[Download] SiegeLearn – Content Marketing Course (2021)


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SiegeLearn – Content Marketing Course Download

Level up Your SEO Knowledge.

Without needing to invest in expensive tools. Feel confident evaluating searches to better understand why Google surfaces content.

Write Templates That Actually Get Read.

No more sending and waiting for a response. Our outreach templates achieve a 20% or better open rate on average.

Prospect More Efficiently.

Stop the spray and pray approach to outreach. We’ve cut down vetting time to seconds per website so you send higher quality pitches.

Get Content Ranking Faster.

Unsure where to start with keyword research? Done your homework but nothing is ranking? Follow our tips for more traffic.

What You Get:

The Full Course

  • What is Link Building?
  • What Makes Something Linkable?
  • Improving Outreach with AIDA
  • Subject Lines That Get 20%+ Open Rates
  • Make or Break Outreach Details
  • 4 Tried and Tested Prospecting Methods
  • How to Vet a Prospect in Seconds
  • How to Find an Email When it Gets Hard
  • 4 Advanced Prospecting Techniques
  • How to Get the Huffington Post, Fast Company and More to Cover You
  • How to Get Influencers and Bloggers to Cover You
  • How to Conduct Broken Link Building (BLB)
  • Common Scenarios and Follow Ups
  • Leveraging Reddit for Links and Traffic
  • How to Track and Report On Links
  • Learning from Failed Outreach


  • How to Brainstorm Ideas
  • How to Brainstorm Link Driven Content
  • How to Brainstorm Search Driven Content
  • Using Social Proof to Validate Good Ideas
  • Determining an Outreach Market for Link-Driven Assets
  • How to Choose a Content Format
  • Design Best Practices For All Content Needs
  • Listicle Creation Best Practices
  • SEO Driven Article Best Practices
  • Infographics for Link Building Best Practices
  • Long-form Content Best Practices
  • Survey Content Best Practices
  • Best Practices for Interactives
  • Photography for Content Marketing
  • Video Tips for SEO


  • Must-Know SEO Terms for Content Marketers
  • Beginner Keyword Research for Content Marketers
  • How to Optimize Without Keyword Stuffing
  • Ranking Factors You Should Know
  • Can I Rank For This?
  • How SERPs Can Inform Your Content
  • How to Rank for “How-to” Keywords
  • How to Rank for “Ideas” Keywords
  • How to Rank for “Quotes” Keywords
  • How to Rank for “Best” Keywords
  • Single Page SEO Auditing for a Content Marketer
  • How to Use SEO & Content to Increase Traffic
  • How to Grow Without Ever Going Viral

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