Dr. Hew Len – Inner Child Meditations from Zero Limits III w/ Brain Entrainment Music


Dr. Hew Len – Inner Child Meditations from Zero Limits III w/ Brain Entrainment MusicInner Child Meditation 1 – Connecting to your subconsciousInner Child Meditation 2 – Clearing and ConnectingInner Child Meditation 3 – Naming Your Inner ChildI’ve set the above 3 meditations to a Brain Sync track from Sacred Ground called Cellular Awakening. It contains a brainwave entrainment background (alpha-theta) intended to release behavior patterns and memories stored at the cellular level. Each track now contains about a 3 minute lead-in and lead-out. 1 and 3 are about 20 min and 2 is about 10 minutes.Dr. Hew Len – meditative Prayer/chant “I Am The I” I also included this track looped repeatedly to the Brain Sync track from Sacred Ground called Cosmic Rain. It contains a brainwave entrainment background (theta) intended to allow you access to deeper realms of insight, intuition, and awareness. This is a 30 minute track including a lead in and out as well.