
Donna Eden – Becoming Radiant

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Where does JOY come from? 

Many of us have been taught to look for happiness outside ourselves. “If only I had a great relationship, I’d be happy.” Or a fulfilling career. A bigger house. Or that dream vacation. Or… The list goes on.
But what happens when things “outside of you” aren’t going so well?
Maybe your relationship ended or is feeling stale.
Maybe you lost your job or the job you have is not as satisfying as you had hoped.
Maybe you don’t have enough money for daily expenses, never mind a dream house or vacation.
When things aren’t going well, it can leave you in a state of dissatisfaction, worry, and/or despair.
And even if things turn around and you get “everything you always wanted,” many people still end up feeling empty or dissatisfied.

As long as you are looking for happiness outside of yourself, you are at the mercy of the changing times, and that can prevent you from moving forward in your life.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You CAN develop a state of joy that comes from the inside – and it doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out, painful process where you rehash everything from your past.
In fact, it can be a lot easier than most conventional approaches to generating joy.

Turning Extraordinary Moments into An Extraordinary Life
The Radiant Circuits – Inner Wells of Joy

Take a minute, place your hand over your heart, and tune into the feeling you get when you …

See an amazing sunset that’s so colorful it seems unreal…
Fall in love and notice things that used to bother you just don’t get under your skin anymore…
Look at a newborn baby and marvel at the itty-bitty perfect features…
Enjoy a good belly laugh with a friend…

That feeling you get is Radiant Circuits energy.
It’s joy, but it’s much more than joy.
It feels light. Expansive. Uplifting.
It can color how you see the rest of your day.
It can fill you with gratitude and wonder.
If you think about it, that feeling you feel – that energy – bubbles up from within.
In fact, that energy is always inside you, in an energy system Donna Eden calls The Radiant Circuits. The Radiant Circuits serve as “inner wells of joy” and bring vibrancy and harmony to the entire body.
When your Radiant Circuits are activated, you feel great. Hopeful. Eager. Ready for Life.
But when they are dormant or stagnant, which happens when you get stressed, you can lose your zest for life and feel almost as if you are sleepwalking through your life.
What if you could learn to consistently activate your Radiant Circuits so you can enjoy life to the fullest?
What if you could carry a joy that comes from the inside – no matter what it is going on in your world?

You can’t always “think” your way out of hard emotional times

Nowadays, everyone is talking about affirmations and the power of positive thinking. We love positive thinking, but sometimes you need another approach when you’re struggling.
In fact, it can be incredibly difficult to stop negative thoughts. Worry, fear, and anxiety can get a hold of you and not let go. (Think back to a sleepless night to get a sense of what we mean.)
That’s one of the reasons you will love Radiant Circuits techniques. Donna’s exercises and tools activate your “inner wells of joy” – and you don’t have to think positively for them to work.
Just do the techniques and let the Radiant Circuits work their magic. Before you know it, you will start to feel lighter, more hopeful, and even a sense of gratitude for whatever is going on in your life.

Your first energy system was created to give you joy, but then … 

As Donna sees them, the Radiant Circuits are the first energy system to appear in a developing fetus. They are required to get the other energy systems online and are a core resource for the body.
Radiant Circuits don’t follow fixed pathways. They have the unique ability to jump to wherever they are most needed – creating instant circuits to distribute energy throughout the body. This makes them a powerful source for healing and renewal.
However, over time, in response to the stresses of modern life, your body makes compromises, diverting its energy away from joy and into the energy systems designed to handle stress. Work deadlines, financial worries, relationship bumps, or even global concerns can dampen your Radiant Circuits and that can have serious consequences for your health.
Just compare the unbridled joy and wonder of a toddler compared to the rare and often hard-to-find joy of an adult.
What happens when our Radiant Circuits go offline?
We miss out on a powerful source of healing and renewal in our adult lives. We go numb. We go through the motions but we have lost our youthfulness, our eagerness, and our vibrance. And eventually without access to our Radiant Circuits, our health suffers.
Over the course of history, people have noticed the link between happiness and good health and studies are beginning to support the connection.
For example, a long-term study published in 2015 looked at the effect of happiness on survival rates in 32,000 people.
The risk of death over the 30-year study period was 14% higher in unhappy individuals compared to their happier counterparts.
Joy doesn’t just feel good.
It’s an essential ingredient to a long, healthy, and satisfying life.
Let Donna show you how to keep your joy flowing and step into your long, healthy, and satisfying life.