[Download] The Profit House – Lead Broker Master (2021)


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The Profit House – Lead Broker Master Download

EVERYTHING you need to know to get started making money on your OWN….
Learn the skills you need
To be your own boss and live a true life full of freedom and prosperity!

But Wait… TODAY I am going to extend you a unique opportunity to gain access to my full training. I go more in-depth and this is where you will LEARN ALL OF MY INSIDE SECRETS so you can start and scale fast!

My students say this course is worth $10,000’s to $100,000’s
Here’s what they are saying about my course and The Profit House…

Full Lead Broker Mastery Course

Module 1 – 2: How to set up your lead broker business
Module 3: Understanding different Verticals and Media types
Module 4: Choosing a vertical to sell calls in
​Module 5: Identifying lead Generators and Lead Buyers within your chosen vertical
​Module 6: Setting up your business website
​Module 7: Setting up social accounts & finding your lead generator and buyers on social
​Module 8: Learning the industry language, and understanding when to use it
​Module 9: Setting up your systems and turning your cash cow engine on

Fast Track Program

Extended: Live Recorded Coaching through the entire course, and I share some additional value packed bonus stuff there.
Extended Training: Real-time questions from real students and real-time answers from me live on recorded sessions.
​Private Facebook Group: Access to FB group and freedom to deals together.
​Templates: My Top Templates – Get agreements, contracts, invoice orders, and more so you can spend time making deals.
​Extended Training: Mindset secrets – learn how to train your brain to be wired for success in lead brokering.

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