Dr. Bryan Walsh – Fat Is Not Your Fault


The program covers the top 10 systems that must be working correctly for optimal weight loss.Format: [1 eBook – PDF, 9 Video – WMV, 1 Audio – MP3]File Size: 103.51 MBPurchase Dr. Bryan Walsh – Fat Is Not Your Fault courses at here with PRICE $297 $70Are Your Clients Struggling To Lose Weight? Maybe It’s Not Your Program, Maybe It’s Their PHYSIOLOGY!In just 2 minutes, the video below will teach you the most important factorfor successful fat loss in all diet and exercise programs.Researchers can now predict who will lose weight and who won’tA recent study was presented at the annual American Diabetes Association conference that anyone trying to lose weight needs to hear. Researchers told the audience that they were able to predict which participants would lose weight, and which wouldn’t, during a low calorie diet. How were they able to do this? Researchers simply tested participants blood prior to the study. By looking at basic blood chemistry markers, researchers could predict which subjects would be destined to fail during the low calorie diet. Even worse, they knew who would regain their weight after the diet was over. This results of this study are clear – how well your client’s body works on the inside will determine how much weight they will lose on your diet and exercise program.The one critical factor missing from almost ALL diet and exercise programsNo one would argue that following a good diet and exercise program is necessary for weight loss. What is not talked about however, is the fact that your client’s physiology dictates how well a your diet and exercise program will work for them. In other words, how well their body works on the inside determines how well your diet and exercise program will work for them on the outside. To put it even more simply, the better and healthier they are on the inside, the easier it is for them to lose weight following your a diet and exercise program. Take a look at the videos below and I’ll show you what I mean.The Story of Two Identical TwinsImagine two genetically identical twins who do everything together. They eat the exact same diet, follow the exact same exercise program and live the exact same lives. Everything is literally the same – calories, workouts, sleep – but one of the twins has a problem with their physiology, like maybe their thyroid gland. Which one will have a harder time losing weight? Obviously the one with the imbalance. But it doesn’t just have to be the thyroid, it could be a hormone imbalance, digestive issue, neurotransmitter imbalance, blood sugar issue, toxicity exposure or more. The better your client’s body works on the inside, the better results they’ll get from your diet and exercise program on the outside.The world doesn’t need another diet bookAt last count, there are over 20,000 diet books on Amazon.com. There is obviously no shortage of information and to be honest, most of the information in diet books is simply repackaged information with a few new gimmicks to make it seem fresh and unique. But even with all those diet books people are having a harder time losing weight than ever before. Maybe it is not your diet and exercise program that is not working, maybe it’s them.Fat Is Not Your Fault was discovered by accidentI’ll be honest, it wasn’t that long ago that I believed a good diet and exercise program was all anyone needed to lose weight. But then in my practice seeing patients, I started to notice something. My wife and I run a natural medicine practice and patients come to us for help with their migraines, hormone imbalances, digestive complains, skin issues, diabetes, high cholesterol and more. We know the value of losing weight, but rarely start people with a diet and exercise program. Instead, we’re more interested in correcting their physiology. And you know what we found? Almost every time we fix someone’s physiology, they lose weight without following a weight loss program. Sometimes it’s only a couple pounds while other times patients may lose as many as 10 or 15 pound in a month. Not by going on a diet or exercise program, but by correcting their physiology. This is when I realized our physiology has a larger impact on weight loss than diet and exercise alone. And that is how Fat Is Not Your Fault was born – watching people lose weight simply by fixing their physiology.When it comes to weight loss, there are no quick-fixes, magic supplements, or “Secrets your doctor doesn’t want you to know about”If you are interested in a fast way to help your clients shed a few pounds, you might want to look somewhere else. This information will not teach you the latest weight-loss gimmick, repackaged fat-loss routine, or “secret” to help them lose weight, because there aren’t any. The truth is, there are no secrets to fat loss. To lose weight you must eat right, exercise and make sure your physiology is working correctly. If any of those are missing, weight loss is a lot more difficult. The information in Fat Is Not Your Fault is for trainers interested in bringing their business and their clients to the next level.This program is for trainers who want to learn more about the body and take their training to the next level.If you are dedicated to learning as much as you can about the human body and the underlying reasons your clients might not be losing weight, you have come to the right place. In fact you have come to the only place – you’d have to spend countless hours and potentially read hundreds of books and websites to find all the information contained here. I have spend years, countless hours, thousands of dollars and endless research putting this information together. There is truly no cap in how valuable this information can be to you.What Is Included In The Fat Is Not Your Fault ProgramMaterialsFat Loss Resistance Assessment Form (PDF) and Interpretation Guide (mp3): The Fat Loss Resistance Assessment Form is a detailed system-by-system questionnaire to help you determine what physiological imbalances in you are the highest priority. It also includes a chart to help you visually see which systems in you are the highest priority, and which are probably working well. The Audio Interpretation guide walks you step-by-step through each section of the questionnaire so that you can fully understand how to evaluate the results.Discover The Hidden Factors Keeping Client’s From Burning FatThe truth is, there are many factors why a person can’t burn fat like someone else. It has just as much to do with a person’s physiology as much as it does diet and exercise, and perhaps more so. This is why two people can follow the exact same diet and exercise program, but achieve completely different results. If you’re looking for fad weight loss program that is going to transform your client’s body overnight, you probably want to look somewhere else. Don’t expect Fat Is Not Your Fault to be a quick-fix weight loss program or some “secret” diet that is so-called “guaranteed” to burn fat fast. That’s not what I’m offering and quite frankly, it wouldn’t work because most fad diets and exercise programs are nothing but hype designed to get your money and your client’s time. I’ll be honest, the information in Fat Is Not Your Fault is the missing link in the weight loss industry.Bonus Material! How To Interpret Your Blood ChemistryThis bonus material alone is easily worth the cost of the course. In the “How To Interpret Your Blood Chemistry” manual and video, you will learn:Why the standard laboratory reference range on blood work is great for assessing disease, but useless at evaluating healthOptimal Reference Ranges and why they are superior at showing you how healthy you are todayWhere to get your own, inexpensive blood work (in the US) without needing to go to a doctor. You order the test and you get the results.*And most importantly:I walk you through, step-by-step, how to evaluate your blood chemistry results for possible blood sugar issues, thyroid issues, adrenal gland dysfunction, oxygen deliverability issues, and digestive issues – all which can negatively impact weight loss.Salepage: http://fatisnotyourfault.com/Archive: https://archive.ph/cZIadPurchase Dr. Bryan Walsh – Fat Is Not Your Fault courses at here with PRICE $297 $70