Doberman Dan – How To Make Big Money From Small Lists


Doberman Dan – How To Make Big Money From Small Lists

Released for the first time ever… my PROVEN system reveals…

How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists!

Here’s how I made an extra $205,000 last year… working part-time from home… with a list of only 130 people…
Why I believe you can, too.

Dear Friend

If you want to make an extra $100,000 (or more) this year only working a few hours a month from the comfort of your own home…
…this will be one of the most exciting messages you’ve ever read.

Here’s what it’s all about: 
Recently, I added up the income that I have earned from my list in the past 12 months.
A few veteran marketers were blown away when I shared my findings with them. (I’ll explain why in just a minute.)
They INSISTED I share my secrets for making more money than most doctors… while only working part-time.
To give you a brief glimpse of how I did this, here’s the breakdown of the extra “side money” I made:

First run of a specialized 8-Weekly coaching program – $45,000 (9 attendees x $5,000)
Second run of a specialized 8.-Week Coaching Program – $80,000 (10 attendees x $8,000)
Mentorship Bootcamp two-day event – $80,000 (8 attendees x $10,000)

That’s a total of $205,000 from just three programs. This is a modest investment of time as I spend only 3 hours per week.

Advertising and marketing costs are zero dollars
Now here’s the thing that blew away even the most experienced online marketers…

It took $205,000 to generate this amount From Only 130 people on this List!

This means that I earn an average of $1,576.92 per person on my mailing list.

And that’s just from those three extra one-These programs are only available for a limited time. I’m not including subscription, consulting, copywriting, royalty and equity income generated from this list in the previous 12 months.
If I added that additional income, my total would be $4,269.23/year for each person on my roster. (Give or subtract a few pennies.
Heck, even the $1,576.92 per person I’m getting is UNHEARD of compared to the results of most other info marketers.

Here’s Why This Is Important To YOU…

I was a stumbling wreck, learning as I went and making errors time after time. The hard way, by making nearly all of the mistakes.
That’s why I’m convinced that almost anybody can do this. You can do it better than me.
According to traditional thinking, an email list must have a lot more subscribers in order for it to be profitable.
Not so, dear friend. You are right.
I’m proof you don’t need a huge email list to make six-Figures (or more) per year This can be done with a very small list. (Like me, my list was only 130.)
Heck, you can do this starting today… even if you have…

There is no list!

However, you need to know how to make big money with small lists.
And that’s EXACTLY what you now have the opportunity to discover.
Because I’m going to give you all the skills, tools and guidance you need to do it.
I’m SUPER excited about sharing everything with you. However, I’m not gonna “hard sell” you.
If I have to do that, I’m not talking to the right person.
Instead, I’m going to tell you three things:
1. What it’s all about…
2. Who it’s for… and…
3. Who it’s NOT for…
First of all, here’s what it’s all about:
Last year I tested a new marketing system that worked better than anything I’ve EVER done.
As I mentioned, even though it was a series of errors, it generated an additional $205,000. It involved only sending a few emails to just 130 people.
Since then, I’ve learned from my mistakes. And I’ve tested and tweaked to get it working even BETTER.
Now it’s working so darn well, I’ll NEVER go back to the old way of doing things.
That explains why — unlike most info marketers — I rarely come out with new products anymore. I’m so thrilled with this new and improved way of making money… and it’s so darn profitable… it has replaced almost EVERYTHING.
And I’m confident it will work just as well for you, too.
In fact, if you do what I say you’ll do even Be better That’s more than I have.
However, the only way to know for certain is if we have the opportunity to see it firsthand.
That’s why I’m willing to walk you through the entire system… step-By-step… from start to finish… with a new program called…

How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists!

