[Download] Gift Machine Plugin + Pro OTO-EarlyBird Access (2021)


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Gift Machine Plugin + Pro OTO-EarlyBird Access Free Download

Hey, it’s Ankur here.
Let’s talk about the most important thing you need to make money online from your website…
You need AN EMAIL LIST to promote offers & make sales.
Now the most common way of doing that is to add an optin form on your site.
There are 1000s of products that do that for you in the same old way.
Every website on the planet has an optin form.
By now your visitors are BLIND to most optin forms.
By now they know to just CLOSE THEM the moment they see them pop up.
Therefore – “Regular” optin forms are useless and do not work well anymore.
What you need is a new way to build your list…
 – Without bothering your visitors a lot.
 – Without getting in their face.
 – Without doing what everyone else is doing.
What you need is…
Something UNIQUE and FRESH.
Something that psychologically triggers their mind.
Makes them feel GOOD about “giving you their information”
Makes you stand out among millions of websites.
What if you could do all that & build your list in a smart, fun & unique way?
Yes – now that is POSSIBLE…

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