[Download] Josh Spark – Agency Appointments On Demand Masterclass (2021)


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Josh Spark – Agency Appointments On-Demand Masterclass Download

How to Generate 50+ Appointments A Month On Autopilot With This Secret New Ad Strategy While only spending $5/day and without using complicated case study funnels

Here’s What You Will Learn

Everything you need in order to launch your first (or next) ad campaign to bring in 50+ agency appointments for less than $5 each

  • The secret targeting technique that allows us to get “unheard of” results from day one
  • Our Proven Ad Copy and creative templates that generate INSANELY low CPC’s
  • Our Plug-in-play Website funnel converts at 25% from link click to Appointment

About Josh Sparks

After years of trying to scale my agency with traditional appointment setting techniques…

I quickly realized that there had to be a better way

And after spending thousands of dollars on paid advertising, I finally cracked the code

Now we ONLY use paid traffic to book appointments

with QUALIFIED business owners that are LOOKING for a service like ours

No more sending out 1000’s of emails and 1000’s cold messages…

Just to book a few calls with uninterested business owners

Instead, we let them come to us

And the calls are much more fun and much easier because of it.

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