don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Becoming a Shining One


Using the gifts of your fully activated subtle energy field, complemented with breathwork, chants, hand positions, and a healing altar, you will “re-Member your Self” as a Shining One, a K’anchaq Huqniyuq, capable of great acts of beauty, love, and healing service.Purchase don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Becoming a Shining One courses at here with PRICE $497 $100don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Becoming a Shining OneDiscover Ancient Shamanic Practices to Activate Your Light Body for Healing, Vitality, and Spiritual AwakeningBefriend the Ancestral Mythic Reality of Peruvian Shamanism and Receive Apprenticeship in Life-changing Shamanic Ritual Healing ArtsYou’ll receive apprenticeship in the ritual consecration and configuration of sacred space conducive to the energetic harnessing and focused application of healing potentials and tutelary spirit guidance available within the five sacred directions of our Pachakuti Mesa altar grounds.Your initiation into Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanism focuses on teachings regarding the proper ceremonial etiquette, sacred space patterning, and ritual activation of healing powers and energetic forces residing within the five core artes (shamanic power objects/medicine pieces) that comprise the multidimensional golden spiral template at play within the living tapestry of the Pachakuti mesaYou’ll engage in a guided visionary process for the collective awakening of shamanic alliances with spirit helpers and luminous sources of healing assistance known to Peru’s ancestral wisdom keepers.MODULE I: Session 1 — KawsayElemental Earth Medicine for Physical Healing & HarmonizationPraises to Hatun Amaru, great boa/anaconda animal ally, divine child of Pachamama, earth mother, sacred guardian of south and southeast directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Qollasuyu. Elemental embodiment of Allpa, sacred earth, formed as stone, supreme healer of physical infirmity and harmonizer of material dissonance. Come in, medicine beauty of Amarupa Hampin Munaycha, divine serpent spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined sensing, bestower of healthful balance for our bodies, wisdom tutelary of Llankay, right action as awakened vocation. Master teacher of conscious independence in healing service to self, I invoke your gift of intrapersonal awareness… I evoke my medicine virtue as SHAMAN/HEALER, empowered by Kawsay… I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of personal evolution within the life of humankind — Hinaya!In this module, you’ll receive:Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of boa/anaconda medicine virtues present within the South direction of one’s mesaHands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental earth medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)MODULE I: Session 2 — KawsayElemental Earth Medicine for Physical Healing & HarmonizationIn this module, you’ll receive:Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Kawsay into a person’s navel/umbilical-spleen lymph nodes for enhanced physical wellbeingDemonstration on use of Kawsay for self-healingMODULE II: Session 1 — Samisonqoy Elemental Water Medicine for Emotional Healing & Harmonization Praises to Hatun Challwa, great dolphin/whale animal ally, divine child of Mama Killa, mother moon, sacred guardian of west and southwest directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Kuntisuyu. Elemental embodiment of Unu, sacred water, formed as shell, supreme healer of emotional infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Challwapa Hampin Munaycha, divine swimmer spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined feeling, bestower of healthful balance for our hearts, wisdom tutelary of Munay, unlimited compassionate love as awakened caring. Master teacher of conscious dependence in healing service to others, I invoke your gift of interpersonal awareness… I evoke my medicine virtue as ARTIST/RITUALIST, empowered by Samisonqoy… I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of communal evolution within the life of humankind — Hinaya!In this module, you’ll receive:Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of dolphin/whale medicine virtues present within the West direction of one’s mesaHands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental water medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)MODULE II: Session 2 — Samisonqoy Elemental Water Medicine for Emotional Healing & Harmonization In this module, you’ll receive:Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Samisonqoy into a person’s Heart/Cardiac Plexus area for enhanced emotional wellbeingDemonstration on use of Samisonqoy for self-healingMODULE III: Session 1 — K’anchayElemental Air Medicine for Spiritual Healing & HarmonizationPraises to Hatun Kuntur, great condor/eagle animal ally, divine child of Wiracocha, creator/creatrix of our Great Originating Mystery, sacred guardian of north and northwest directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Chinchaysuyu. Elemental embodiment of Wayra, sacred air, formed as feather, supreme healer of spiritual infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Kunturpa Hampin Munaycha, divine winged spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined intuiting, bestower of healthful balance for our spirit, wisdom tutelary of Yuyay, transcendent awareness and spiritual re-Membering through awakened vision. Master teacher of conscious interdependence in healing service to the world, I invoke your gift of transpersonal awareness… I evoke my medicine virtue as VISIONARY/SEER, empowered by K’anchay… I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of planetary evolution within the life of humankind — Hinaya!In this module, you’ll receive:Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of condor/eagle medicine virtues present within the North direction of one’s mesaHands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental air medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)MODULE III: Session 2 — K’anchayElemental Air Medicine for Spiritual Healing & Harmonization In this module, you’ll receive:Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of K’anchay into a person’s crown/pineal body for enhanced spiritual wellbeingDemonstration on use of K’anchay for self-healingMODULE IV: Session 1 — SamiumayElemental Fire Medicine for Mental Healing & HarmonizationPraises to Hatun Poma, great puma/jaguar animal ally, divine child of Tayta Inti, father sun, sacred guardian of east and northeast directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Antisuyu. Elemental embodiment of Nina, sacred fire, formed as flamed candle, supreme healer of mental infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Pomapa Hampin Munaycha, divine four-legged spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined thinking, bestower of healthful balance for our mind, wisdom tutelary of Yachay, enlightened wisdom and higher intelligence through awakened cognition. Master teacher of conscious transcendence in healing service to Cosmos, I invoke your gift of universal awareness… I evoke my medicine virtue as TEACHER/SAGE, empowered by Samiumay… I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of galactic evolution within the life of humankind — Hinaya!In this module, you’ll receive:Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of puma/jaguar medicine virtues present within the East direction of one’s mesaHands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental fire medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)MODULE IV: Session 2 — SamiumayElemental Fire Medicine for Mental Healing & HarmonizationIn this module, you’ll receive:Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Samiumay into a person’s pituitary gland/left T7 vertebral area for enhanced psychological wellbeingDemonstration on use of Samiumay for self-healingMODULE V: Session 1 — Illanunay Elemental Aetheric Medicine for Soul Healing & Harmonization In this module, you’ll receive:Praises to Hatun Llama, great llama/alpaca animal ally, divine child of Sumaj K’uychi, supreme rainbow, sacred guardian of center and middle directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Chawpinsuyu. Elemental embodiment of T’eqse Kallpa, sacred aether, formed as central shamanic power object, supreme healer of soul infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Llamapa Hampin Munaycha, divine camelid spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined presencing, bestower of healthful balance for our soul, wisdom tutelary of Huñuy, unified being and wholeness through awakened presence. Master teacher of conscious immanence in healing service to Creation, I invoke your gift of impersonal awareness… I evoke my medicine virtue as MYSTIC/HIEROPHANT, empowered by Illanunay… I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of multidimensional evolution within the life of humankind — Hinaya!Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of llama/alpaca medicine virtues present within the Center direction of one’s mesaHands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental aetheric medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)MODULE V: Session 2 — IllanunayElemental Aetheric Medicine for Soul Healing & Harmonization In this module, you’ll receive:Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Illanunay (soul radiance) into a person’s solar plexus/xiphoid-diaphragmatic lymph nodes/celiac plexus for enhanced soul empowermentDemonstration on use of Illanunay for personal soul expansionINTEGRATION: Yuyaychakuy Embodied Self-realized Action for Restoring Order to Our WorldHaving attained unified ritual mastery of the energetic healing powers and forces generously bestowed upon us through our encounter with the millenary medicine, magic and mystery of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanic practice we are called to walk a path of humility, patience and wonderment in service to the cosmic restoration of order within our world. By allowing our re-Membered awareness as Shining Ones to freely radiate its numinous presence upon our beloved Pachamama, every good deed, each ritualized expression of our reverence for the sanctity of life, becomes an effortless embodiment of Right Action Borne of Compassionate Spiritual Wisdom Unites. Fearless in heart and wildly open to Love as the purpose of our existence, in thought, word, and sacred presence, our awakened shamanic medicine sentience flows unhindered into the oceanic depths of all human hearts.In this module, you’ll receive:Integrative Pachakuti Mesa Tradition wisdom transmission focused on the experience of gratitude, generosity and grace as an evolutionary means for walking a Universal Shaman Path in our livesGuided shamanic journey into the cosmic pleroma, co-creative abode of our future visionary guidance as Shining OnesIMPORTANT FOR INTRODUCTION CLASS:A ceremonially activated PMT altar ground is a key aspect of this program, so it’s required that you begin the first class with one. When you register, you’ll receive instant access to a special video, Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa, that will guide you in creating your mesa if you don’t currently have one.Please also note that there will be some additional items you’ll need in order to finalize your mesa. Ideally these will be stone “relatives,” which you will intuit based on the guidance you receive from the video teaching. In addition to gathering these, you’ll be provided with a supplemental reading list. This course also includes sanctioned teacher support to assist you with any questions that arise throughout the course.Here’s What You’ll ReceiveTwelve 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With don Oscar Miro-QuesadaExperience a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned Peruvian curandero, psychologist, and author — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.Twelve PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Sacred Practices Between Each LessonIn addition to the course sessions, you’ll be invited to participate in time honored rituals and practices on your own outside of class. These experiences will deepen your transformation and learning throughout the course and may become powerful pillars going forward.The Becoming a Shining One Bonus CollectionIntroduction to the Pachakuti MesaBrand New Video Tutorial From don Oscar Miro-QuesadaThe Shamanic Transformation of Modern Medicine: Using Indigenous Healing Approaches to Guide Patients & Families in Making Difficult Medical DecisionsVideo Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Dr. David Steinhorn, and Jana DinThree Foundational Guided JourneysAudio Recordings From don Oscar Miro-QuesadaShamanic Practices to Start Your DayAudio Recording From don Oscar Miro-QuesadaPachakuti Mesa Tradition Basics ToolkitSet of Resources From don Oscar Miro-QuesadaAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Learn the Hidden Wisdom of Universal ShamanismWe feel honored don Oscar Miro-Quesada has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a master shamanic practitioner.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from don Oscar’s incredible teachings and practices from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!If you’re serious about discovering ancient shamanic practices to activate your light body for healing and vitality, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to open your heart and mind and walk a path of reverence, click the register button below to reserve your space now. Purchase don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Becoming a Shining One courses at here with PRICE $497 $100