
Duston McGroarty – Newsletter Secrets Masterclass

Original price was: ₹167,100.00.Current price is: ₹1,494.00.



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Duston McGroarty – Newsletter Secrets Masterclass
“Discover My Weird Email Newsletter That Makes Me As Much As $23,599.45 PER DAY!”
And How To Ethically Knock It Off In Less Than 10 Minutes!

From: Duston McGroarty
San Antonio, Texas
If you’re interested in learning how to get paid to send emails, keep reading.
I don’t care if you have no product to sell, no email list, no experience or expertise, or if you’ve never even sent an email before.
Here’s how this simple 3-step system works…
Step 1: Drive targeted traffic to a simple squeeze page.
Step 2: Offer that traffic a free gift to convert them into email subscribers.
Step 3: Send those subscribers valuable content and offers.
Sounds too easy, right?
That’s because it IS easy!
And it works like gangbusters!
I’ve tested it in EIGHT completely different niches with identical results.
It works every time.
I’ve shown other beginner marketers how to do this in years past and each one has come back to me excited and giddy about their results.
This is NOT something that’s “here today and gone tomorrow” either.
This simple 3-step system has stood the test of time.
So many online marketing tricks, loopholes, and tactics have come and gone but my email newsletter businesses continue to stand strong.
Growing in size every day (on complete autopilot).
I’ve perfected this online business model so much so that I get approached frequently by folks begging me to consult with them.
Itching for the chance to pick my brain about the email newsletter business.
So, I’ve decided to do something even better and create an entire training course on the subject.
Documenting everything I know, from start to finish, about starting and running a wildly profitable email newsletter.
It’s called Newsletter Secrets.
I’m going to show you exactly how to start your own money-making email newsletter from scratch, regardless of your prior experience.
Take a look below…
Here’s EVERYTHING You Get When You Enroll In Newsletter Secrets RIGHT NOW!
Your Newsletter Secrets purchase is good for the lifetime of the program (I don’t ever plan on shutting it down!) and gives you 24/7 access to every module, every template and every resource I use in our newsletter business.
This course is delivered in eight core modules and is in 100% video format (no written content). I do plan on adding written content later on but initially it’ll all be delivered in video format.
You’ll get to watch me build an entire newsletter business from scratch right in front of your eyes.
Every single click of the mouse, every single step I take, all recorded on video for you to follow along with.
By the time you’ve gone through all of the modules, you’ll have a fully functional email newsletter business up and running!
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Because when you…
Enroll In Newsletter Secrets Today You’ll Also Get These 6 FREE Bonuses!
Bonus #1 – “Dark Web” Traffic Secrets

“Discover How You Can Siphon THOUSANDS Of Email Subscribers Off Of My Secret ‘Dark Web’ Traffic Source… WITHOUT Ever Worrying About Strict Ad Network Policies Again!”
When you enroll in Newsletter Secrets, I’m going to pull back the curtain on my closely-guarded “Dark Web” Email Traffic Source.
This first bonus will give you a MASSIVE jumpstart putting you way ahead of everyone else, leaving them to deal with the strict ad networks, living in fear on a daily basis and praying they don’t get “banned”.
Bonus #2 – Email Business Funnel Pack

“Now You Can Ethically Knock Off My Successful Email Newsletter Businesses In Less Than 10 Minutes!”
This second bonus will give you an even FASTER jumpstart… allowing you to literally copy ANY of my successful newsletter businesses in less than 10 minutes.
Bonus #3 – Email Template Pack

“Copy-And-Paste Your Way To Email Newsletter Success With My Proven Email Templates!”
This third bonus will give you that extra boost of confidence you need in order to meet the needs of your email subscribers.
Bonus #4 – Non-Writer’s Content Guide

“Discover My Non-Writing Trick To Getting Unlimited Content For Your Email Newsletters!”
This fourth bonus will is the answer to most email newsletter owners’ prayers. Inside this guide I share all of my content-getting tips and tricks so you never have to write a single word!
Bonus #5 – Email Newsletter Swipe File

“The Only Email Newsletter Swipe File In The World Containing Over 80,000 Email Newsletters And Growing Every Single Day!”
When you enroll in Newsletter Secrets, I’m going to give you access to my entire Secret Email Newsletter Swipe File.
This fifth bonus will give you something nobody else in the world can give you… the ability to spy on more than 80,000 different email newsletters!
Bonus #6 – Outsource-It-All Training

