[Download] The Selling Family – Amazon Boot Camp V4.0 (2021)


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The Selling Family – Amazon Boot Camp V4.0 Download

People Are Shopping On Amazon For Convenience Not Price

Remember, I was mentioning the question I hear the most “Why would someone EVER pay more on Amazon then they could get it somewhere else?”

With the example of the deodorant above, can you see how this actually happens in day to day life?

Most people are not looking all over town for the best price.  They are simply looking for the convenience of being able to look the item up on their phone and have it delivered to their house before they get home from work the next day.

Even though that deodorant could easily be found at Big Lots locally, many people may have no idea that it’s there.  But, there are still LOTS of people looking online for it.

And that is where you and this Amazon FBA business opportunity come in.

You see, Amazon NEEDS you to find those treasures and add them to the Amazon marketplace so that people from all of the world can easily find and buy them.

It is because of 3rd party sellers like YOU and ME that Amazon gets to actually be the “Everything Store”.

This is exactly what makes the Retail Arbitrage business model work so well with the Amazon FBA Program! You get to bring the products people are looking for to the Amazon marketplace and make a profit while doing so.

And the best part: Amazon will do all of the packing and shipping for you!


I’ll show you exactly how to create a full-time income from home buying products locally (and online) by reselling them for a profit on Amazon, using the FBA program!

I’ve used this EXACT method of Retail Arbitrage to earn 6-Figures in profit since my very first year selling on Amazon full-time…

Finally! You’ll be able to build a full-time income buying products locally and online, while using the Amazon FBA system to do the grunt work.

And I’ll show how to do it step-by-step in this Amazon Boot Camp training course.

“Can’t I Just Figure This All Out On My Own?!?”

Before I get into the details of all of the things covered in the Amazon Boot Camp, let’s just take care of the ‘elephant in the room’.

We see this asked all over the internet “Why should I take a course when I can just watch YouTube to find the answer?”

And guess what, I LOVE using YouTube to learn all kinds of things.  I watch videos to figure out how to change broken sprinkler heads, how to set up lighting in my office and so much more.

When I have a quick question I just ask Google…and I can usually get an answer.  Sometimes on the first try and sometimes it takes me a few videos or posts to find exactly what I was looking for.

The problem with relying on free information for something as important as building your Amazon FBA business from the ground up is that you end up getting information from a bunch of different sources.  Each person is going to give you a slightly different answer.

So you spend your precious time trying to decipher who to follow and weed out the old outdated information.

And I’ll just let you know right now, a lot of these people have JUST started their own businesses.  Or, they have already moved on to the next best thing.

And the biggest thing, if you don’t know the questions to ask, you never find the right answer.

Oh, and don’t forget all of that wasted time!  Each video/post you read will have a bunch of extra information and fluff.

In the Amazon Boot Camp the videos are as short as they can be to get you moving along.  No introductions and calls to actions.  Just straight to the point detailed instructions.

Over 5,000 people have gone through my Amazon Boot Camp course to help them start their own Amazon FBA business.  You are in good company!  With this being the 4th iteration of the course, you are getting the most current information available.

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