[Download] Frank Kern – Inner Circle (2021)


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Get Now Inner Circle By Frank Kern. Download This Course For Cheap Price…

Here’s What You’ll Learn From This Revolutionary Training!

Mass Control is a system of communication that causes a crowd of people to magnetically be drawn to you …and to come under your influence …with the objective of turning them into happy repeat customers.

The amazing thing about it is it’s totally under the radar.

While your competition is trying hard to pressure people into buying, Mass Control lets you influence the crowd in a more subtle way. You’re perceived to be more of a friend than a salesman.

The idea is to have people wanting to buy from you repeatedly …not just in a “launch” scenario.

So if you have a list, want to build one, or want to leverage other people’s subscribers … Mass Control is the simplest and most effective way to turn that into customers.

This Is NOT Just About Copywriting:

When you think about copywriting, you think about sales letters. I’d like you to consider something for a minute.

Most Of The Copywriting Stuff You’ve Ever Seen Is Out Dated.

The reason I say this is because all of the copywriting “strategies” you’ve ever been taught are based on communication techniques that were used before the Internet.

They’re based on direct mail, print ads, and so forth.

And you and I both know this to be true: Times have changed.

The Internet is completely different than direct mail or other old fashioned ways marketers once used to reach their prospects.

The reason why is simple: FRAME OF MIND.

An Internet user is in a totally different frame of mind than someone who’s reading a piece of direct mail, looking at an ad in a newspaper, or doing some other offiline activity.

And right now is the first time in marketing history that you’ve had the opportunity to communicate as often as you want with your prospects …and as frequently as you want.

So the bottom line is this: Mass Control is all about influencing people over the Internet …not just through sales letters or email, but by taking advantage of the brand new opportunities we have today such as podcasting, blogging, social media, native advertising, and online video.

And nobody else on the planet can offer you these brand new (but proven) strategies for doing it.

This Is Not Just About Email

Think about the ways you can communicate with your prospects online.

There’s so much more for you than just email.

You can use video, blogs, podcasts, pdf reports, audio downloads, screencams, social media, online chat (seriously) …and more.

Mass Control puts ALL of these to work for you.

…And if you’re not using them ALL, you should be.

The reason why is simple: HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY.

Here’s a fact you already know, but aren’t using to make money.

The more you communicate with your prospects, the more money you’ll make.

Obvious, right?

Well here’s a little something about the way your prospect’s mind is hard­-wired.

When you communicate through multiple mediums, you can make even more sales.

When I say “multiple mediums”, I mean that you use video, audio, AND the written word …across multiple channels.

The reason this can exponentially increase your sales is because of the way the human mind works.

See, when we absorb information we use different mediums (also called modalities) to do so.

The most common SALES modality used on the Internet is the written word. (Such as sales letters, email, and so forth.) …But it’s quickly shifting to video.

But when you rely on just one single mode of communication, you’re selling yourself way short.

When you use Mass Control, you’re delivering powerful marketing messages to your prospect from multiple angles …using multiple platforms and modalities.

The fact is, people are conditioned to respond to multiple modalities. 

This means that your prospects are naturally conditioned to be more responsive when they not only read your message, but they hear it and see it as well.

And when you communicate with them through audio, video, and text …it creates a sense of instant trust and bonding.

They feel like they know you better because you’ve accessed different parts of their brain.

And of course, this opens you up to making more sales …which can lead to more money.

So you’ve really got two things going for you.

1. You’ve simply got better marketing messages. They’re more natural. They’re less salesy. They create trust and authority …while making a sale.

2. You’re “implanting” these messages in your prospect’s conscious mind through multiple channels. 

This can cause a faster and stronger bond between you and your market …which can ultimately lead to more sales.

There’s a reason everybody wants this system: IT WORKS.

Millionaire Marketing Formulas Frank Kern

Here Are The Three Main Things You’ll Get From This Rare $10,000.00 Gift

I’ve found that there are only THREE things you have to do to make massive amounts of money as an expert and online marketer:

  1. CREATE something to sell that solves a distinct problem for a hungry buying audience.
  2. CAMPAIGN it intelligently to that audience.
  3. CASH IT IN by creating a business model, backend and automated sales funnel that keeps pulling in massive amounts of money for you over the long term.

If you have those three things, you’re gold.

But Here’s The Glaringly Obvious Problem

Of course, if it were “that easy” everyone would be millionaires, right?

So where do people go wrong?

First, most people have NO IDEA how to create truly INVALUABLE products and programs for customers. (Often, it’s because they have no idea what the customer wants or will actually BUY).

Second, most people are completely CONFUSED about what a campaign is versus a promotion. (For the record, a campaign is strategic sequence of promotions that lead to a desired behavior).

All you need to know is that if you want to get PAID you’d better figure out more intelligent and hard-hitting campaigns that get people to BUY YOUR STUFF RIGHT NOW.

Finally, most people can’t keep the CASH coming in while they sleep.

They have no idea how to automate campaigns or create the BIG PAYDAYS that well run business models create.

This might all sound rather straightforward. But clearly not everyone in the “expert” or “information marketer” space makes money.

The three reasons above explain why.

Luckily — and I really do feel lucky and blessed — I’ve figured out how to deal with all these challenges and make millions of dollars for myself and my clients because I CONSISTENTLY know how to find hungry audiences, serve them well, and campaign to them intelligently to make them BUY NOW.

