[Download] Mike Koenigs & Ed Rush – Consult and Profit (2021)


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Get Now Consult and Profit By Mike Koenigs & Ed Rush. Download This Course For Cheap Price…

Here Is What You Will Learn Right Now On This Incredible Free Training Webcast

NOTE: the replay has a “scroll bar” at the bottom, so you can just go ahead and fast forward to any part below that interests you. (You’re welcome!)


  • 13:20 – Ed shows you the key mindset hack to finding new clients now.
  • 14:35 – Ed shows you perfect system for closing new deals (and it requires no “selling” at all).
  • 19:30 – Together we show you how one student launched her consulting biz from scratch into a $10k deal, then within a year had 6-figure business. (Oh…and she never even intended to become a consultant).
  • 24:30 – Ed shows you the 5 best business models to start or grow this year. (These are based on real deals have come in over the last 36 months).
  • 26:50 – We show you a case study of a former high school principal who is consistently closing deals between $5,000 and $35,000.
  • 30:05 – Ed demonstrates the fastest way to make an extra $10,000 right now.
  • 32:00 – Mike conducts a live demo of the new “6 Figure Text Message” System that’s been responsible for $8k, $18k, $29k, and $70k deals.
  • 39:00 – Ed taught word-for-word the 8 words that automatically close deals (and he’ll show you how to do it without sounding pitchy, salesy, or hypey).
  • 40:45 – Ed unveils the brand new “Yes Before the Yes” Technique that flat out guarantees you’ll close more deals for more money.
  • 43:35 – Ed shows you the 8 key things you need in your consulting toolkit. (NOTE: you need all 8 to get paid what you’re worth.)
  • 45:00 – Ed shows you 5 sure-fire ways to get customers and clients to come to you. (In other words, you can say goodbye to pointless cold calling, prospecting, and “networking” lunches.)
  • 47:05 – Ed breaks down the 6 key Consulting Pricing Models so you know exactly what to charge on your next deal.
  • 49:45 – Ed tells you how to answer the question, “So what do you do?” (Admit it…you wish you had a better way to answer this one.)
  • 58:25 – Ed explains the difference between a coach, consultant, and advisor…and how you can easily ascend this ladder to get people to pay you for your ideas (instead of your time).
  • 1:02:30 – Ed shows you the copy-and-paste scripts you absolutely need in your marketing arsenal. (You also need these on your hard drive…ok…we’ll explain!) …


1:14:00 – Ed walks through the ground-breaking / done-for-you material inside of the “Proposal Toolkit” – a system that contains everything you need to set up and profit from a consulting business…even if you’ve never consulted before.

1:27:50 – Ed unpacked a new system we are teaching called “Money Phone” that’s already responsible for 6-figures in deals!


1:32:00 – Ed and Mike revealed the MOAB – the “Mother of All Bonuses” – a chance to come in and work with Mike and Ed in a small group (i.e. 15 or less) here in San Diego. Crazy good bonus. Crazy good.

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