[Download] PitchBolt (2021)


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PitchBolt – Launch Date 12 December 2019 Download

Now your customers can Host beautiful live webinars with presentations, video conferencing, interaction features, analytics and integrations, create on-demand webinars that run on autopilot, and host reliable video meetings.

PitchBot also helps your customers  design professional presentations in seconds using the world’s first slide design platform powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Distance is no longer a barrier as you can make your presentations to thousands of people without having to travel miles. Pitchbolt events with its multiplexing feature enable you make presentations with video & audio as if you are in the same location with your audience. Viewers can ask questions in real-time without interruptions.

Not only can they do video conferencing, our software also uses an algorithm to arrange your content without the need of human intervention.

The system analyzes your content and makes optimized decisions in order to design your presentation slides

  • Pitchbolt saves time required to organize your presentation – creating slides, searching for images, finding best design and color for your project.
  •  Your  presentations are automatically generated using Pitchbolt’s AI powered slide generator to create slides from it’s beautifully designed themes & add images to each slide matching its content. Users can also make adjustments usings the Pitchbolt Editor tool.
  • Pitchbolt  presentations are pure html which makes the total size of presentation less than 1mb this means users will stream webinars seamlessly in realtime no matter there internet  connection speed with no lag!
  • Pitchbolt saves time required to organize your presentation – creating slides, searching for images, finding best design and color for your project.
  •  Your  presentations are automatically generated using Pitchbolt’s AI powered slide generator to create slides from it’s beautifully designed themes & add images to each slide matching its content. Users can also make adjustments usings the Pitchbolt Editor tool.

Pitchbolt also has an built in feature that allows users to conduct polls on real-time while presenting their projects. CEOs CMOs, & Sales Reps can now make presentations to hundreds of people about their products and services and instantly get feedback without sending questionnaires, emails or hire an agency to conduct polls.

This is a very effective way to get quality feedback from target audience or prospective clients – reducing cost and time spent conducting traditional market survey.

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