Dr Ajay Shesh – Life Champions Ecosystem Masterminds


Dr Ajay Shesh – Life Champions Ecosystem MastermindsYour InstructorAjay SheshCourse CurriculumLife Champions [Inner Circle Weekly Mastermind Sessions]Webinar Recording (173:35)Session 1 – Welcome and Ground Rules, 7 Horses of Business (83:12)Session 2 – Life Arenas, Goals and Daily Schedule (110:12)Session 3 – Your Business is a Reflection of You [Personal Branding] (146:43)Session 4 – Customer Segments and Marketing Ideas (109:45)Session 5 – Evolution of Human Business and Magic Number (61:32)Session 6 – Business Model Selection and Customer Database Creation (59:27)Session 7 – 28 Reasons why customers pay us (105:48)Session 8 – From Pain to Pleasure [Mission] (133:13)Session 9 – Means and Ends Goals (115:29)Session 10 – Q&A – Challenges of Entrepreneurship (152:55)Session 11 – Payment [Dues] Collection System and Mindset (151:39)Session 12 – Fund Raising for SMEs – with CA Haresh Desar (156:09)Session 13 – Short & Long Term Profit and Loss Calculation (119:18)Session 14 – Cashflow Quadrant and Your Business (243:57)Session 15 – Present Status – Mirror – of Company Finances (161:18)Session 16 – Business and Personal Money Management Part 1 (148:59)Session 17 – Business and Personal Money Management Part 2 (124:14)Session 18 – Marketing Basics and 100 day Plan (129:43)Session 19 – 100 Day Marketing Plan and Video (141:28)Session 20 – Marketing and Blue Ocean Strategy (131:23)Session 21 – Team Tracking Issues and New Announcements (131:00)Session 22 – Business Systems Mindset and Sales Funnel (137:19)Session 23 – Zero Budget Marketing with Kedar Bhole (139:31)Session 24 – More Marketing Ideas and Hotseat (140:41)Session 25 – Marketing Plan and Schedule (146:38)Session 26 – Marketing Budgets and ROI (130:17)Session 27 – High Ticket Sales (105:41)Session 28 – High Ticket Product Creation (118:39)Session 29 – High Ticket Product Marketing and Sale – Part 3 (144:07)Session 30 – Implementation and Success Targets Plan (147:37)Session 31 – Review of Clockwork Assignments (152:11)Session 32 – My Deam-100 Sources (142:54)Session 33 – Power Words and Switch Words (126:25)Session 34 – Small Inventory Management [1] (130:57)Session 35 – Small Inventory Management [2] (145:20)Session 36 – Financial Investment & Management – Gajendra Kothari (198:18)Session 37 – Stock and Inventory Management Part 3 (116:20)Session 38- Inventory and Management Software (142:26)Session-39 Software and Operations Management (137:12)Session 40 – Team Meetings Management (150:19)Session 41 – Team and Meetings Management (144:52)Session 42 – Company Meetings Management (141:17)Session 43 – Team Training and Transparency (114:02)Session 44 – Team Growth and Incentive planning Part 1 (122:53)Session 45 – Team Growth and Incentive Planning Part 2 (135:01)SESSION 46 – TEAM INCENTIVE PLANS AND ACTIONS (138:12)Session 47 – HR Dept – Job Description and