(DOWNLOAD) Dynamic Traders – The Dynamic Trading Master Course (2023)


About us:

Buy subscription with us and unlock Dynamic Traders – The Dynamic Trading Master Course course today.  No more payment for gurus. Join the rest of the tribe. 

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About the course:

The Dynamic Trading Master Course Curriculum – This just a brief summary of some of the highlights of each course.

Practical Elliott Wave Trade Strategies

The real world of simplied Elliott Wave trading.

  • Introduction to practical Elliott Wave
  • Trend or Counter Trend: It’s about 5s and 3s.
  • Impulse Trends: The rules and guidelines
  • Counter Trends: From The Simple to the Complex
  • How to Identify the Probable Pattern Very Early
  • Subdivisions and more
  • Alternate Wave Counts
  • How to think in terms of pattern position
  • E-Wave trade strategies from entry to exit
  • Support Materials and Final Exam

Multiple Time Frame Momentum Strategies

A powerful trend filter and trade execution strategy

  • Momentum Vs. Price Cycles
  • Popular Indicators and How To Choose Settings
  • What is a Dual Time Frame (DTF) Momentum Setup?
  • Dual Look Back (DLB) Momentum Reversals
  • DTF and DLB Momentum Strategies from Entry to Exit

The Real World of Trade Plans and Trade Strategies

The Business of Trading and More

  • Trading As A Business
  • Multiple Unit Trade Strategies
  • Profit Objectives and Risk/Reward
  • Trading Verses Forecasting
  • Setup Your Trade Plan For the Week
  • Trade Plans and Trade Strategies
  • Your Path to Success
  • The Dynamic Trading Master Course Completion Certificate
  • Trading the Plan

Beyond Fib Retracements

Dynamic Price and End of Wave Target Zones

  • Ratios and Market Structure
  • The Key Price Factors: Internal and External Retracements and Alternate Price Projections
  • End of Wave (EOW) Target zones
  • Why “Support and Resistance” are useless terms
  • Pattern Reversal and Reversal Confirmation Signals
  • Price Over Balance and Symmetry Zones

Beyond Traditional Cycles

Fib Timing and Dynamic Time Cycles

  • The Real World of Fibonacci Time Cycles
  • Dynamic Time Targets
  • Time Bands
  • Reversal Cycles
  • How to identify the Maximum Time to Complete a Trend or Counter Trend

Dynamic Trading Master Course Completion Certificate

  • Complete the course final exam and receive the course completion certificate
  • Attend monthly webinars for certified course completion students only
  • Access monthly trade tutorial videos and more
  • More benefits to come when you join our community of certified Dynamic Trading Master Course students.

Sale Page: https://dynamictraders.com/dt-mc-v1/

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