[Download] Kyle Roof – On Page SEO Course (2021)


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Kyle Roof – On Page SEO Course Download

The solutions to your SEO headaches!

I’ve tried everything and my page ranking still sucks.

It’s probable that you think your page is optimized well, but in actual fact you’re way off! Did you know that most pages are not over optimized or under optimized, but in fact they are both!

Kyle will show you how to easily identify the areas where your page is not optimized well and how making some simple fixes can quickly effect ranking position.

My page doesn’t rank for many keywords

Let’s face it, SEO is not about rankings, rankings are vanity metrics, quality traffic growth is what wins at the end of the day and there is 2 ways to go about this, one is rankings, the other is by increasing the number of terms your page ranks for. This is often a far easier way to grow your traffic but is overlooked because until now you haven’t had the right method to achieve this.

Kyle will teach you his method on how to boost the breadth of ranking terms to your page, quickly and painlessly using clusters, LSI, silos and more.

I feel like I’m flailing around without a clear strategy of what I should be doing

This is a common problem for many SEOs, it becomes a game of trial and error, and without the luxury of single variable testing, you end up lost in a sea of unknowns, not knowing what worked, what had no effect and what may have sent rankings into a dive.

SEO is never a one size fits all solution and treating it that way is the best way to ensure you never conquer your SERP. Each keyword, each page in each location lives in its own unique competitive environment. Understanding this, and using this knowledge to create your own custom blueprint is what Kyle will teach to give you clarity and break you out of the endless cycle of trial and error SEO.

I spend way too much time and money on link building

One of the best things about conquering your on page SEO using Kyle’s method is that it can drastically reduce the quantity of links needed to rank your page. In one example, an SEO competition Kyle entered for the term ‘Rhinoplasty Plano’, Kyle’s site, which ranked position 1 for nearly 3 months (before it was de-indexed by Google. That’s another story), had only 2 links pointing to it, while the site in position 2 had well over 100. Think about it, this gives you a huge advantage and can save you a ton of time and money.

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