It’s time you learned to do that, too, don’t you think?

Millionaire Marketing Formulas: Taught By People
Who’ve Actually Done It …REPEATEDLY

The goal of this workshop is to teach you everything I know about making REAL MONEY and spreading value and goodwill to your niche at the same time.

But I want to go BEYOND what I know and give you EVERY available strategy and technique imaginable so that you can become the highest paid and highest profile expert in your market.

But in order to really give you the complete picture, I want to give you even more.

I want to let you learn marketing not just from me … but from Brendon Burchard as well.

Why Learn Marketing From Brendon?
…Isn’t He More Of A “Self Help” Guy?

Sure, Brendon is a “self help” guy.

And you know what that means? It means he’s able to generate EIGHT FIGURES A YEAR in one of the most competitive, over-saturated, and jaded main-stream markets in the world.

If he were a boxer, he’d be having to fight an entire gang of Mike Tyson clones every day. That’s how tough his market is.

The guy spends more money on ads than an entire chain of retail stores might earn in a year. And he does it profitably.

So who would you rather study? Someone who makes money because they convince their friends to email their offers a million times …or someone who makes eight figures ….from advertising …in one of the toughest markets on earth.

I thought so.

But here’s something you might not know about Brendon:

Brendon is also a “guru maker.”

His elite seminar, Experts Academy, goes for around $5,000 a ticket and has sold out with thousands people SIX YEARS in a row. That’s important. He’s so good at marketing,he’s able to get THOUSANDS of people to leave home for days on end, travel to a different city, be away from family, work, business, etc, …all to sit in a seminar room and learn from him.

Plus they each pay thousands of dollars to do it. Amazing.

Combined, Brendon fills EIGHT events a year at an average price point of $3495. He’s THAT good of a marketer and trainer.

(He’s been a trainer for Accenture, Alcoa, JC Penney, eBay, Best Buy, Walgreens… the list goes on).

Over 200 people have been members of Brendon’s $10,000, $25,000, and $60,000 mastermind and coaching programs.

Because of his ability to get RESULTS — he made over $6 million in his first 2 1/2 years in our industry and his clients are always on the NY-TIMES list — Brendon has gotten to know all the big gurus and he’s helped a lot of them. He’s also gotten “under the hood” of most of their businesses and he’s the first person to decode EXACTLY what business models and best-practices the MAIN STREAM gurus have used to amass their fortunes.

(This includes getting people like Tony, Brian Tracy, John Gray, David Bach, Barbara D’Angeles, Harv Eker, Debbie Ford, and Ken Blanchard to reveal HOW they built their businesses.)

Bottom line: Brendon has unbelievable insider knowledge of what makes MAINSTREAM gurus the real money, he gets real results in his business and for his clients, and he can TRAIN better than almost anyone I’ve ever seen.

I tell you all of this because I asked Brendon to share his most advanced marketing and business formulas with you at Millionaire Marketing Formulas. (It’s worth the price of admission, just to hear how Brendon got over 200 people into his $10,000, $25,000, and $60,000 programs).

Here’s The “SHORT LIST” Of What We Revealed:

  • 10 proven, never-before-revealed million-dollar marketing formulas
  • Business models of the world’s greatest (and richest) MAIN STREAM gurus
  • High end consulting and mastermind sales secrets
  • How highly-paid experts make the REAL PAY DAYS happen 
  • The hidden path to being the highest profile, highest paid in any niche
  • Advanced sales and platform psychology
  • Direct mail secrets that create buying frenzies 
  • PPC ninja tricks that don’t waste money and bring in real leads
  • How you can get people with huge followings to promote you
  • Product creation formulas that make your life EASY and PROFITABLE
  • Never-before-seen corporate deals and the formulas used to WIN them

And that’s the SHORT LIST.

This event was truly groundbreaking and every single $10,000.00 customer was thrilled.

Now it’s available to you …FREE!

Mass Control Monthly is possibly the most valuable “chunk” in this collection.

But you’ve likely never heard of it.

I only promoted it a few times …and had a “core” group of around 300-400 subscribers for three years.

Every month, I’d send them a physically printed newsletter (more of a booklet, really) as well as a DVD …where I’d take them behind the scenes of blockbuster Internet campaigns and dissect why they worked, the frameworks they followed, and how you can model the process.

Each issue was $297 per month, and the members stayed month after month because (in their words) it was “the single best marketing information they’d ever seen.”

I eventually got lazy and didn’t want to publish it anymore …so I stopped.

That was a mistake.

As I went through each issue for this offer, I realized this is really some of the best work of my career …mainly because it’s so concise and focused on one thing: RESULTS.

If you’re looking for a paint-by-numbers breakdown of some of the biggest winners in the history of Internet Marketing Promotions, this is for you.

You’re literally getting the play-by-play walkthroughs of HUGE winners.

For example, I’ve had clients pay me $100,000.00 (plus royalties) to do campaigns for them.

…And be thrilled with the results.

Have you ever wondered exactly what you’d have to provide for $100,000.00? Or even more importantly …ever wondered how GOOD it would have to be for the client to be happy enough to retain you again?

In just ONE ISSUE, I walk you through each element of the campaign, showing you the copy, the stats, the numbers, the sales, and the PROFITS.

But this is way more than just one issue …you’re getting THREE YEARS worth of issues.

Each one better than the next.

Sales Page: https://www.frankkernmarketing.com/book-funnel-blueprint/watch/

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