Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop


Don’t miss this opportunity learn from Dr. Donald Meichenbaum, one of the world’s leading psychotherapists and co-founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).Voted “one of the 10 most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century” and a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association for his work on suicide prevention, Dr. Meichenbaum remains one of the most notable leaders in the field of psychotherapy today.In this compelling recording, Dr. Meichenbaum will offer you the “untold” story of how CBT evolved, what it means for today’s clinician and considerations every therapist should contemplate when conducting psychotherapy.He’ll then allow you access into decades’ worth of clinical knowledge and experience as he walks you through CBT-informed case conceptualization, treatment and management of some of the most difficult diagnoses on your caseload, including PTSD, substance abuse, personality disorders, depression, suicidality, and severe anger and aggression.Under his expert guidance, you’ll gain skills and knowledge to:Expand your CBT-informed intervention toolbox to engage and treat even your “toughest” clientsDevelop “expert” level clinical skills and techniques that elicit lasting change in clientsImplement an easy-to-follow case conceptualization model that informs assessment and treatment decisionsIncrease your clients’ ability to generalize their in-session skills to life outside your officeAnticipate and address treatment non-adherence to increase the likelihood of successDr. Meichenbaum will not only give you invaluable concrete interventions to take back to your office the next day, he’ll do it in a way that reminds you of why you became a clinician in the first place.Known for giving critically-minded, clinically astute and humorous lectures, Dr. Meichenbaum demonstrates the art and science of psychotherapy in a way only he can – you don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from a legend in the field of psychotherapy!Get Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop, Only Price $175Describe the evolution of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as it relates to clinical effectiveness and choice of therapeutic intervention.Articulate how to integrate various techniques from Constructive Narrative Therapy with evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral interventions.Enumerate the core tasks of psychotherapy that “expert” therapists implement to contribute to lasting change with clients.Employ a Case Conceptualization Model of risk and protective factors that informs assessment and treatment planning.Assess for client’s risk of violence toward self and others; implement appropriate interventions based on assessment.Implement clinical strategies to enhance client engagement in treatment and motivation to change.Conduct evidence-based cognitive-behavioral techniques including psychoeducation, exposure-based interventions, self-monitoring, and cognitive restructuring to assist clients in reducing problematic symptoms.Incorporate CBT-informed treatment strategies that increase the likelihood of generalization of skills outside the therapy session.Integrate strategies into your treatment plan that bolster resilience among clients in six domains (physical, interpersonal, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and spiritual).Implement clinical strategies for identifying and reducing therapy-interfering behavior in clients.Utilize advanced CBT strategies specific to clients presenting with PTSD, prolonged and complicated grief, Borderline Personality Disorder, substance abuse and other addictive disorders, severe anger and/or aggressive behavior.Integrate spiritually-based interventions with CBT psychotherapy methods to improve clinical outcomes. The Evolution of CBT: What It Means for Today’s ClinicianTheoretical and empirical progression of CBTThe emergence of a Constructive Narrative Perspective (CNP) of psychotherapyEvidence-based v. relationship-based therapyLimitations of the research and potential risksSetting the Stage for “Expert” Level Therapy: How to Achieve Lasting Change with Your ClientsDr. Meichenbaum’s core tasks of psychotherapy – how regularly are you utilizing these?The critical role of the therapeutic alliance as a catalyst for changeHow to utilize client-informed feedback on a session-by-session basisStrategies that bolster resilience in clients Integration of spiritually-based and CBT interventionsCBT-Informed Case Conceptualization: Strategies for Comprehensive, Ongoing Assessment & Treatment PlanningHow to implement the Case Conceptualization ModelRisk and protective factors – why you need bothHow to use the “art of questioning” to avoid becoming the client’s “surrogate frontal lobe”Never leave a session without identifying thisHow to conduct collaborative, SMART goal setting procedures that elicit hope for the clientAdvanced CBT Interventions: Empower Clients to Identify Triggers, Unhook Schemas, Develop Coping Skills, and Make Healthier DecisionsPsychoeducationThe CLOCK metaphor: a new, concrete way to illustrate thoughts, feelings, behavior and consequencesMulti-tiered timelines: unfreeze beliefs, discover the impact of developmental schemata, and nurture hopeStrategies to help your client re-conceptualize the problemAdvanced Implementation of Classic CBT Interventions, Including:Self-monitoring Exposure-based interventionsCognitive restructuring And more!Other CBT-Informed Treatment TechniquesConstructive Narrative interventions, including Gestalt’s “Empty Chair”Contextualize memories: “here and now” versus “then and there” interventionsStrategies for addressing treatment noncomplianceTechniques to increase generalization of skills outside of sessionDiagnosis-Specific Interventions For:PTSD, Complex PTSD Prolonged and complicated griefDepressionSuicidal behavior/ideationBorderline Personality DisorderSubstance AbuseExtreme anger and aggressive behaviorVictims of intimate partner violence Get Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop, Only Price $175Tag: Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop – Donald Meichenbaum Review. Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop – Donald Meichenbaum download. Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop – Donald Meichenbaum  discount.