[Download] Dan Pye – Period Time Publishing Program (2022)


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Buy subscription with us and unlock Dan Pye – Period Time Publishing Program course today. No more payment for gurus. Join the rest of the tribe. 

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About the course: 

This is what you will get!

PTP Student Portal

A hand full of easy to follow modules that will take you from complete beginner to expert Period Time Publisher fast! We have put 10 years of Public Domain Publishing knowledge into these modules and made it so simple you could take the entire training in a weekend. Simple but detailed and effective, we have left nothing out…

$4500 VALUE

PTP Daily Coaching

Customised Daily Coaching. Yes, you read that right, we don’t do one or even two group zoom calls per week like most programs do, nope! Instead, we work with you every single day on a very intimate case by case basis. See the group zoom calls do not work, you cannot unpack all your business problems in a 2 minute slot, that’s why we do it different, that’s why we are different…

$5500 VALUE

1 – 1 Zoom Calls

Single 1 to 1 coaching support. Our standard daily personalised coaching is extremely effective. 9 out of 10 times we have you over your hurdle and back into publishing in a matter of minutes, BUT there are some occasions where the situation may present complexities and we cannot move you forward with our standard service. In this instance we will get on a zoom call with you and work through it. Now that’s unique!

$3600 VALUE

We Assess Your Work

3 Monthly professional book reviews. Yes, our team make detailed assessments of your work right from the very first book you publish. We do a written and video review of your manuscript, cover, keywords, categories, metadata, descriptions and more. Why? Well because it is important to us that you succeed, we are not simply handing you a course here, we are guiding you to the goal. You will not get this kind of service anywhere else!

$2500 VALUE

Facebook Mastermind 

Our accountability community is second to none, in this group you will find a pelthora of Period Time Publishers, some which vast experience right down to beginner level. We all hold each other accountable to our goals, whilst sharing new knowledge and planning work get togethers. This community alone is priceless…

$1500 VALUE

Custom Coded Templates

Manuscript formatting templates that format for you. This is no joke, we have been at this business for 10 years, in this time we have coded templates that autoformat 90% of your book in an instant and it does this better than most professional editing companies. Speed and quality equals success, when you are publishing 3-5 high quality books per day at lightning speed success is inevitable. Our custom template box makes this possible.

$2500 VALUE

3 Unreal BONUSES

Last but not least we have the 3 insanely profitable bonuses. First is Our investment back guarantee, this means make your investment back in the form of profits in 180 days or we will work with you relentlessly until you do. Then we have Our focused international strategy, targeting smaller untapped markets for domination and lastly The authoritative eBook strategy, one click eBooks that sell like crazy, this is just insane value!

$4500 VALUE

You will get INSTANT access to the below when you join Today!

Support and Ongoing Updates

Dedicated daily coaching, support and updates!
VALUE: $5500

Hacks to stay productive under stress

A complete and actionable mindset game changer!
VALUE: $1900

KDP Account set up and Optimization

Creating a solid foundation to build your business from!
VALUE: $850

Internal content production secrets

Unlimited book content, an editors course in one module
VALUE: $1500

Uploading and Proofing to KDP like a Pro

Keywords made easy, categories eliminated!
VALUE: $1850

KDP Full publishing process

Watch over my shoulder as it all comes together!
VALUE: $1900

And the 3 Awesome Action Bonuses

BONUS: Investment back Guarantee
Make your investment back or we will make sure you do!
VALUE: $2000
BONUS: Focused International Strategy
Eliminate the competition and go deep!
VALUE: $1500
BONUS: Authoritative eBook Strategy
One click conversions, double your profits!
VALUE: $1500

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