Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – JGym.IO Live – Dynamic Proxies in Java – 16-17 March 2021


Don’t repeat yourself. The mantra of the effective Java programmer. However, often we need to create similar looking classes for slightly different interfaces in Java. In some cases this can amount to thousands of lines of codePurchase Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – JGym.IO Live – Dynamic Proxies in Java – 16-17 March 2021 courses at here with PRICE $497 $92Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – JGym.IO Live – Dynamic Proxies in Java – 16-17 March 2021Don’t repeat yourself. The mantra of the effective Java programmer. However, often we need to create similar looking classes for slightly different interfaces in Java. In some cases this can amount to thousands of lines of code. In this course, we learn how to use dynamic proxies to create classes dynamically. We show how thousands of lines of similar looking code is transformed into a few dozen, using the techniques in this course. We study four different variants of this pattern: dynamic proxy, dynamic object adapter, dynamic filter and dynamic composite.This course will open your mind to new ways of solving the problem of duplicate code. You will also learn how code can be generated dynamically by frameworks. It covers the material in a book written by the course author, and a PDF is included in the course handouts. The course is also available for self-study or as a booked in-house course.This course includes two live sessions of 4 hours each on the 16th and 17th of March 2021 with Dr Heinz M. Kabutz. Each pattern has exercises to solve. Heinz shows model solutions and is always happy to answer your questions.What you’ll learn – and how you can apply itIntroduction to some of the related patterns: proxy, adapter, decorator and filterHow to write proxies by handHow to create dynamic proxiesHow the adapter, decorator and composite can be created dynamicallyHow the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) interacts with dynamic proxiesHow to match between methods in different classes quickly and efficientlyIn one of our exercise, we will build a complete JDBC driver that we can use for measuring how long each database operation takesHow do these LIVE classes work?Our LIVE classes consist of two 4-hour sessions. They are highly interactive, with exercises, discussions, and walkthroughs of the solutions. Sessions are not recorded. We welcome questions at any time during the live session.Each 4-hour session runs from 7am to 11am Los Angeles Time.Once you enrol in this course, we will sign you up for the webinar. Our system will send you login details. These are personal to you so please do not share them (otherwise you might lose access to the course).LIVE Class Calendar Course Outline0: WelcomeWelcome to the course and overview of what dynamic proxies are and why we should care about them1: Design Patterns CousinsBrief overview of design patterns we will use in the course: Proxy, Adapter, Decorator, Composite, and Chain of Responsibility2: Handcrafted ProxiesDifferent types of proxies: Virtual Proxy, Remote Proxy, Protection proxyCascaded Proxiesequals() in proxiesExercise creating a JDBC driver by hand for monitoring how long database calls take3: Dynamic ProxiesProxy.newProxyInstance()LoggingInvocationHandlerDissecting a Dynamic ProxyRecasted ExceptionsProxies FacadeVirtual Dynamic ProxySynchronized Dynamic ProxyCascading Dynamic ProxiesEnhancedStreamDynamic Proxy RestrictionsPerformanceExercise changing our JDBC driver to use dynamic proxies, thus reducing the amount of code by 30×4: Dynamic DecoratorFiltering for ImmutabilityFilterHandlerVTableChainedInvocationHandlerExercise filtering Queue to remove unwanted methods5: Dynamic Object AdapterBetter CollectionsDynamic Object Adapter RestrictionsPerformanceExercises having fun with singers and rappers, and writing own ChainedInvocationHandler6: Dynamic CompositeMailing ListCompositeHandlerTeeAppendablesAppendableFlushableCloseableComposing Appendable DynamicallyExercise combining the visitor with composite7: ConclusionCourse wrap-up and next stepsPreparationThis training is for intermediate to advanced Java programmersIt is recommended to do the “Design Patterns Deep Dive” LIVE course prior to this classStudents should download and install the exercises found in the Resources chapter of the course materialRecommended ReadingDynamic Proxies in Java by Dr Heinz M. KabutzYour InstructorDr Heinz M. KabutzHeinz Kabutz is the author of The Java Specialists’ Newsletter, a publication enjoyed by tens of thousands of Java experts in over 145 countries. His book “Dynamic Proxies (in German)” was #1 Bestseller on Amazon.de in Fachbücher für Informatik for about five minutes until Amazon fixed their algorithm. Thanks to a supportive mother, he has now sold 5 copies.Heinz’s Java Specialists’ newsletter is filled with amusing anecdotes of life on the Island of Crete. He is a popular speaker at all the best Java conferences around the world, and also at some of the worst. He teaches Java courses in classrooms around the world, where his prime objective is to make absolutely sure that none of his students fall asleep. He is not always successful.Sales PageArchive PagePurchase Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – JGym.IO Live – Dynamic Proxies in Java – 16-17 March 2021 courses at here with PRICE $497 $92