[Download] Grace Lever – Bundle (8 courses) (2022)


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“An Open Letter From A (Formerly Struggling) Coach and Consultant Who Made Her First Million…
Using a Strategy That No One Else Is Discussing”

From Grace Lever’s Office

South Australia’s Aldgate


Greetings, Lovely Lady!


If you want to know for sure how to increase your coaching and consulting business in 2018, read on…


Using a highly guarded client-getting method and approach that no one else is talking about…


Then this is the most crucial letter you’ll receive this year.

But, before I tell you about it, please understand this:

What I’m about to show you will necessitate some effort on your behalf.


But if you put in the effort and take big, flawed action with what I’ll be giving you…


You can utilize the same technique I used to expand my coaching and consulting firm to over 7,000 customers in 52 countries.


And are you ready for the finest part?


This little-known method will be your new secret client-attracting weapon…

Here’s what I’m talking about…

Let’s just say this unfair advantage appeared to be a very narrow road at first…


My competitors were either utterly unaware of or unwilling to take this path!


It seemed like there was this incredibly gorgeous train departing the station that all my competitors were on at the moment…


All of the gurus (and even my competitors) were putting so much pressure on me…


…to simply board and follow the mob.


But I was aware that this train…and the brightly gleaming things and “silver bullets” it signified…


It would only lead me to the wrong destination.


There was also my way…


Which I compared to…


Thrown into the forest at midnight and forced to chop my way out with a machete


Isn’t that intense?


It made no sense at the moment, and the people I told about my new discovery were baffled.


But I knew it was the only option…


But there is some good news:


You don’t need all the flashy, complex tactics that your competitors are already employing…


They will, without a doubt, get you nowhere.


In reality, I found a technique…


To make all of these time-consuming and complicated digital marketing tactics easier to understand…


Into one simple, step-by-step plan for accelerating the growth of your coaching and consulting business…

The Power of Half-Day Workshops is Here…

I found that I could use workshops to attract a large number of my target clientele…


Who I might be able to get to know, like, and trust.


I simply had to make ONE AMAZING PRESENTATION for this process….




Then repeat the process in a highly predictable manner…


With VERY predictable client-acquisition outcomes…


All of this is possible because to the power of half-day workshops.


Take a peek at this recent session that I led…


Here’s What You Can Expect…

The Workshop Project is a six-module online training program that walks you through everything I’ve learned about running successful half-day workshops, including…


Module One: Finding Your Genius Zone:

Take my honest Genius Zone Audit, which includes personality profiles and experience audits, to figure out what your workshop should focus on.

Do you believe you need years of experience or certification as a public speaker? Wrong. You’ll learn why you already have all you need and why being a trained speaker might be difficult at times.

The One Big Reason Why Most Entrepreneurs Try One Workshop, Fail, and Give Up

Why Grace-style half-day workshops are effective!

How to get rid of overload and put structure in your Workshop Strategy so you know the basic steps you need to follow to get from rookie to in-demand workshop host.

Module 2: Your Real-Life Workshop Presentation

View a recording of my whole Half-Day Workshop to learn more about why my presentation is so effective.

Swipe and use my actual Half-Day Workshop PowerPoint deck, which I’ve used at nearly 100 events to generate over $700,000 in revenue.

Learn how to present in an authentic way that gets your market applauding and appreciating you.

Even if you’re not a trained speaker or salesperson, you can convert sales at your workshop.

What should you do if you don’t know what to share at your workshop or how much is too much?

Learn the differences between Lead Generation, Product Development, and Retention Workshops, as well as why I focus on the most crucial of them.

Do you believe you need to pitch sleazy to make money on stage? Wrong!

The one thing you must never do at a workshop (and that used to burn my rooms before I figured it out)

Module 3: Your Unbeatable Workshop Deal

Learn about the various types of offers you may make during your workshop to convert attendees into hot clients or customers.

The truth about making offers that your target market truly want

Discover four different offers you might provide at your workshop and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each to find the best one for you.

Use my Competitor Research Guide to make sure your product stands out in your market and provides a welcome and necessary “next step” for your attendees.

Do you believe your workshop will not be able to fill your coaching, consulting, or professional services? Wrong! During your half-day class, you’ll discover how to attract high-ticket clientele.

Claim my offline services and VIP weekends action pack to learn how to use your workshops to market and fill more traditional programs and services.

How to make your workshop offer enticing to your customers by creating a no-brainer price point

In less than 24 hours, you can build a product you believe in!

BONUS: Do you want to make an online course that you can sell at your workshop? Get my step-by-step online program developer training to finish yours in a day (not weeks or months!)

The Stress-Free Event Planning Manual (Module 4)

Even if you’re on a tight budget, here’s how to identify and brief the ideal place for your Half-Day Workshop.

The truth about your room setup and how to get the most interaction and revenue with just one easy configuration

What not to do at a half-day workshop (And yes, I did everything on the “Things That Don’t Matter Checklist” and had to learn the hard way… so you don’t have to anymore!)

Swipe, tweak, and use my Workshop run sheet, pre-event checklist, venue checklist, and credit card forms.

View the behind-the-scenes setup of one of my actual Half-Day Workshops so you can replicate it!

What to do to get your audience to love you and warm up to you even before you step in the room

Why my checklist of things to accomplish at the event works!

The Workshop Filling Blueprint (Module 5)

Why my Workshop Filling Strategy differs from all others on the market…

and why it attracts qualified visitors

With my no-brainer “free” workshop filling technique for newcomers, you can avoid the expenditures of filling a session

Take a look at my completed event booking and sales pages so you can quickly duplicate, alter, and launch your event ticket sales.

Do you believe you’ll need a large email list, a large Facebook following, or a large budget to fill your next workshop? Wrong! You only need this 5-step funnel, which I used to sell 6,000 tickets.

For serious female entrepreneurs, the truth about free workshops and a better alternative

How to get money from your workshop attendees even before you enter the room!

Instead of starting from scratch, swipe through my actual Facebook advertisements to use my proven workshop-filling advertising that have sold 6,000 tickets.

Access my actual pre-event emails, which I send to individuals who didn’t complete their reservation, so you can generate a flood of ticket sales and not miss out!

Why is my Pre-Event Email Nurture so effective at reducing no-shows and attracting a room full of hot, pre-qualified, stunning people who already know, like, and trust me?

Module 6 – Numbers Are Attractive

Do you think business numbers are complicated and difficult to track? Wrong! You only need to know five simple figures to determine your financial success and freedom.


The reality about event spending and revenue monitoring, and how it can save you thousands of dollars

Learn how I use my event numbers to be extremely confident in my seminars right from the start, so you can easily expand to 5, 6, or 7 figures.

Take a look at my actual event spreadsheet so you know precisely what you’re going to make (to the cent!) before you walk into the room.

How to get rid of the guesswork in your business and set a realistic revenue goal for your Half-Day Workshops


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