I’m excited because I’m going to help you get this system set up and making money for YOU… as fast as possible. Cashola can be packed into your body in copious quantities.-To-be stocked with plenty of money.
You can join me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists I’m going to reveal my entire system to you… A to Z.
This way, you too can make a substantial 6-figure income working part-time from the comfort of your own home… doing work that’s simple, fun and rewarding.
I’m going to provide you with EVERYTHING you need to make this system work for YOU… so you can start enjoying the money and FREEDOM this system gives you!
Here’s everything you’ll get…

Video Module 1 – Charting the Course You’ll see exactly how to determine how much income you need to create your ideal lifestyle. You’ll then learn how to quickly create that income. To get you from where you are now… to where you WANT to be.
Video Module 2: Market Selection If you don’t get This part right, you’ll wind up spinning your wheels and only making a Fraction You could and SHOULD be making more money. You’ll discover my “ace-up-the-sleeve” Secret to making sure you select a market that is proven and INSANELY lucrative.
Video Module 3 How To Make the perfect offer: You’ll see how I develop high-Tickets offers that will get people lined up and beg you to take their money.
Video Module 4 – Lead Generation: You’ll discover the very best ways to get traffic and attract high paying clients. If you don’t yet have a list, you’ll discover the most effective way to build one FAST. Even better… I’ll show you how to do it if you only have a “bootstrap” budget. (I’ve done it with a budget of ZERO.)
Video Module 5 How To Convert Your Leads: This has been the most counterintuitive thing I’ve discovered. Because the less you do… the more leads you convert into high-Paying clients. In fact, since I’ve honed this part of the system, I’ve gotten 90% conversion on the last two programs I promoted. And I’ve distilled this down To a simple and easy-to-Follow a simple script that anyone can follow. This process and script works so darn well… and it’s so EFFORTLESS… you’ll throw out all the other stuff you’ve tried in the past.
Video Module 6 – Clients… What To Get along with them How To Keep ’em Happy… And How To Keep ’em: If you’re worried about what to do with your clients once you get them, worry no more. Now you’ll know EXACTLY what to do. And how to get results that’ll keep ’em sticking around… and giving you more and more money! These are the secrets I WISH I had back when I was first starting out… ‘cuz I could’You can make a lot more money doing a lot less work.

But that’s not all. I’m also including something I’ve NEVER revealed before…

Video Module 7
Behind the Scenes Secrets Of Successful Newsletter PublIt ishing!

I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again…
Everything good that has happened… and is happening in my business… is a direct result of my newsletter.


Yes. “ole skool” newsletter. Delivered as God intended a newsletter to be delivered… in paper & ink.
However, most people don’t know how to create a newsletter. Even marketing experts don’t know how to create a newsletter.
Still, there’s a FORTUNE to be made with a newsletter… If You know how.
And soon, you will too… when you join me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists. 
I’m gonna pull back the curtain and show you EVERYTHING about my super successful newsletter publishing/membership business.
Inclusion of the behind-The-Scenes secrets to making REALLY large money.
I’m not talking about the subscription income from your newsletter. (Even though the recurring income is important. It is nice.) (I mean the 5-6.-figure deals a real paper & ink newsletter can generate for you.
You can be sure that no one in the marketing industry has ever shared this information outside of their own doors. “inner circle.” Because it is only a handful, grizzled veterans, who still know it. (And nobody else would want to let the cat outta it.)
It was hard for me to learn.
But you don’t.
I’ll let you in on every last detail when you decide to join with me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists.
But that’s not all. You’ll also get…


Video Module 8

“Superhero Writing Secrets!”

I’ve written a lot of stuff over the years about copywriting… and all the editorial/content writing secrets I’ve learned over the past two decades.
However, this is not a new idea.
Something I’ve NEVER revealed before.
Let me tell ya… NOTHING works better than “Superhero Writing” for…
Celebrity positioning… 
Construction of a rock-solid relationship with your clients… so they stick with you for YEARS…
And you get MAXIMUM Retention and lifetime customer value (LCV), from every member of your team. This means years of reliable, stress-free work-Free income for you.
Once you have this secret, “Superhero Writing” will be your master key to the kingdom… because…

It’s MAGNETIC to money…
Can be created out of thin air…
Makes you stand head and shoulders above EVERYBODY else in your marketplace…
Turns you into a specialist… not a generalist. (Specialists make EXPONENTIALLY MORE money.
This makes you a household name in your local market. (Celebrities make EXPONENTIALLY less than specialists.
Works in any media…
As powerful as “Superhero Writing” is, you’ll put it on STEROIDS when you use it in a print newsletter! (I use it in my newsletter… and I have the highest retention of ANY newsletter in my market!)

