Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel


Hours of Content: 20Our philosophy is teaching individuals how to code by going through step by step projects. This drives the majority of our content with one exception: the Django Core course.In this course, we go in-depth into various Django concepts to provide a comprehensive guide to topics that include:Django ModelsModel Instance Methods & PropertiesModel-level field validationHow models map to databases and Primary KeysDjango Forms and FormsetsRelating Data with Foreign Keys in DjangoHandling Subdomains with Django HostsForm validationModel FormFunction Based Views (FBVs)Class Based Views (CBVs)CRUD in Django Views (Create Retrieve Update Delete List)Django TemplatesTemplate InheritanceTemplate shortcuts & FiltersDjango translationWhat are the requirements?Try Django 1.8 & Up (suggested course is Try Django 1.9 as it has Try Django 1.8 too)Python knowledge is a plus (30 Days of Python is a suggested course)What am I going to get from this course?Django ModelsModel Instance Methods & PropertiesModel-level field validationDjango Forms and FormsetsForm validationModel FormFunction Based Views (FBVs)Class Based Views (CBVs)CRUD in Django Views (Create Retrieve Update Delete List)Django TemplatesDjango translationDeploying Django on a Live Server| Heroku, Webfaction, Linode, Digital OceanCelery + Redis for asynchronous tasks and scheduled tasksand much more!Requirements are Python 2.7 or 3.3 and Django 1.8 & upWe use Python 3 and Django 1.10 in this oneGet Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel, Only Price $29What is the target audience?Requirements are Python 2.7 or 3.3 and Django 1.8 & upWe use Python 3 and Django 1.10 in this oneAnyone looking to learn more about DjangoAny student looking to build robust cutting edge web applicationsPython UsersDjango beginners with some experience, like doing our Try Django (1.8 & up Series)Course CurriculumIntroduction001 – Introduction (2:39)002 – Installation & Recommended Setup (2:30)003 – How to use this course (2:36)Django Views004 – Introduction (1:47)005 – Install & First View (11:25)006 – Http Response & Http Response Redirect (11:02)007 – CRUD & Views (10:48)008 – Template Rendering (5:28)009 – Understanding Context (5:28)010 – User Context & Login Required Decorator (6:41)011 – Detail View (12:17)012 – Create View (13:44)013 – Update View (5:26)014 – Delete View (6:15)015 – Combining Crud in 1 View (11:51)016 – Search in List View & Q Lookups (6:29)017 – Thank you and next steps (0:40)Django Models Unleashed018 – Introduction (1:57)019 – Documentation & Version (1:22)020 – Start Blank Project (4:07)021 – App, First Model, & Makemigrations (7:14)022 – Boolean Field, Null, & Default Values (9:55)023 – CharField & TextField (4:34)024 – Render Model in Admin (5:06)025 – Django Field Choices (5:40)026 – Object Unicode Name (3:38)027 – Built-in Validation (5:59)028 – Custom Field Validation (6:16)029 – Overriding the Save Method (7:40)030 – Using Signals with Models (10:48)031 – Error Messages & Help Text (3:36)032 – Timestamp & DateTimeField (7:25)033 – Instance Methods & Properties (9:46)034 – Model Managers (9:54)035 – Custom QuerySet Methods (8:49)036 – Models in the Python Shell (10:44)037 – Thank you! (0:50)Understanding Class Based Views038 – Welcome (0:39)039 – Requirements & Recommendations (1:50)040 – Intro & Template View (4:10)041 – Customize Template View (6:14)042 – Base View and Mixins (10:01)043 – Login Required Decorator & Custom Mixin (9:18)044 – DetailView (11:03)045 – ListView (8:22)046 – CreateView (12:09)047 – UpdateView (4:11)048 – Delete View (7:18)049 – Handling Exceptions with Objects (7:05)050 – Django Messages in a CBV (7:50)051 – Using a FormMixin in a CBV (11:56)052 – Next Steps (1:17)Forms & Formsets053 – Introduction (1:21)054 – Requirements & Suggestions (2:34)055 – Basic Overview (2:22)056 – An HTML Form (6:26)057 – Your First Django Form (2:21)058 – Render the Form (5:53)059 – Form Fields (4:37)060 – Collecting Data via HTML Form (6:54)061 – Collecting Data via Django Form (6:30)062 – Basic Form Validation (5:07)063 – Initial Form Data (10:23)064 – Form Field Label & Widgets (11:45)065 – Model Form (9:01)066 – Override the Save Method in Model Form (8:04)067 – Adjusting Model Form Data in a View (5:32)068 – Custom Error Messages (11:16)069 – Rendering Form Errors in a View (6:29)070 – Rendering Fields Manually within a Template (8:54)071 – Reusable Form Template Snippet (5:54)072 – Django Formsets (7:14)073 – Model Formsets (7:11)074 – ModelForm and QuerySets in Model Formsets (6:17)075 – Dynamic New Form in Formsets with jQuery (15:53)076 – Next Steps (0:56)Get Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel, Only Price $29Django Templates077 – Setup Project (9:43)078 – Introduction (1:34)079 – Template Filters (10:06)080 – For Loops & Cycle (10:19)081 – Inheritance (10:11)082 – Include with Variables (6:34)083 – Override App Templates (9:01)084 – Thank you and next steps (1:44)Django Translation085 – Introduction (2:27)086 – Setup gettext using Homebrew (2:46)087 – Translate a String in a View (6:33)088 – Manually Activate Translation by Language (2:23)089 – Django Translation in Template (3:33)090 – Thank you (0:48)Django User Model Unleashed091 – Welcome (1:05)092 – Requirements (2:00)093 – Extend User Model (11:04)094 – Custom User Model (17:16)095 – Extending the Custom User Model (4:04)096 – Register User (8:42)097 – User Login & Authentication (17:32)098 – User Logout (2:21)099 – User Login with Username or Email (9:21)100 – Inactive User (6:29)101 – Activation Keys (14:01)102 – Thank you and next steps (0:34)Django Tests Unleashed103 – Requirements (2:45)104 – Setup Project (3:11)105 – Model Tests (18:32)106 – Form Tests (10:02)107 – View Tests (8:00)108 – Authenticating Users Tests (13:25)109 – CRUD Test in Django Rest Framework (11:56)110 – Thank you and next steps (0:38)Deployment111 – Deployment Introduction (1:52)112 – Linode Part 1 (17:02)113 – Linode Part 2 (12:04)114 – Digital Ocean Setup (10:58)115 – Digital Ocean Local Django Project (19:35)116 – Digital Ocean Debian + Apache + Django (15:43)117 – Digital Ocean Local to Live (12:29)118 – Webfaction Setup (8:20)119 – Webfaction Local Django Project (19:35)120 – Webfaction Local to Live (13:01)121 – Heroku Login to Heroku (4:33)122 – Local Django Project (19:35)123 – Setup Git for your Project (8:08)124 – Create Heroku App (4:52)125 – Production Settings & Static Files (5:10)126 – Custom Domain & Go Live (15:04)Django Foreign Keys Unleashed127 – Welcome to Foreign Keys Unleashed (0:47)128 – First Foreign Key Relation (6:52)129 – Relations in the Shell (8:08)130 – More Foreign Keys (9:45)131 – ManyToMany Field (8:26)132 – One to One Field (8:12)133 – On Delete (11:21)134 – Limit Choices To (4:00)135 – Search & Change Foreign Key Field in Admin (3:32)136 – Save Request User to Model in Admin (4:35)137 – Model Admin Method for User Foreign Key (4:03)138 – Related Name in Foreign Key (4:57)139 – Thank you (0:48)Time & Tasks | A Guide to Connecting Django, Celery, + Redis140 – What is Time & Tasks (3:01)141 – Requirements (1:44)142 – Download Redis (5:16)143 – Install Celery & Redis in Virtualenv (4:50)144 – Celery Module (2:50)145 – Create a Django App (4:34)146 – Defer Tasks with Celery (11:46)147 – Scheduled Tasks (7:45)148 – Celery & Redis on Heroku (7:32)149 – Thank you (0:30)Django Hosts150 – Welcome (1:26)151 – Setup & Test Domains Locally (4:03)152 – Initial Setup (8:20)153 – Routing Subdomain Names (5:57)154 – Default Subdomain Redirects (8:09)155 – Django Hosts Reverse (8:00)156 – Django Hosts within an App (13:07)157 – Build URLs with Template Tags (4:55)158 – Setting the Request Subdomain (9:29)Thank you & Next Steps159 – Thank you and next steps! (2:10)Get Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel, Only Price $29Tag: Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel Review. Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel  download. Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts – Justin Mitchel discount.