[Download] Dan Bacon – Dating Power – The Modern Man (2022)


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About the course: 

How Dan and Ben moved from being unlucky with women to loving the ladies they choose.

Because Stu is a natural, he had a different experience with ladies (i.e. a guy who is naturally good with women).

We created the Dating Power program by taking new guys out every weekend to train them how to naturally approach, attract, and pick up women.

When you understand the Dating Power tactics, you may expect to obtain the following results with women.

How some TV shows and movies undermine your self-esteem and cause issues with your perceptions of women, dating, and relationships.

Common blunders that males do when it comes to women.

Dating Power is a video-recorded 8-hour program.


It contains all of the tactics that we would teach a man in a live, in-person class at bars, clubs, or shopping malls.


You’ll learn how to approach women with confidence, how to immediately grab their attention, how to start and maintain a conversation, and how to progress to kissing, sex, and dates.


It’s basically the entire process from approach to sex.


Dan (myself), Ben, and Stu have utilized the Dating Power strategies to have sex with more women than we can count, as well as to have ‘dating power,’ which effectively means that you are in a position of power when it comes to dating (i.e. most women you meet feel attracted to you and want to be with you, rather than you trying to hopefully get one woman to choose you, or even give you a chance to go on a date with her).


The Dating Power technique to women is so simple to apply that even a novice or experienced guy can pick it up and start using it right away to enhance his success with women.




Sales Page: https://www.themodernman.com/the_truth_about_dating_power.html


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