[Download] Fit In 15 – A Complete Weight Loss Program Designed for Women PLR [FULL PACKAGE] (2021)


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Fit In 15 – A Complete Weight Loss Program Designed for Women PLR [FULL PACKAGE] Download

Fit In 15 Ebook and Videos Introduction:


I’m sure you’ll be familiar with plenty of fad diets and gimmicks and may have even tried a few in the past, whether that’s been low-carb dieting,

Atkins, a fat-free diet, the baby food diet, cabbage soup, slashing your calories right down, or just relying on pills, powders and potions to see you through, rather than real food.

The thing about these diets, while you’d imagine they’d get results, seeing as for most of them you’re surviving on very little and making your eating plan extreme, is that they don’t work.

At least, they don’t work long-term, as you always put the weight back on once you’ve finished the diet. Plus, any weight that you lose is never pure body fat – you lose a lot of lean muscle too, and they can often have sickening side effects.

That’s where this book comes in…

I know that eating and training to get a lean, sexy, slender physique is actually very straightforward.

Through principles that are backed by science and evidence, this book will show you how you can get your dream body without using any of the drastic measures that are so often associated with weight loss.

Whether you just want to lose a few pounds for a vacation, or you want to blast body fat and look like a cover model, or

Fit In 15 Ebook and Videos Package Includes:

  • Training Guide – 45 page PDF guide that is a complete weight loss program designed for women. Covers all the steps losing eight and getting that lean and sexy body. Book has quality content with professional graphics and layout. Great info about the most powerful ways to build excitement and anticipation for a product.
  • Sales Page – You’ll get everything you need to resell the Fit In 15 Ebook and Videos Product. You’ll be getting master resale rights so you can resell as many copies as you want and you get to keep 100% of the profits on every single sale you make. With a high quality sales page and a matching download page. Just add your payment link and your download link, upload the two web pages and it’s ready to make money for you on automatic, even when you are away from the computer, eve while you are sleeping.
  • Cheat Sheet – 6 page PDF report that gives a quick and easy way to follow the system and drop the pounds. With the same quality graphics as the main ebook.
  • Resources Report – A 6 page PDF that lists the gadgets, related weight loss resources and tips so your buyers can get more from this weight loss plan.
  • Graphics – 4 more high quality images for the Fit In 15 Ebook and Videos Package. One for the cheat sheet, cover, ebook and resources report. All in PNG format.
  • Promotional Banners – 6 professional Fit In 15 Ebook and Videos banners you can use to drive buying traffic to your new sales page. In the popular sizes of 120×600, 125×125, 200×200, 300×250, 468×60 and 728×90. In both JPG and GIF. Simply post them on your blog or website and link to your sales page. Easy as that. Perfect sizes for many blog sidebars.
  • Niche Keyword Research – 3 files including weight loss for women keywords in PDF, weight loss for women excel spreadsheet and keyword data explanation id DOC.
  • Workout Posters – 3 quality graphic workout posters including, Body Weight Workout, Dumbbell Workout and Tight Butt Workout Poster. All in JPG format and size of 2552×3580 so they could be resized to fit just about anywhere.
  • Email Swipes – 5 pre-written Word DOC email autoresponder messages. Each comes with several subject lines. Easy to edit, copy and paste. No need to struggle writing your emails, or sitting in front of  a blank computer screen, we’ve already done it for you.
  • Social Media Images – 9 quality PNG images for your social profiles to gain buyers from the large social media websites. Each Image has a background image with a text quote overlay. All In JPG format. Just post them on your social networks with a link to your sales page and you could have even more traffic hitting your page.

Sales Page

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