
Donald Miller – StoryBrand Messaging Framework

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Donald Miller – StoryBrand Messaging Framework
StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Taught by Donald Miller
Core Concepts : Introduction
You don’t know how to explain what you do in a way that draws people in.

Learn how to eliminate confusion from your messaging so customers finally listen and buy.
Core Concepts Resources
You’re here to clarify your message so customers will listen, and nothing causes people

to stop and listen like a great story. Story is the foundation for the framework you’ll

learn in this course, so it’s important to start here. See how the movies you love and the

brands you trust use the power of story to capture our attention. You’ll also take the

first step in filling out your BrandScript by answering this question: What story are you

inviting customers into?
01 Introduction

02 The Importance of a Clear Story

03 How Clear is Your Message

04 How Story Works

05 Help Customers Solve Their Problems

06 Story In Major Motion Films

07 Blockbuster Marketing

08 How Major Brands Use Story

09 Creating Your BrandScript

10 Creating a BrandScript for Nonprofits

Assessment: Core Concepts
Module 1

Your customer is the Character. Just like a Character in any great movie, they’re

looking to experience a Transformation and become a better version of themselves.

Before you can Guide them to Success, you need to clearly define who your customer

is and what they want.

01 Defining an Aspirational Identity
02 Brainstorm: Aspirational Identity
03 A Character
04 Major Thought Checklist: Character
Assessment: Character

Module 2

Customers come to you with a Problem. In fact, most people are trying to solve three

Problems simultaneously when they engage your brand. Learn what those three

Problems are and how you can position your product as the solution.

01 With a Problem
02 Major Thought Checklist: Problem
Assessment: Problem

Module 3

Without a Guide, our customer (the hero) would wander aimlessly. Guides have certain

qualities that cause heroes to seek them out. Learn what those are and how you can

set yourself apart as a trusted Guide for your customers.

01 Meets a Guide
02 Major Thought Checklist: Guide
Assessment: Guide

Module 4

A great Plan removes confusion and provides clear steps for people to follow. Learn

how to create a Plan that will give your customers confidence and clarity when they

engage your business.

01 Who Gives Them a Plan
02 Major Thought Checklist: Plan
Assessment: Plan

Module 5

Characters in stories don’t take action on their own. They have to be challenged to act.

It’s the same with our customers. In this module, you’ll learn the 2 types of calls to

action that should be included in all of your marketing material.

01 And Calls Them to Action
02 Major Thought Checklist: Call to Action
Assessment: Call to Action

Module 6

A good story needs to have stakes. For your customers to ultimately take action and

avoid Failure, they need a clear understanding of what they could lose by not doing

business with you. Learn how to communicate what’s at stake to your customers.

01 That Helps Them Avoid Failure
02 Major Thought Checklist: Failure
Assessment: Failure

Module 7

Talk about how your business will make life better for your customers, and talk about it

often. This module will show you why casting a vision of Success is so important and


01 And Ends in a Success
02 Major Thought Checklist: Success
Assessment: Success


You’ve gone through the entire StoryBrand Framework. Now, it’s time to put it all

together. Learn how your BrandScript helps you communicate clearly in all aspects of

your business.

01 Putting It All Together
02 Executing Your BrandScript
Assessment: Execution