[Download] Jason Bell – Birthday Marketing Formula (2022)


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This is the most appropriate method to explain the state that many local businesses are in today across the globe.

Restaurants, mom and pop establishments, car wash hardware stores, boutiques, hair salons you name it. They’re either getting little or no customers to sustain their operations.

Many local businesses are closed for the duration of the year.

There are many industries that are suffering which has left over 100 million people around the globe – unemployed. As per Statista & International Labour Organization the lost working hours in 2020 would be equivalent to 255 million full-time positions.

The people aren’t arriving.

Global governments are not helping. Statistics are not favorable to local businesses, with around 65% of them failing to survive their first 10 years of business.

You can now examine the world that we’re living in and consider either of the following two things:

  • 1This is a catastrophe. Everything is going to the down the. All we need to do is curled up, place our the tails of our legs between our legs and sit back and watch for the whole thing to end.


  • 2. The world is in chaos. Businesses are confronted with huge issues. This means that there are incredible opportunities to provide solutions to these companies assist them, and earn money by doing so.




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