[Download] Jeff Miller – Agency Scaling Secrets 3.0 (2021)


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Get Now Agency Scaling Secrets 3.0 By Jeff Miller. Download This Course For Cheap Price…

What could you accomplish in 60 days with the skills, accountability, and mentorship you need to be successful?

See how people just like you are accomplishing their goals, living the life they want, and making the money they deserve.

Here’s everything you are going to get

White Label Ready Case Studies Ready For Your Info

Everyone is saying “Just use a case study” meanwhile you’re running around going ‘What case study?” As part of joining the Inner Circle you have access to fully editable white label ready case studies so there’s one less reason you cant’ be successful with your Facebook Ads agency. Each case study is ready for your name, logo, and contact info. And you’ll have access to not one case study, not two case studies, or even three case studies. But five of them.

Expert Trainings That Pull Back The Curtain

Wish you knew how other agencies just like you are knocking it out of the park and blowing everyone else out of the water? What could you do with a step by step walkthrough of how other students are….

  • Landing $24,000 in clients from one podcast
  • Getting 3-5 appointments a week
  • Turning 1 phone call into a $4,000 a month contract.

Expert Trainings are taught by people just like you but after they hit it big so that you can do it too…

Already Working Facebook ads and Offers Database

When you join the Inner Circle you get access to our Working Offers Database. You’ll see ads and offers and targeting thats already working for agency owners just like you. Ads for 20 different industries like Pest Control, Dentists, Gyms, Carpet Cleaners, Car Washes, Pharmacists, Personal Trainers, and more… Have a last minute call? Can’t figure out why your campaign is bombing? Wish you had something to guide your journey? Check out the already working facebook ads and offers database.

60 Minute Weekly Recorded Coaching Calls

Want an accountability program that keeps you moving, figuring whats not working, and getting people like you the results you want? Every single week the Inner Circle hosts group coaching calls where every single person goes over wins, losses, and Bear Killing moments.


Bike Shop Funnel, Ads, and Email Sequence

Want to know how I got a little known business in a facebook unfriendly niche and signed them for $2000+ a month? And then watched that account grow over $10,000 a month…? Want to see the actual replay of the actual pitch? Well you got it This bonus includes: The entire bike shop funnel including the landing page, thank you page, ads, retargeting ads, and customer research. A walkthrough of the funnel, how it works, and the results it got. Exactly how I proved to my client that this whole thing worked even when he said it didn’t. You’ll also get the exact videos and video ads I’ve used to get more customers walking into his doors. This one funnel kept a client for over a year now and paid between $3k and $10k a month.

Car Wash Funnel, Ads, and Email Sequence

Here’s another ‘weird’ niche business that wasn’t supposed to work with Facebook Ads but sure as hell it did. It worked so well he signed on 2 more locations and then asked me for a bigger package one that could work across the country. Well we figured out how to do customer research for each of his future locations, used that to test if it would work, and when it did he then launched a location. Sure enough he loved the idea and paid me over $10,000 to test if the target market was facebook friendly and then launch ad sets that would get people calling. And then did it 3 more times. Thats over $40,000 from one funnel alone. Isn’t that insane? It was the same funnel over and over again. Imagine if you just had one of those clients. How would that change your agency for the better? Imagine if you had that funnel, those ads, and could see exactly what I said to land that client. Well now you can. Because its all yours.

Sales Page: https://archive.fo/hgWyv#selection-4907.0-4907.44

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