“Discover How To Completely Outsource Your Entire Email Newsletter Business!”
This sixth bonus will give you the freedom you’ve been dreaming of for so long. After completing this training you’ll be able to outsource your entire email newsletter business so it can continue to grow and make you money on 100% autopilot!
When you take action today, you’ll secure your access to everything inside Newsletter Secrets, PLUS… all 6 of the FREE BONUSES above. 
I’ve purchased $2,000 and $3,000 coaching programs that were nowhere near as detailed and thorough as this course.
Seriously, I’ve left no stone unturned… everything will be documented on video in step-by-step detail so you can pause, rewind, and fast-forward as many times as you like.
But more than that…
You’re getting exclusive insider access to my existing, highly profitable, newsletter businesses. All the moving parts. This alone is easily worth a million dollars to the right person.
It’s been worth MANY MULTIPLES of that to me.
You could easily have two or three of these little e-newsletters running at a time.
Especially if you use my totally legal and little-known Content Borrowing strategies that I teach inside Newsletter Secrets.
This course will cut years off of your learning curve and allow you to fast-forward your newsletter business.
It’s literally the exact strategies and procedures I’ve used to grow multiple email newsletter businesses to as much as 200,000 subscribers each…
Allowing me to quit my job and live a life I used to only dream about living.
Newsletter Secrets is a no-brainer for you if you want to:
…Work from home (or anywhere with an internet connection)…
…Have more free time to spend with your family and friends…
…Be financially free and retire without the worry or stress of insufficient funds…
…Have the ability to take vacations WHEN you want, WHEREVER you want…
…Finally become debt-free and leave behind the worries you’ve dealt with for so many years…
…Have a business that fulfills you, makes you happy and that your family can’t help but brag about (ask me how I know, my wife can’t help but brag about me!)…
…And to finally know what you were put here on this Earth to do!
This is the first time I’ve ever shared all of these secrets with anyone.
What would this be worth to you?
If you set up just ONE tiny newsletter and it generates $1,000 per month for you… that’s $12,000 per year.
And I’ve spent more than $100,000 on high-level mastermind groups, premium training products and countless courses and guides… learning every “newsletter subscriber getting trick” I can get my hands on.
All of which I’m going to be sharing with you.
Don’t get me wrong. You’re more than welcome to figure all of this out on your own. Some people will.
You could take this shortcut and grow your newsletter business faster by avoiding all of the mistakes I’ve made.
My private consulting clients happily pay me $2,997 to tell them how to use these email strategies in their businesses.
Here’s what a few students have to say about Newsletter Secrets…
Hey Duston, you’re an absolute legend! I’m currently going through your Newsletter Secrets course…
In the 12-15 years I’ve been bouncing around and buying products I’ve never come across any that deliver quality and value to the degree you are delivering in this course.
Tomorrow I turn 54. I’ve had a lot of teachers in a lot of different areas over that time. And none of them deliver like you do.
I’ve watched your teaching style grow for the last 4-6 years… man your style, your clarity, your focus, the way you structure the content and then break it down, then your generosity with templates, swipes, etc., it’s seriously out of this world.
Your courses are of a standard that makes financial independence and freedom from having to have a job, available for anyone willing to role up their sleeves.
Not many people come into this world and truly make a positive difference in the lives of others. But you have. And I thank you for the difference you have and continue to make in mine.”
—Michael Harris, United Kingdom
“Hi Duston, I just wanted to write to you about the NS course. This course is a real gem.
I can reeeeeally see the efforts you’ve put into this… not to say that you haven’t put efforts into your other courses (don’t get me wrong!). But this one, this one is something special… I can tell it’s got you’re heart and soul in it
It’s taking me time to get through it as each module is SO jam-packed with knowledge and VALUE, one must take a little time to sit and let the ‘knowledge’ bombs sink in! It’s like downloading your brain and experiences into mine!
Anyways, just wanted to let you know that something like this, and the way you’ve offered it for us, is the online business I think I’ve been ‘waiting my whole life for’ (lol).
I hope you’ve recovered from all the gremlins, time challenges, and any pressure it may have had on you! And I certainly hope no one gave you grief, cos this course is a beauty! I’m so grateful to have picked it up when I did!”
-Ana Deans, Australia
To your success!
Dream big. Take action.
Duston McGroarty