[Download] Ryan Lee – Niche Association Workshop (Update) (2021)


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About the course: 

Your Step-by-Step Blueprint to Create Recurring Revenue with a Niche Association.. In One Day!

For the first time, you’ll get the roadmap on exactly how to do it yourself… in ANY market

No need to spend 6 months going through a $2,000.00 course or $20,000.00 coaching program.

The Niche Association™ training is a jam-packed one day, 100% fluff-free intensive workshop that’ll deliver my unbeatable, 22+ years of proven track record of recurring revenue success… and hand it to you on a silver platter.

Here’s just a few of breakthroughs you’ll have during this one-time only LIVE workshop…

The simple 2-step formula to create the perfect name for your association.. one that’ll stand out from the pack!

How to have unlimited content.. for FREE.. without writing a single word (and discover the perfect amount to deliver)

How to create an entire line of backend, revenue-generating products without lifting a finger. This software does it all for you.

The #1 way to bring in new members… for FREE

How to have the biggest influencers in your space lining up to work with you!

How to create a 6-figure payday in 48-hours.

Do you need a board of advisors? The truth about this tricky subject.

The biggest difference between a membership site and a niche association (and why the association crushes it!)

3 ways to double your membership conversion

The #1 secret to increase retention by almost 90% – and none of your competitors are doing this

Which software is right for your niche association (and which to avoid like the plague!)

And SO MUCH more…

The “Top-Secret” Association Benefit

Here’s something almost never talked about in “marketing” circles.. and that’s building a business that feels good deep down in your soul.

A niche association is something you’re proud of. Something you can share with pride to your friends and family on social media. Something you’d – gulp! – actually wear on a t-shirt.

When you have a business that lights you up, everything becomes effortless.

Why not build a business that serves others AND makes you feel ah-maz-ing?

Will it Work in Your Market?

The answer is YES!

Did you know there are associations serving local, national and International markets?

And every niche is addressed.. from professions (fitness pros, accountants, coaches, attorneys, teachers, etc.) to hobbies (knitting, card collectors, gardening, book lovers, etc.) to groups (moms, dads, military veterans, retired, etc.)

But here’s the best part.. there’s opportunity in EVERY market – no matter how niched.

In fact, the more niched – the better!

However, the faster you move, the quicker your association (and revenue) will grow.

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