Dr Rusin – Foundation of FHT


For the first time ever, I’m releasing the exact program I’ve used to successfully bring my clients back from the brink. Back to the body they were proud of, back to the gym, and back to feeling like themselves: It’s called Foundations.Purchase Dr Rusin – Foundation of FHT courses at here with PRICE $99 $37Dr Rusin – Foundation of FHTAFTER 3 LONG YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT,IT’S FINALLY HERE…The 9-week training restart program, that’s helped thousands of people get back on track, build muscle, lose fat, and feel better than they did at their peak.What if you could feel, look, and perform better than you did in college — before jobs, kids, grad school, and injuries started taking their toll on your body?What if you could make more progress in the next 9 weeks than you have in the past 9 months—and do it by training only 3x per week?What if instead of waiting to “start over” again next Monday (or next year), you could start making progress today?For the first time ever, I’m releasing the exact program I’ve used to successfully bring my clients back from the brink. Back to the body they were proud of, back to the gym, and back to feeling like themselves: It’s called Foundations.Foundations was designed specifically for people who have taken a break from training, and want to restart. It’s for people who want to gain muscle, lose fat, and build strength—while learning how to master the foundational movement patterns that will keep their body bulletproof for life.This is a full-body training program that will make you sweat and work, just like you did before life got in the way.You’ll be cursing Dr. John during your workout, but you’ll find you recover quickly and finish your workouts feeling strong and accomplished. (Instead of feeling like your joints hurt and you got the crap kicked out of you.)With Foundations, you’re ensuring your best body is still ahead of you. Even if you’ve been injured before. Even if it’s been awhile since you were in the gym. Even if you’re still working around annoying aches and pains.No more stalled progress. No more “winging it at the gym”. No more waiting for everything to be perfect to make progress.Everyone needs a reset sometimes.Here’s how to do it:If you’ve fallen off the wagon, don’t worry. You’re in good company. EVERYONE has setbacks that jeopardize their health and fitness.It could be long work-hours at a new high-stress job. Or maybe a new baby. Or an old injury flaring up.Oftentimes, it’s a combination of those factors stacked on top of one another…and we get buried underneath and lose all our progress.It’s not fun…but it’s not a death wish either.Over the past 10+ years, I’ve worked with everyone from desk jockey’s to Olympians, and I can tell you this: At some point in their lives, they need a “reset”. A reset that will get them back in the gym and back to moving consistently without pain.That’s when they call me.” At age 58, I’m still able to bench and military press hard on a consistent basis without pain and I’m convinced that the warmup drill from FHT is a big reason why.”Charles Staley, Legendary Strength Coach“For over 6 years I suffered from a shoulder injury that prevented me from going even remotely heavy. In a matter of weeks, utilising Dr. Rusin’s recommendations I was able to get back to pressing without pain.”Christian Thibaudeau, Strength Coach, Founder of thibarmy.com“With FHT I put on pounds of muscle, improved my strength (even on lifts I didn’t do during the phases) and most importantly – I did it all with no pain.”Luka Hocevar, Owner, Vigor Ground Performance