[Download] Menekse Stewar-The SEO Bundle (2022)


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About the course: 

The internet is run by search engines.
We wouldn’t be able to find whatever we want or need on the internet without them.

And, whether you realize it or not, whether you have a website or an online business, you use and rely on them on a daily basis.


Search is at the heart of helping potential buyers find your products and services, whether it’s Google (and other search engines), Pinterest, YouTube, marketplaces, or your website’s own search function.


You can either do a poor job of searching or a good job of searching. In any case, search marketing is a necessary aspect of your business – it’s how the internet works.


Intrigued? Continue reading, my friend!

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What is SEO and why should you be concerned about it?

I love analogies, and my two favorites often help people get really enthusiastic about the why of SEO – because once you understand the why, taking regular action becomes a lot easier! I alluded at things before, but here’s a full explanation…



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