Job Specification (133:24)SESSION 48 – LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF H.R. (131:44)SESSION 49: HIRING AND DEVELOPING YOUR TEAM (141:33)Session 50 – From Personal Leadership to Business Leadership (144:40)Session 51 – Principles of Delegation (129:29)Session 52 – Change and System Execution Management (133:11)SESSION 53 – MARKETING BASICS AND MINDSET (135:16)SESSION 54 -CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE AND DATA USAGE (141:21)SESSION 55 – CASE STUDIES ON DATA COLLECTION (142:09)SESSION 56 – FIRST STEPS OF BUSINESS DIGITALIZATION (149:29)Session 57 – Case Presentation on Data Collection and Engagement (138:20)SESSION 58 – Google Lead Forms Training and Discussion (136:45)Session 59 – MANAGEMENT MEETINGS AND CONTRACTUAL ISSUES (132:38)SESSION 60 – SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE INSTALLATION MINDSET (136:06)SESSION-61_ IMPLEMENTATION OF LEARNINGS (141:33)SESSION-62_ UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH (149:28)SESSION-63 – HR AND IMPLEMENTATION MANAGEMENT (121:53)SSS-1 _ ENTREPRENEUR HEALTH – DR. SHILPA TOTLA (128:00)SSS-2 _ GOVERNMENT KNOWS EVERYTHING – CA GAURAV AGRAWAL (112:47)SSS-3 _ ESSENTIALS OF AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS – ADV. HN KHARE (127:49)SESSION 64 – IMPLEMENTATION OF 7 HORSES OF BUSINESS (132:42)SESSION 65 – DIGITAL LAUNCHING OF ONLINE BUSINESS (137:59)SSS-4 – Shop to Business – a Digital Journey – Shyam Kumar (146:21)SSS 5: LINKED-IN FOR ENTREPRENEURS – DR. RISHI ACHARYA (103:38)SESSION 66 – STRTATEGY SHEET IMPLEMENTATION MINDSET (133:33)SESSION 67 – SWOT AND R1 MINDSET OF STRATEGY SHEET (145:07)Q&A-1 – HOW TO IDENTIFY AND SEARCH YOUR CUSTOMERS (136:17)SESSION 68 – MTS AWARENESS AND OPPORTUNITY MAPPING (142:10)SSS 6 – MEDITATION FOR ENTREPRENEURS – DR SHILPA TOTLA (129:21)SSS 7 – Ganesha Decoded – Dr Rishi Acharya (101:20)SESSION 70 – SEVEN HORSES, SYSTEMS AND QBR REVISITED (133:05)SESSION 71 – DELEGATION ISSUES AND LCE MARKETING PLUS (146:16)SESSION 72 – G-MAIL AUTOMATION PART 1 – DR. RISHI ACHARYA (159:57)SSS 8_ CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS – LED BY ADV HN KHARE (127:25)SSS-9 GIFT TAX RELATED ISSUES – CA GAURAV AGRAWAL (93:53)SESSION 73 – G-MAIL AUTOMATION PART 2 – DR. RISHI ACHARYA (146:06)Session 74 – Mastermind – Wealth and Freedom in Life and Business (134:21)SSS-10 _ INVESTMENT GUIDANCE FROM GAJENDRA KOTHARI (130:42)SESSION 75 – MONITORING THE 7 HORSES OF BUSINESS (139:46)SESSION 76 – G-MAIL AND PERSONAL TASK AUTOMATION – DR. R. ACHARYA (147:34)SSS-11 – GUIDE TO OBTAIN FINANCE TO GROW 10X – CA GAURAV AGRAWAL (139:12)SSS 12 – PERSONALITY & PRESENTATION SKILLS – PREETI THAKUR (120:30)SESSION 77 – GOOGLE CALENDER AND TASK MANAGEMENT – DR. R. ACHARYA (147:35)SESSION 78 – SOP WRITING PROCESS PART 1 (144:23)SESSION 79 – SOP WRITING PROCESS PART 2 (140:40)SSS 13 – Removing Hesitation and Team Interviews- PREETI