Dubzy – The Beginners’ Guide to Cryptocurrency


Dubzy – The Beginners’ Guide to Cryptocurrency
The Book “The Beginners’ Guide to Cryptocurrency” is a 57-page guide is aimed at beginners’ looking to learn about cryptocurrency.
What You’ll Learn In The Beginners’ Guide to Cryptocurrency

What is Cryptocurrency?
Public Keys vs. Private Keys
Why Should You Consider Getting Into It?
Understanding the Blockchain
Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake
Exchange Sites
Common Exchanges
Basic Rundown of an Exchange
Securing your Exchange Account
Verifying Account How to Exchange
How to ‘Convert’
How to ‘Spot Trade’
Wallet Types
Suggested Wallets
Setting Up Your First Wallet
Transfer from Exchange to Wallet
Setting up a Hardware Wallet
Securing Your Assets
Tax Information
Taxable/Non-Taxable Events
Documenting Crypto Transactions
Calculating Gains/Losses
Staying in the Loop
Frequently Asked Questions