[Download] Gusten Sun – FullTime Funnel Designer Update 1 (2022)


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About the course: 

Fulltime Funnel Designer is everything I wished I had when I got started on my Funnel Agency journey.
Had I known then what I know now, I would’ve been able to save so much money and time in the process…
Fulltime Funnel Designer™ teaches you everything you need to know to grow your Funnel Agency to 10k/m from scratch… even if you’re not a techy person or don’t know design well yet…

90 Day Accountability Checklist
​Perfect Niche Planner
​Positioning Like A Pro
​Signature Blueprint Builder
​Create a Clear Elevator Pitch
​The Relevance Story Script
​Predictable Profit Ladder
​The Ultimate Freedom Calculator
​Get 14 Days FREE of Clickfunnels & Import Your First Template
​Launch This Simple Funnel In 10 Minutes (24H Challenge)
​​The Funnel Launch Checklist
​How To Add Your Domain To Clickfunnels
​How To Create Products and Upsells
​How To Integrate Your Email Autoresponder
​How To Integrate Your Calendar + Application
​Zapier – The Automation Shortcut

Funnel Clients Secrets Masterclass
​The Automated Client Onboarding Funnel
​The Portfolio Closing Funnel
​How To Create Funnel Mockups For Social Media Posts
​The Exact DM Scripts I Use To Close Clients
​The 7 Elements of a Converting Profile Funnel
​How to Design Your Cover Photo For Conversions
​My Funnel Design Vault (Find Design Inspiration)
​How to Get More Leads & Clients Organically
​What Text to Post Along With Your Funnel Designs
​Real Life DM-Closing Series #1 – Closed after 3 Weeks of Follow Up
​Real Clients Case-Studies #2 – Easiest Close I’ve Ever Done

7 Figure Funnel Roadmaps – Part 1
​7 Figure Funnel Roadmaps – Part 2

My Unique Process of Creating Converting Offers
​These 10 Pillars Will Make or Break Your Offer
​Understanding The 3 Reasons People Don’t Buy
​How To Overcome Objections Through StorySelling
​How To Create Converting Offers for Info-Products
​How To Create Converting Offers for Service Providers
​How To Upgrade The Quality of a Current Offer

How To Write Compelling Sales Copy That Converts (The 9P’s)
​The Problem – Part 1
​The Painpoints – Part 2
​The Promise – Part 3
​The Proof – Part 4
​The Product – Part 5
​The Persona – Part 6
​The Price – Part 7
​The Process – Part 8
​The Priority – Part 9

Why and When To Use Canva
​Understanding The Canva Editor
​How I Design Images In Canva
​How To Create Layers in Canva
​How To Design Great Background Images
​How I Create Digital 3D Product Mockups
​How To Add Blobs To Your Backgrounds
​Why and When To Use Sketch
​Understanding The Sketch Editor
​How To Create Gradient Designs
​How To Create Perfect Shadows
​How To Mask Images
​How To Design Modern Shapes
​How To Recolor Any Image or Icon
​How To Edit Illustrations in Sketch
​How To Create Background Patterns
​How To Create Icons in Sketch
​How To Create Beautiful Imagery
​How To Create Wider Sections
​How To Use Custom Fonts in Clickfunnels
​How To Create Multi-Color Bold Headlines
​How To Create Beautiful Button Shadows
​How To Design Gradient Buttons
​How To Create FAQ Dropdown Sections
​Adding Shadows in Clickfunnels
​Bigger Image Size & Overflow
​Section Overflow, Layers & Visibility
​Where I Find Illustrations
​Where I Find Icons
​Where I Find Fonts
​Where I Find Brand Colors
​Where I Find Great Background Images

1.1 Abandoned Cart Email Sequence – The Roadmap
​1.2 Abandoned Cart Email Sequence – The Integration
​1.3 Abandoned Cart Email Sequence – The Emails & Copy
​2.1 Webinar Email Sequence – The Roadmap
​2.2 Webinar Email Sequence – The Integration
​2.3 Webinar Email Sequence – The Emails & Copy
​3.1 Optin Email Sequence – The Roadmap
​3.2 Optin Email Sequence – The Integration
​3.3 Optin Email Sequence – The Emails & Copy
​4.1 Launch Email Sequence – The Roadmap
​4.2 Launch Email Sequence – The Integration
​4.3 Launch Email Sequence – The Emails & Copy
​Newsletter Email Profits
​Back-end Profit Maximization
​The Storytelling Formula

Productivity Profits
​Weekly Success Planner
​90 Day Accountability Tracker
​The Client Tracker
​The Freedom Calculator
​Your Positioning Statement
​The Sales Message Builder
​The VSL Builder
​Yearly Planner
​Offer Creation System
​The Storytelling Formula
​And many many more…

Lead Funnels
​High Ticket Funnels
​Website Funnels
​Local Business Funnels
​E-Commerce Funnels
​Event Funnels
​Webinar Funnels
​Low-Ticket Funnels

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