Dragon Wisdom School – Activate Your Healing Magic With Merlin Wizard


Activate Your Healing Magic Samhain Retreat with Merlin Wizard



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Workshop Date:

Approximately 7 hours

Audio & Video downloads are now available. No personal message will be available.

This event is now available on Video and MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience it.

Workshop took place from 29th to 31st October 2021.

This workshop celebrated the Celtic New Year Samhain (Halloween) Sabbath! Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu in Merlindale as they bring forward this powerful virtual retreat channelled by Merlin the Celtic Wizard. He was joined by a host of magical beings – Ravens, Dragons, Faeries, and more to help you with your inner healing work and Earth Healing Powers.

Merlin is a title given to those who have mastered Earth Magic, Esoteric Healing, and Divine Alchemy whilst on Earth. Many of you will have been trained as Merlins in previous incarnations and again possibly in this incarnation.

On the Eve of the start of the Celtic New Year, when the veil is at its thinnest, this Samhain, the Celtic Magician Merlin is offering to come forward and channel through Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu who is a Merlin Vortex practitioner.

This retreat included live channeling, guided meditation, sound healing, inner activations, crystal skull healing, and upgrades within your energy matrix. Merlin offered for you to be initiated or reinitiated into Merlin’s Magic Circle in the New Earth 5th Dimensional Template.

This is a Circle for initiates (students) of Merlin who will be led on the path of accessing one’s own soul magic and healing abilities. Many of you will have studied with Merlin before when on the Earth or in dream time.

We will be learning about Earth Magic, how to change situations in your life with ease, how to heal stuck energies, disease, illness, and transform limited thinking, cancelling looping or repetitive thought form patterning as well as transforming your view points on situations and life.

Ultimately Merlin is offering you a healing path to enlightenment using the Earth elements, sacred symbols, energetic structures, and animal, plant, crystal, and tree magic.

This is an opportunity for you to be able to carry magical symbols, frequencies, and activations within your matrix once again. And to be part of the magic circle mission, activating the great inner Temples of the Earth, as well as energy Portals and Leyline activations.

Merlin will help you to be able to receive and reawaken your own magical gifts tenfold.

He will assist you in remembering the unique abilities that you have trained in and can offer the world at large, and he will assist you with your own soul healing, growth, and the collective Ascension.

Merlin is always a fun but very wise Ascended Master to connect with. His humor is very particular, and he brings great joy and upliftment as well as helpful knowledge for your soul’s progression.

He will support in connecting you more fully into the magical realms of the Elementals, Nature Spirits, Devic Kingdom including crystals, trees, plants, and animals.

In this Retreat, we worked particularly with the Dragon and Raven consciousness in the Samhain Portal to bring inner transformations and to help you step onto the highest timeline your soul is able to access at the moment.

In this Retreat, Merlin assigns you a particular task on behalf of the Merlin Circle, as well as providing you with key soul wisdom and knowledge. This assists you through the great changes that come with the turning of the Celtic Wheel.

As it was the start of the Celtic New Year, the veils between the worlds were thinner, this means it is easier in this Portal for you to access psychic knowledge and information.

Auraengus Manu has been a Merlin student
in many incarnations and again in this incarnation for over two decades. He will be taking you through Group Vortex healing, Merlin Breath Work activities, and healing work with Merlin’s Magical Staff.

All this along with any further knowledge Merlin wished to bring forward on the day.

Alphedia channels Merlin live through the retreat
in guided meditations with sound healing and assists Auraengus in initiating you on behalf of Merlin into the Magic Circle.

You will be met with a magical being guide from the Elemental realm that is your ally for the work you are to do with Merlin in the coming year. You will also be assigned Earth mission tasks as well as knowledge and wisdom about your path ahead.

As you remember and reclaim your Earth Magic abilities as a sorcerer/sorceress. You will remember if you are a healer, a herbalist, an artist, a channel, a seer, a communicator, a transmitter, an anchorer, or any other role that you play within Merlin’s Magic Circle.

Merlin is very connected with the Fae Realm in particular and often is a bridge between the Realms. He will bring you Fae healing with the Royal Faery court this Samhain.

The Ravens at this time of year always come forward as a Spirit Animal to offer their consciousness, to help you with your metamorphosis and inner transformations.

Samhain is a Portal of Rebirth, so you will have the opportunity to shed with Merlin what emotions you no longer wish to be holding onto, and any other life patterns that have been holding you back. You were able to also receive Crystal Attunements and Activations as well.

Come and join us, become part of this exclusive club invited to join Merlin’s Magic Circle!

Auraengus and Alphedia have both individually at times, been asked by Merlin to initiate souls into the Circle but this will be the first collective group invite. As always, you will be deeply supported through this transformational healing.

Channelled Message from Merlin

“Greetings, greetings, greetings
I am Merlin the Wizard, it is with great honor and joy that I come forward.
I come forward to call those of you who feel the call deep within your heart.
To work with my magic, to work within the magic circle with many other Merlins
And to reawaken that inner knowledge of your inner Magical Abilities.
Many of you are indeed Earth Healers, many of you are indeed Seers, many of you are Activators
And many of you are ready now to reclaim all of your Ancient Knowledge and gifts, to be empowered.
I will work on clearing stuck energies from your matrix.
I will work with you in activating the codes and symbols that are lying dormant within you.
You will be gifted a Merlin cloak as well as your own staff of light


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