[Download] Dana Derricks – Author Challenge (2022)


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Buy subscription with us and unlock Dana Derricks – Author Challenge course today.
No more payment for gurus. Join the rest of the tribe. 

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About the course: 

There’s A Reason People Pay Me $20,000 Per Day For These Secrets…

  • “How To Maximize Your Value & Force Your Dream Buyers To Flock To You Like Crazy…”
  • “Our Coaches Will Walk With Your Every Step Of The Way To Get Your Book DONE!”
  • “The Single Biggest Mistake To Avoid That’ll KILL All Your Book Progress…”
  • “The 2 Secret Weapons That Allow You Turn Your Book Sales Absolutely On FIRE…”

Join the Author Challenge to Get Your Entire Book DONE In Just A Week…For A Fraction Of The Price You’d Pay A Ghostwriter Or Publishing ‘Deal’!!!
?? Exposed: The ‘Holy Smokes I’m Going To 10x My Business This Year’ ENTIRE Strategy Mapped Out With Complete Clarity On How To Get This And ALL Your Books DONE In Just Hours, Not Years… ($2,000 Value)
?? The “Damn Dana Is Good” FOOL PROOF plan (ready to deploy) that allows you to create an AMAZING Book that you’ll leverage… ($500 Value)
? The “Where Has This Been All My Life” SYSTEM to cash-in on your book consistently so your book feeds you for a lifetime (THAT is what a good book can and SHOULD do)… ($1,000 Value)
?? The “Press Go To Implement” cover system that’ll get you an AMAZING design for your book that you’ll love, completely hands-off for you…so you can enjoy your book! ($500 Value)
? Your “I Cannot Believe How Easy This Is” ACTUAL process that’ll get all the content for your book DONE (the same exact thing I personally use)… ($1,000 Value)
??? The “Holy Crap I’m Already Seeing The Value” group coaching sessions with a certified Author Challenge Coach where you’ll literally peek inside my own book process to crank out EPIC books in just hours, get ALL your questions answered to create the book of your dreams, plus will master it yourself and you’ll be able to do this over and over!! ($2,000 Value)
?? PRIVATE ‘Challenge-Only’ Facebook Group With More Exclusive Nuggets & High-Level Folks To Collaborate with… ($500 Value)
??? Dana’s very own ‘Secret Printing & Fulfillment Channels’ to get ALL your books published, printed, and shipped to customers without you lifting a finger. ($2,000 Value)
? FREE BONUS –> Order To Find Out!
?? FREE BONUS #2 –> Order To Find Out!
??? FREE BONUS #3 –> Order To Find Out!!

Total Value In The Author Challenge –> $9,500
You get access to the ENTIRE Author Challenge…to get your ENTIRE book DONE in just a week…for NOT $9,500…

…NOT even $2,500…

…but just ONE super-easy payment of only $297

Yep, not $20,000 like you’d have to pay for my one-on-one consulting to share these same secrets…

Or the $20,000 a ghostwriter would charge to basically ruin your book…

Or the $50,000 a publishing company would charge you to print a pile of books and steal 99% of the profits.

Considering a GOOD book that does what they’re supposed to is worth, easily, thousands/tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars, over time…the ROI is ridiculous.

Special Bonus For The First 200 People Who Join The Author Challenge!
For the first 200 people who claim a spot in the Author Challenge, I am also going to GIVE you access to ALL 20+ episodes of my PRIVATE, Unreleased Author Podcast…For FREE!!! (It will sell for no less than $500 when released)

Here’s What To Do Next
Like I mentioned before, this challenge is packed with $5,000 in bonuses…for FREE. All I ask is that you help me make it amazing by going through the entire thing and giving me feedback on your way through, and you can get started instantly and from anywhere in the world!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering…
There Is No Catch!
I’ve had a lot of success….

…and I HATE seeing people struggle.

So, I’m giving you access to my Author Challenge for a fraction of the cost it’s actually worth.

It’s time for YOU to get the answers you need, once and for all.

And Nope…I Don’t Get Rich On This Challenge…
The margins on a book at $2,000 per copy are pretty good, I don’t make much money on this challenge (that’s not what it’s about, for me).

Once you join, you’ll understand why.

Sound fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Spot In The Author Challenge Before They’re All Gone…

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Dana “This Challenge Is Changing Everything…” Derricks

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m Giving Away $5,000 Worth Of Bonuses Along With My Author Challenge, For FREE…

I want to change your life and get you into the Author Challenge for a fraction of the cost it’s worth…for two reasons:

1) I truly and sincerely want to change your life. You’ll see by the 3 minute mark of the first “golden nugget” video in the Challenge.

2) I want your feedback as well as ways to improve it so that once I launch it at $5,000….it’s SO dang dialed in it’s unbelievable!

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