THAKUR (111:50)SESSION 80 – SOP AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT PART 3 (115:28)SESSION 81_ INTRODUCTION OF UPLIFTMENT ASSURED PROGRAM (181:14)Session 82: Google Drive Usage by Dr Rishi Acharya (149:28)Session 83 – Google Drive Part 2 by Dr. Rishi Acharya (148:45)SSS-14 BODY CLEANSING HEALTH TOPIC RART 1 BY DR. SHILPA (106:57)SESSION 84 – OPEN QUESTION AND ANSWER DAY PART 1 (128:09)SSS 15 – COMMON ENGLISH MISTAKES AND SELF INTRODUCTION – MRS PREETI THAKUR (132:55)SESSION 85 – OPEN QUESTION AND ANSWER DAY PART 2 (124:39)SESSION 86 – GOOGLE DRIVE PART 3 – DR. RISHI ACHARYA (129:55)SSS-16 DISCUSSION ON BUDGET 2022 – CA GAURAV AGRAWAL (121:56)SESSION 87 – GOOGLE FORMS PART 1 – PROF RISHI ACHARYA (142:14)SESSION 88 – GOOGLE FORMS FOR SME – PART 2 BY DR RISHI ACHARYA (141:05)SESSION 89 – GOOGLE FORMS PART 3 – BY DR RISHI ACHARYA (138:33)SSS-17 – 15 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YEAR END – CA GAURAV AGRAWAL (120:46)SESSION 90 – CRUCIAL ENTREPRENEUR THOUGHT HABITS FOR AUTOMATION (149:03)SESSION 91 – MINDSET AND STRATEGY FOR FUTURE BUSINESS (157:58)SESSION 92 – BRANDING CONCEPTS (143:47)SESSION 93 – SOP SYSTEMS AND Q&A (130:24)SSS 18 – SOP SYSTEMS AND Q&A (141:58)SESSION 94 – MAR 31 – GOOGLE CLASSROOM – DR. RISHI ACHARYA (152:48)SESSION 95 – APR 7 – GOOGLE CLASSROOM & MONTHLY MEETINGS – DR. ACHARYA (133:07)SSS-20 – APR10 – INSIGHTS ON TDS AND TCS – CA GAURAV (141:06)Session 96_-_Digital_Marketing_and_Your_Business (163:42)SSS 21 – BUSINESS SUCCESS WITH BAHAUDDIN AHMAD (139:09)SESSION 97 – YOUR DIGITAL MARKETING TEAM (169:19)SESSION 98 – WEBSITE ESSENTIALS – DOMAIN NAMES AND HOSTING – RISHI ACHARYA (153:09)SSS 22- FULL BIZ MANAGEMENT WITH TALLY PRIME – VISHNU SARDA (133:28)SESSION 99 – HR POLICY FOR SME – PART 1 (129:34)SESSION 100 – HR POLICY FOR SME – PART 2 (160:54)SESSION 101 HR POLICY – PART 3 -PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (151:14)SSS23 – HR POLICY – Q&A WITH ADV. H.R. KHARE (139:55)SESSION 102: HR POLICY PART 4 WITH DR. AJAY SHESH (143:25)SSS 24 – ETIQUETTE OF EATING OUT – MRS PREETI THAKUR (133:14)SESSION 103: PROCUREMENT FUNCTION – ADV. H R KHARE (112:43)SSS 25 – CASH TRANSACTION RULES – BY CA GAURAV AGRAWAL (136:33)SESSION 104 – Q&A SESSION ON CASH AND HR (104:47)SSS 26 – IS UNHAPPINESS KILLING YOU – DR. AJAY SHESH (136:45)SESSION 105 – BUSINESS WEBSITE AUTOMATION PART 1 (129:58)SESSION 106 – PLAN YOUR WEB DESIGN STEP BY STEP (141:45)SESSION 107 – WEBSITE COLOUR AND LOGO CONCEPTS (134:29)SESSION 108 – WEBSITE AUDIT – DR. RISHI ACHARYA (168:37)SSS 27 – ENTREPRENEUR DRESS SENSE – PREETI THAKUR (113:52)SESSION 109 – MARKETING AUDIT (123:57)SESSION 110 – VIDEO AND WEBSITE MARKETING (171:08)SSS 28 – BUSINESS SUTRA FROM SHIVA (124:05)SESSION 111 – VIDEO CREATION TUTORIAL (141:34)SESSION 112 – BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTS AUDIT (138:16)SESSION 114 – EXPENSES TRACKING (140:42)