Dr. Karen Kan – Light Warrior Advanced Healing Program


Dr. Karen Kan – Light Warrior Advanced Healing ProgramIt is time to step into your True Self and become the Light Warrior you were destined to be…Have you been “sensitive” all your life and have been ridiculed or misunderstood?Are you drained or debilitated by being around negative people?Do you feel like some invisible force is sabotaging you most of the time?Do you feel anxious and depressed despite doing all the right things?Have you spent a ton of money trying to figure out what’s “wrong” with you to no avail?Do you have dreams of doing something BIG to help the world, but can’t even function in everyday life?How to Become a Light Warrior – Advanced Healing for Indigos, Earth Angels, Starseeds, Empaths, Walk-ins and Hybrids​Dr. Karen KanDr. Karen Kan is a light medicine doctor, bestselling author, and founder of the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method.As a mentor, healer and trainer, she helps highly sensitive people harness their superpowers, express their Soul’s Mission and experience joy in the process.But what she’s really passionate about is helping you shine your light, so together, we can pull the world out of darkness.A little more about me…If you or someone you love is feeling pain and suffering, I can empathize. Not knowing I was an Empath, I suffered from fibromyalgia, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome and was on the verge of killing myself years ago. I didn’t understand that I was a “sensitive” – a person who is highly sensitive to another’s emotions and energies. An empath is someone who absorbs the negative energy around her and automatically tries to transmute it. That was definitely me. I had no idea that I was like a bucket of water with hundreds of holes in it, leaking energy everywhere I went. I also had no idea that I let people “suck” my positive energy to fill themselves.As a young child with a chronically depressed mother, I grew into the role of a caregiver whose mission was to relieve pain and suffering. I didn’t know I’d have to go through it myself in order to learn the Divinely-guided lessons I was missing so I could do my Soul’s Mission. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that I was a Walk-in and that my illness was part of the rocky (in my case) soul exchange process. The new Earth Angel-Starseed soul began “walking in” to my body at the age of 32, but there was still so much mental and emotional baggage left over from my original soul that I was severely stuck (and in pain!). I couldn’t do my soul’s mission because I didn’t know who I was or what I was sent here to do!In working with other “sensitives”, I’ve discovered that all of us experience similar patterns of ill-health and dysfunction. Rarely do I meet a perfectly healthy Empath or Starseed who is accomplishing her soul’s mission unless they have gone through significant trauma and have come out the other side. Usually it takes decades upon decades of personal work.But all that is changing now.The Ascension is considered the natural process of the world elevating its vibration to a higher level. Indigos, Earth Angels, Starseeds, Hybrids, Walk-ins, Empaths and other sensitives are here to anchor and integrate the Ascension and have been incarnated in this lifetime to help Mother Earth heal and prevent catastrophic annihilation of the human species.Sensitives have struggled in a world full of entities, negativity and violence and yet they are the ones responsible for bringing peace. The high vibrational Ascension energies are powerful and because of them, the negative elements are brought to the surface to be cleared and healed. If a sensitive isn’t healthy and grounded, they are sucked into the quagmire of negativity instead of rising above it and helping to transform it. So I have made it my mission to support them in restoring their Light and well-being, and empowering them to accomplish their own Soul’s mission.Even if you don’t know for sure if you’re an Indigo soul, Earth Angel, Starseed, Empath, Walk-in or Hybrid, you can benefit from this program. The ascension process has made everyone more empathetic and thus more sensitive to energy around us. This has caused unsuspecting people to reach for alcohol or mind-numbing substances to “dull” the stressful impact of feeling too much. Children can become belligerent and angry with increasing empathy, not knowing how to shore up their energetic boundaries. Instead of being taught how to clear their energy field, children are put on psychotropic medications to numb their senses and makes them more susceptible to addictions and negative energetic influences like entities.Here are some of the most common issues plaguing sensitives:Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or multiple sclerosisA Widespread body pain that doesn’t respond to either traditional or natural pain relief therapiesPersistent anxiety and depression that defies treatmentFeeling completely drained and exhausted in the morning after waking upSudden episodes of extreme exhaustion for no apparent reasonFeeling alone and isolated because of the challenge of being around other people’s energyNo one understands you and you are sick, miserable and poorAddiction to sugar, caffeine or drugsRecurring self-defeating behavior and self-sabotageAnd what makes things worse is that because you are here to heal the world with your Light and Love, you become a target for sabotaging energies and entities.You might be seeing ghosts and demons but no one believes youYou experience nightmares when you sleep at nightYou might believe you’re cursed (and you very well might be)Normal nice people turn on you as if you’re the DevilYou attract negative people who suck you dry of energyIt feels like the Universe isn’t supporting you because nothing is workingEverything positive you do for yourself is met with great resistanceDoes this sound like you?If it does, how would your life transform if you could:Experience step-by-step profound and deep clearing that removes multiple layers of negative energies holding you back from your dream lifeRestore and optimize all your energy “blueprints” that are in charge of keeping you healthy and happyUnderstand which of the 4 Healing types you are so you can appreciate your unique pathway to healingBecome impervious to negative energy like entities and their weaponsFully embody the fifteen “Selfs” including Self-Love, Self-Esteem, Self-Acceptance and Self-EmpowermentConnect consistently and reliably to Source Creator and be able to discern the best direction to take in any circumstanceElevate the Light Score of your Higher Self and fully align it with SourceUpgrade your “God Team” and guides to the highest and best ones suited to support you in your missionHold healthy boundaries with everyone and everything so that your energy doesn’t leak out and you don’t absorb negativityLight Warrior Evolution:The “best of” Dr. Karen’s Interviews with Top HealersIncludes Healing ActivationsValue: $999Format: MP3Length: 14 x 90 minThese MP3 replays of Dr. Karen Kan’s radio show include some of the best teaching and healing activations for Indigos, Earth Angels, Starseeds, Empaths, Walk-ins and Hybrids:How to become a money magnet with Jenny NgoHow to become a money magnet with Jenny NgoHow to enhance your spiritual gifts with Jenny NgoHow to realign your Assemblage Beam with Tyhson BanighenHow to become spiritually “bulletproof” with Diana KushenbachHow to know if your Higher Self is holding you back with Diana KushenbachHealing activations for Starseeds and Earth Angels with Lottie CooperHealing activations for Empaths with Lottie CooperHealing activations for happy romantic relationships with Lottie CooperHealing activations for authenticity, self-trust and alignment with SourceHealing contracts, curses and vows with Jenny NgoHealing activations for healing addictions with Dr. Karen KanWhat’s your Light Score? with Dr. Karen KanWalk-ins and soul exchanges with Yvonne Perry