Dr. Dain Heer – Holiday Survival Guide Dec-17 Teleseries


What if that something is greater, more beautiful, easier and more joyful than you could ever imagine? And what if you are that already? Under all that wrapping paper of this reality?Purchase Dr. Dain Heer – Holiday Survival Guide Dec-17 Teleseries courses at here with PRICE $75 $19Dr. Dain Heer – Holiday Survival Guide Dec-17 TeleseriesWelcome to the Holiday Survival Guide with Bonus Holiday Survival ESC!What if there is something beyond both the Bah-Humbug and the Jingle Bells?Translated versions available.  See details below!Duration:  2-part Video Call Series + Holiday Survival ESC (English)Facilitator:  Dr. Dain HeerFormat:  MP4, MP3 & PDF Digital DownloadPre-Requisite:  Access Bars ClassWhat is the Holiday Survival Guide with Dr. Dain Heer?What if that something is greater, more beautiful, easier and more joyful than you could ever imagine? And what if you are that already? Under all that wrapping paper of this reality?Let’s have the holidays be the time of JOY that they actually can be, no matter what is going on for your family; no matter if you have to even go SEE your family or stay with your family during the holidays; or whether you’re alone…and that’s your problem….What if we could get out of the problem, and into the possibility?–Dr. Dain HeerAre you ready to stop suffering the holidays and start taking the lead on creating something different? Come join me!  It’s going to be fun! We’re going to have a good time!  We’re going to debunk a lot of the stuff that’s been going on probably your ENTIRE life, so that we can change this; so that we can start to have the Ease, the Joy, and the Glory that is actually possible EVEN during the holidays.–Dr. Dain Heer Class Deliverables Include:MP4 Video Download (English only)MP3 Digital DownloadsPDF Digital Download (available in some languages).Sale pageDr. Dain Heer, Co-Creator of Access ConsciousnessDr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.Purchase Dr. Dain Heer – Holiday Survival Guide Dec-17 Teleseries courses at here with PRICE $75 $19