
Dr. Jordan Axe – Thyroid University

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Dr. Jordan Axe – Thyroid University
All the Resources to become your own Functional Medicine Doctor!

Your Instructor

Dr. Jordan Axe

Dr. Axe grew up in Troy, Ohio. He graduated with a Bachelors of Science from Excelsior College. He then received his Doctorate of Chiropractic at Life University which has equipped and empowered him to pursue his life mission to improve patients quality of life. As a child, Dr. Axe constantly suffered with ear infections, sinus infections, low energy, and chronic skin conditions.He found out on a first hand basis that being sick drastically lowers your quality of life!
At this early point in his life, Dr. Axe knew very little about the different treatment options available for his conditions; however, like most Americans, he thought the only means of treatment was the traditional medical system. Following the “standard of care,” Dr. Axe was sent to medical specialist after medical specialist with no true answers to his issues. At the age of 14, he ed taking antibiotics for his sinus infections and additional medication for his severe acne. Several months after beginning this regimen, Dr. Axe’s body grew accustomed to those medications, and he was forced to begin taking even stronger meds. Dr. Axe was then diagnosed with eczema and a hypothyroid condition known as Hashimotos Thyroiditis.
The path he was taking of more doctors’ visits and more medications was only making him sicker. Dr. Axe knew he had to figure out another course of action. Through several years of research and drastic lifestyle changes, Dr. Axe is proud to announce that today he is the healthiest he has ever been! He is free of all of his skin conditions, Hashimotos, chronic fatigue, and frequent digestive problems.
It was his own life experience and finally getting to the root of his issues that led Dr. Axe down the path of becoming a functional medicine practitioner. With the memories of the many years of frustration and agony due to his own conditions, Dr. Axe is driven on a daily basis to restore hope to his patients and help them get to the root cause of their issues!

Course Curriculum

Let’s get started!

Navigating the Program (5:13)
Intro to Functional Medicine for the Thyroid
Thyroid Causation Questionnaire

Step 1: Correcting Deficiencies

Add These 5 most common thyroid Deficiencies!
Blood Testing for Deficiencies (1:47)

Step 2: Basic Nutrition (skip if already eat this way)

Healing Foods and Guides

Step 3: Detox: Heavy Metals and General Toxicity

Detox Protocols (5:02)
Toxicity Testing (2:51)

Step 4a: Advanced Thyroid Testing & Treatment

Thyroid Blood Testing (4:29)
Thyroid Protocols (9:32)
Additional Blood Testing (9:06)

Step 4b: Advanced Testing

Complete Testing Website

Step 5a: Gut Healing Diets

Picking Correct Gut Protocol Video (3:19)
Autoimmune Paleo Meal Guide
Low Lectin Diet (1:24)
Gaps Gut Protocol (41:38)
Keto (3:08)

Step 5b: Stool testing and additional protocols

Stool Testing (19:18)
Supplements and Herbs for Gut Healing

Step 6: Balancing Hormones & Rebuilding the Adrenals

Hormone Basics (15:32)
Hormone Treatment (2:33)
Hormone Testing (6:53)

Step 7: Resolving other Hidden Thyroid Causation

Viral Cleanse (2:03)
Mold Testing (3:19)
Liver Gallbladder Flush
Questionnaire to pinpoint additional protocols and causation’s

Education Module

Thyroid Webinar Replay (36:53)
Thyroid Basics
Gut Health

Advanced Therapies

Water Filtration
Circulation Technology

Fitness and Lifestyle

Reducing Stress Naturally
Thinking Positive
Burst Training



(old) Module 1: Nutrition & Gut Healing

Picking Best Diet for Thyroid
Gaps (41:38)
30 Day Nutrition Guide
90 day Nutrition Plan
Keto (3:08)
Low Lectin Diet (new) (1:24)
Need Help?

(old) Module 2: Testing and Supplements

Thyroid Testing (4:29)
Nutrient Testing (1:47)
Gut Testing (17:12)
Hormone and Adrenal Testing (24:58)
Toxicity Testing (2:51)
Gaining Control Blood Sugar and Diabetes

(old) Module 3: Advanced Strategies

Intro Video (2:24)
Thyroid (9:32)
Adrenal Fatigue
Gut treatment and supplements
Detoxing (5:02)
Immune-Gut Chinese Medicine

Comprehensive Blood Work (covered by insurance)

Blood Work Script and Interpretation (9:06)

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].