DVD Series Trading Course – John Person


Dear Trader,It’s no secret that John Person is one of the best traders in the industry and that his methods work. And if you’ve ever attended a seminar, webinar, etc. with him, then you know how exciting and informative his sessions are.He doesn’t waste any time and gets straight to the point. If you haven’t been to one of his sessions, no worries–you won’t miss out any longer.In his DVD course, he gives you full coverage on candlestick chart construction and discusses pivot point analysis, plus he shares his favorite combinations.Concepts behind his propietary trading system where he combines candlestick patterns and pivot point analysis to return huge gains, are explained with the passion and enthusiasm that only John can provide.REVIEWS FROM ACTIVE TRADERS”I’ll certainly provide a good review for John Person’s DVD Course. I purchased it and loved it. I am using a number of his techniques in my Forex day trading.””I’ve seen his webinars and other presentations, even read his bestselling books and this is the most powerful stuff I’ve seen yet.””I am constantly looking for the trading method that even I, someone who is drawn towards the simple and effective, can use. That is what made this course catch my attention. It is perfect traders who want to see results and not have to reinvent the wheel.”Watching John Person outlining the key candle patterns he uses and hearing the excitement in that trader’s voice peaked my interest. I watch more presentations than I care to admit and always find myself looking for the “ah-ha” moment that gives the strategy that really works. I found myself very optimistic that I might find the trading strategy that worked for my simple and reliable style.As I watched (and reviewed the disc many times) I fell in love with John’s proprietary pivot point filtering method and the unique candlestick patterns he uses. The known patterns are great and well used by nearly everyone, but the candle formations that John outlined were different than I had ever seen before this course.Here is a short list of the things that I felt even I could use to trade:The most revealing information on Pivot Point Analysis that works to find trades,Both known candle patterns and unknown (and which ones work best),Clear and powerful reversal patterns that set-up big money trades,How seasonal patterns can solidly confirm a huge breakout and get you in early,Breaking down the myths of the doji candle pattern and how to truly trade it for gains,Candle charts that hand you money-making triggers  and dream set-ups. In fact, in just the first 10 minutes, John handed over his momentum power play pattern that is extremely effective in both bullish AND bearish climates. Just rattled it off and gave the parameters. And it didn’t stop there.I saw this as the approach that fit my style. Efficient and effective. No wasted time, just the highest percentage set-ups that give the best possible return. Get DVD Series Trading Course – John Person, Only Price $29Tag: DVD Series Trading Course – John Person Review. DVD Series Trading Course – John Person download. DVD Series Trading Course – John Person discount.