailed info on your suppliers before calling
5.4 Supplier Phone and Email Script The secret scripts to having a high approval rate
5.5 Bonus Material Get Earnest’s super secret supplier approval docs below.
5.6 Action Tasks Your action tasks for getting approved with suppliers.

Module 6 : Optimize for Conversion

6.1 Introduction How to have a great conversion rate
6.2 Urgency and Scarcity How to use urgency and scarcity to improve your conversion rate.
6.3 Buyers Experience With Our Content We will cover the content do you need to make sure your visitors convert into buyers.
6.4 Using Reviews How reviews help increase your conversion rate
6.5 Social Media And Social ProofHow to use social media successfully
6.6 Abandoned Carts And Follow Up Not Yet Rated How to get customers back to your site if they leave or want to leave.
6.7 Unique Bonus Offers How to separate yourself from the competition
6.8 Action Tasks Your action tasks for optimizing your website for conversions
Conversion Bonus Increasing Conversions On Your Ecommerce Store With Lucky Orange

Module 7 : Unlimited Traffic

7.1 Unlimited Traffic Introduction How to get tons of traffic to your site
7.2 Getting Noticed In The Marketplace Site Indexed Getting your site listed in search engines quickly
7.3 Getting Noticed In The Marketplace Google Analytics This Is My Awesome Thingy Membership
7.4 Getting Noticed In The Marketplace eCom Tracking Get your enhanced eCommerce tracking set up correctly
7.5 Google PLAs Introduction into what’s needed for setting Google PLA’s
7.6 Setting Up Your Adwords Account Live Walkthrough of setting up Google PLA’s correctly
7.7 SEOHow to drive highly qualified organic traffic
7.8 Banner Ads and Influencers Additional traffic sources
7.9 Unlimited Traffic Action Tasks Your action tasks to make sure your setup for success with traffic

Module 8 : Automation

8.1 Introduction In this module, we’ll be covering the introduction to automation
8.2 What do I need to outsource We’ll be covering every you need to know about the important things to outsource.
8.3 Business OperationsWe’ll be covering how your business breakdowns into the four main categories
8.4 When and How Do I Outsource When and How do I outsource?

Bonus : Shopify Store Creation

1.1 Shopify Introduction & Creating Your Store Overview of learning the ins and outs of Shopify.
1.2 Choosing Shopify Plan & Setting Up Domain Choosing the right shopify plan, domain name and setting it up.
1.3 Creating Collections How to create collections of products.
1.4 Product Uploading Time to upload your products to get paid.
1.5 Creating Pages & Blog Posts How to create pages on your website to add value, THESE ARE SUPER IMPORTANT.
1.6 Menus & Navigation It’s important to make sure your customers can navigate your store.
1.7 Uploading Themes Time to upload your Shoptimized theme
1.8 Color Scheme & Logo Design How to pick out the right colors for success

Bonus : Fraud Prevention & Protection

Module 1.1 FPP Masterclass Introduction In this module, we’ll be covering the introduction to fraud protection and prevention
Module 1.2 How to Prevent Fraud You’ll learn how to prevent and reduce fraud to be as low as possible.
Module 1.3 How to Protect Yourself From Fraud Learn how to protect yourself from fraud in case a chargeback arises
Module 1.4 How to Win Chargebacks Learn how you can win chargebacks and have a high success rate.

Bonus : Traffic Secrets Module 1 (Google Adwords)

TS Module 1.1 Traffic Secrets Masterclass Introduction Traffic Secrets Advertising Channels
TS Module 1.2 Google Adwords Understand why advertising on Google is great
TS Module 1.3 Understanding A Sales Funnel and Adwords Understanding a customers journey from awareness to purchase
TS Module 1.4 Most Important Metrics How to measure if you are financially healthy
TS Module 1.5 Must Have Policies The policies you have to have to make sure you don’t get suspended

Bonus : Traffic Secrets Module 2 (Google Listing Product Ads)

TS Module 2.1 Google Product Listing Ads IntroductionIntroduction into what’s needed for setting Google PLA’s
TS Module 2.2 Setting Up Your Adwords Account Live Walkthrough of setting up Google PLA’s correctly
TS Module 2.3 Setting Up Your First PLA Campaign How to set up your first successful PLA campaign

