
Early Bird – Commercial Quick Start Intensive : 2 Pay

Original price was: ₹299,100.00.Current price is: ₹11,952.00.



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Early Bird – Commercial Quick Start Intensive : 2 Pay
What Is Commercial Quick Start Intensive?

Simply put, it’s the country’s #1 event for commercial real estate investors…  No matter what your level of experience!

This is the event where you’ll get the tools to help you become a highly paid:

Deal Maker ∙ Intermediary ∙ Consultant ∙ Wholesaler
Hard Money Lender ∙ Hedge Fund Manager ∙ Matchmaker

Commercial Deal Making… On ALL Levels

No matter what your level of experience or expertise…

No matter what your passion or strengths…

Whether you’re looking to invest full time or part time…

Commercial Quick Start Intensive LIVE delivers EXACTLY what you’re looking for!

This is the place to be to jumpstart AND explode your commercial investing business.

We’ll cover all 3 of the major aspects of Deal Making, from the foundation up…

Capital Placement

How to structure and

finance ANY deal

Capital Formation

How to raise debt, equity,

and syndicate capital

Asset Arbitrage

How to find and wholesale

commercial properties

We’ll cover deal analysis, deal structure; negotiations; how to find great properties; pitching investors to raise capital for your hard money fund; positioning yourself as the #1 authority in your market; how to buy distressed notes; buying bulk REO; and SO much more.

AND…you’ll leave with all the tools and blueprints you need to command $25,000 per client for your intermediary and consulting services.

For 3 solid days, you’ll be immersed in a “bootcamp style” training that will leave you excited, prepared, and happily exhausted.

What You Can Expect When You Attend

100% Content, 100% Education, 100% Training

3 Days of Solid Step By Step Action Formulas

Unlike other real estate events out there where you get a parade of speakers hawking their wares and potions, I’ll be your main speaker and trainer for the entire 3 days.

That’s exactly what you’ll get… TRAINING. Hard core, no nonsense commercial real estate education. Tactics, strategies, and implementation intel direct from the hallowed boardrooms of Wall Street.

This is a full on, nose to the grindstone WORKSHOP. 
No wasted time, no bloat, no fat, no twiddling your fingers.

Which means you’ll get all my Wall Street investment banking “dirty little secrets” that my partners and I use, and our students use to negotiate multi-million dollar deals on a daily basis. Wall Street comes to Main Street.

A word of caution: This training is NOT for the faint of heart or lightweights. It’s for grown-ups. It’s for serious investors, deal makers, and intermediaries hell-bent on success and making an indelible mark in their local market.

On February 22, 2017 You’re Going To Walk Away

With These EXACT BLUEPRINTS In Your Hands

Analyze and structure ANY deal in minutes
Leverage 1000’s of private equity firms for capital
Pocket $10k-$25k PER CLIENT as a highly paid consultant
Get instant access to institutional capital…for all your deals
Easily create consistent deal flow
Establish INSTANT credibility…without being a transactional poo-flinger
Position yourself as “The Don of Dealmaking”
Tee your deals up on a silver platter…for irresistible acquisition
Become the #1 Authority in your market
Buy non-performing notes…at pennies on the dollar
Start a hard money fund…and be the “go-to” lender for all your local rehabbers

Raise capital at the snap of a finger
Flip commercial properties for BIG profits
Insert yourself into the deal WITHOUT buying or selling a single asset
Pitch investors like the pros…and raise $1 million in just 23 minutes
Build a high-dollar consulting business…with ZERO overhead
Identify distressed assets that other investors miss
Tell a deal from a dud…the QUICK and EASY way
Rake in $30k in 30 Days…using this simple step by step formula
Take full advantage of stabilized, unstabilized, and opportunistic properties
Fund ANY approved deal with minimal risk and maximum profit

Build a qualified buyers list hungry for your deals
Syndicate capital…using this one simple tool
Become a trusted advisor to raise equity capital
Create a coveted “Pitchbook” for investors…and pocket $15k per client
Finance deals using debt, mezzanine, or preferred equity capital
Help troubled owner-operators by refinancing debt…and bank a tidy profit
Insert yourself into the deal…simply by adding great value to the transaction
Find the best sources for every type of property…no matter where you live
Identify QUALIFIED sponsors BEFORE you fund the deal
Get access to over $1 Billion in capital
Access secret private equity funds

It makes no difference whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned 7-figure pro.

At Commercial Quick Start Intensive LIVE you’ll discover how to tap your “intellectual capital” so you can play in the same sandbox as the big boys.

And believe me when I say… You know more than you think you do!

Your Path To Commercial Real Estate Investing Success

DAY 1: Setting the Foundation

This is probably the most important day of your training.We start off fast and furious, we have too much to cover to

“ease into it”Here’s where we set the stage so you can instantly:

Identify the different types of commercial properties in the blink of an eye

Qualify ANY deal in 90 seconds
Analyze ANY deal in 90 seconds
Find deals in your own backyard…no matter where you live
Use your intellectual capital to create and command authority
Finance your deals using debt, mezzanine, or preferred equity (Capital Placement)
Raise capital (Capital Formation)…syndicate debt or equity to buy assets
Wholesale commercial properties (Asset Arbitrage: “Crossing the Trade”)
Identify ALL distressed asset scenarios…so you can pounce on the opportunity

DAY 2: Deal Making Mastery

Now that you’ve got the basics nailed, we’re going to do some real world deal making.

We’re going to crunch the numbers on actual attendee and student deals so you can see for yourself how it’s done. It’s time to roll up your sleeves, hit the streets, and get your hands dirty.

Determine IMMEDIATELY if a property is a deal or a dud [Deal Calculus]
Buy non performing notes at pennies on the dollar
Structure ANY deal from the asset side AND the funding side
Generate meaningful and CONSISTENT deal flow
Control property with little to no out of pocket
Transact wholesale commercial properties…start to finish
Source deals from the players…so you don’t waste your precious time with flakes
Minimize risk, maximize profits
Slice and dice the four major asset classes…so you can pick the winners and junk the losers
Pick the perfect sponsor…and know how much skin they MUST put in the deal
Buy assets with assumable CMBS loans…(like taking candy from a baby)
Take ownership of properties by “wrapping” mortgages…and create instant cashflow
Identify the best assets to assume… and avoid the assets that will sink you

DAY 3: Launch Your Business

It’s time to dive deep into the business you want to build… and then implement.

Don’t sit and wait on the sidelines… get in the game TODAY.

Screw theory. Screw ‘let’s suppose’ scenarios. You’re going to fast track your learning curve so you know how to:

Pitch your hard money fund…and raise unlimited capital

Negotiate with institutional financiers and hedge funds with confidence
Talk to owners and operators so you can seal the deal
Position yourself as THE #1 Deal Making Authority in your market
Create a Wall Street grade Pitchbook…and get your investors to say “YES!”
Effectively use “Gamesmanship”…the language and positioning of a deal maker
Structure a 5-figure per client in-demand consulting business
Generate massive income as a fund manager using these 7 key investment structures
Set up your virtual office in just hours…where others do all the heavy lifting