[Download] Lucy Johnson – High Ticket Coaching Academy (2021)


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About the course: 

How do you know it will work for me specifically?

This answer is going to be a mixture of logic and a “mindset” answer (because it’s really just your own limiting beliefs about what you’re capable of making you ask that question)

Firstly, the marketing and sales system we will help you implement into your business is EXACTLY what we use ourselves. So you know it works already because you can see how many clients we’ve got and it’s also attracted YOU in to watch our online training or book a call with us. If its worked “on you” how could it not work “for you”?

Secondly, we’ve coached over 3000 people in all different coaching programs for over 10 years in 350 different types of industries and professions. We can’t list them all as it would fill the whole page but ask yourself this….

Are the doubts you have about it working for you, even though you can see all the success stories above, coming from your own limiting beliefs because you’ve failed in the past or you’ve never had a decent income before? The fear and doubt is coming from the fact you’ve not managed it before now. Let me tell you this – That’s NOT because theres anything wrong with you. It’s because you haven’t used the right tried and tested system with the right support to implement it before. Does it make sense to you to base the likelihood of your future success on what has happened in the past if you’re going to have world class coaching and support from us to make it happen this time around?

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