Bonus : Traffic Secrets Module 3 (Google Dynamic Retargeting)

TS Module 3.1 Google Dynamic Remarketing Introduction The secret sauce to getting visitors back to your site
TS Module 3.2 Google’s Boomerang Traffic How to get boomerang traffic back to your website at a fraction of the cost.
TS Module 3.3 Live Walkthrough of Setting Everything Up How to set up Google Dynamic Remarketing
TS Module 3.4 Google Dynamic Remarketing Code The needed code for Google Dynamic Remarketing
TS Module 3.5 Adwords vs. Analytics Remarketing Setting up Google Analytics Dynamic Remarketing

Bonus : Traffic Secrets Module 4 (Bing Advertising)

TS Module 4.1 Bing Advertising Introduction Introduction into what’s needed for setting Bing Advertising
TS Module 4.2 Bing Product Listing Ads Live Walkthrough of setting up Bing PLA’s correctly
TS Module 4.3 Set Up Your First Campaign How to set up your first successful Bing PLA campaign

Bonus : Traffic Secrets Module 5 (Search Engine Optimization)

TS Module 5.1 Search Engine Optimization Secrets This Is My Awesome Thingy Membership
TS Module 5.2 Search Engine Optimization Secrets Learn the secret sauce to SEO

Bonus Items

Built to Sell Bonuses You’ll get extra items to use to help you jump your success
Books by Earnest Epps: To Read & Listen

Bonuses: Recorded Masterclass

Bonus Masterclass Accountability Success Chat
Live Masterclass (1)
Live Masterclass (2)
Live Masterclass (3)
Live Masterclass (4)
Live Masterclass (5)
Live Masterclass (6)
Extra Bonus Masterclass – MAP Suppliers, Customer Service, Long Term Success Strategies

Bonus: 7 Figure eCom Experts

Joanna Walters – Niche Selection Secrets
Leo Piero- Millionaire Mindset
Japreet – Building a Massive YouTube Tribe w/ Minority Mindset
John – SEO Ninja Knowledge from an OG
Sam England – SEO Hacks of Super Super Niche Websites
David Arsonaw – 7 Figure – eCom and Funnel Agency Expert
Tommie Traffic – Advertising Like A Boss
David and Norman Ferrar – 7 Figure Branding
Josh Marsden – FB Ads Long Term Success Strategies

Bonus: Conversion Optimization

Shoptimized -Bradley Long- Optimizing for Conversions
Tieron Spear – Double your eCom Conversion Rate
eCom Masters Club – Increasing Conversions with the Power of Gift Giving

Bonus: Google Ad Strategies

Jake Wilson – Google Shopping Ads Advance + CRO
Chris Hickman Google Ads Research Strategies, Competitive Analysis, and Q&A

eCom Business Credit Workshop Day 1

Module 1: EBCW Day 1
Module 2: Our Agenda
Module 3: Why You Need Business Credit
Module 4: Credibility & Visibility
Module 5: The Foundation of You
Module 6: EBCW – Intro to Tier 1 Vendors
Module 7: EBCW – Tier 1 Vendors Details
Module 8: EBCW – Downloadable File of Tier 1 Vendors
Module 9: EBCW – Action Steps Outro

Bonus Section of EBCW Q&A Day 1

Bonus Module 1: EBCW Day 1 Q&A Intro
Module 2: Day 1 Q&A Part 1
Module 2: Day 1 Q&A Part 2
Module 2: Day 1 Q&A Part 3
Module 2: Day 1 Q&A Part 4

eCom Business Credit Workshop Day 2

Module 1: EBCW Day 2
Module 2: Your Biz Credit Profile
Module 3: Personal Credit Bureaus
Module 4: Biz Credit Bureaus
Module 5: Biz Credit Tier 1
Module 6: Biz Credit Tier 2
Module 7: Biz Credit Tier 3
Module 8: Biz Credit Tier 4
Module 9: Important Biz Notes
Module 10: Action Steps Outro

Bonus Section of EBCW Q&A Day 2

Bonus Module 1: EBCW Day 2 Q&A Intro
Module 2: Day 2 Q&A Part 1
Module 3: Day 2 Q&A Part 2
Module 4: Day 2 Q&A Outro – Action Steps

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]