But we’re not done yet. We are not done yet.
I’m going the extra mile to make SURE this will work for you as well — or BETTER — than it has for me.
That’s why you’re also going to get…

This system works because of all my copy templates. (Emails and website copy, my crazy high-converting script… EVERYTHING! Everything written, tested, and used by me for an additional 6-figures a year… working only part-time. You’ll get it all! Simply make a few tweaks, adapt the copy for your offer… and you’ll be ready to launch in no time at all.)
My virtual guidance – On the video modules I’ll lead you through the entire system, A-To-Z. You’ll see how to customize everything for your business… so you can start putting money in your pocket as soon as possible!

You get pitched all sorts of bogus stuff, you know. “make a million dollars per minute” These days, there are many schemes.
Most likely, on a daily basis.
But this ain’t one of ‘em. This is specialized stuff and it’It is not for everyone.
So let me tell you…

Who This Program Is For…

Coaches, consultants, authors and speakers…
People who sell any kind of information products…
People who have any kind of high value skill that helps others…
People who are willing to do a small part-You can make extra 6 hours by working more time-figure income each year…
People who are open to having conversations with other people, rather than just sending emails or hiding behind a computer.

Are you still with me? Great! Now I can move on to…

Who This Program Is NOT For…

People who make a living selling scams “get rich quick” Shady biz and other scams-op stuff. (Is it not obvious that these guys have never been successful in anything? Legitimate business… other than selling fraudulent get rich quick crap?)
Dudes or dudettes who are content to remain behind their computer screens and avoid interacting with other living, breathing people.
Affiliates are people who want to only sell products.
People who are stuck in their own ruts. “information gathering” You may be in a mode, but you never actually get to start anything. (Look, if you’ve been lurking in this online marketing world for a while, that’s okay. Just as long as you’re ready to actually start creating something for your future NOW.)
People who don’t want to sell information products or services, advice, consulting, coaching, or other related services.

This is a PROVEN system. One I’ve invested lots of time and money into figuring out.
And since it has such an extremely high value… because you can use it to make as much money as you desire… and create the kind of lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about…

It Ain’t Cheap!

But hey, I’m sharing skills that have paid me almost a quarter of a MILLION dollars over the past 12 months! It’s all about having some fun.-time work.
Just a few months ago eight people paid me $6,000 for the EXACT same information you’re going to get.

Heck, even if I charged you $100,000… you second-mortgaged your home, sold all your earthly possessions… and sold so much of your blood plasma that you stumbled around like a hollow-eyed heroin addict… it would still Be a shouting bargain
In fact, if you don’t make back at Last $100k in the next 12 months, you’re just slacking off. It works that well.
But don’t worry. It ain’t gonna cost $100k. It should, however.
And you won’t pay $6,000 like my recent coaching clients.
Only $497 is required.

Yes, I know that’s not exactly pocket change for some folks.
However, if you do what I say… Your return on investment may be 500x higher than in the first year alone!
THAT’S how effective this is.
Yes, it can work for YOU! Just like it has for these folks…

Here’s What Some Good “Salt Of The Earth” Folks Are Saying About My Strategies…

“$87,000/Year ‘Auto-Pilot’ Business Started In Only One Month!”

“After all the thousands I’ve invested in various courses and materials, Dan’s advice has been the most valuable in helping me build a profitable health and fitness publishing company. His coaching allowed me to start a new business from my kitchen table with practically no capital… and create a part-time business in only one month, currently on track to make $87,000 its first year… completely on auto-pilot!.”
– Chris Stella, Boston Massachusetts

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