DIYthemes Focus — Best WordPress Theme On The Planet Since 2008


“It’s the technical excellence that convinces me and the ease of use that helps me (a non technical guy) to provide a fast and responsive blog to my users.”

DIYthemes Focus — Best WordPress Theme On The Planet Since 2008

The world’s fastest WordPress Theme and the only one designed for the way internet behavior has changed in the age of social media:
    Golden Ratio Typography and gorgeous content presentation styles

Extreme speed thanks to ruthless performance optimization

Backup, restore, import, and export design functionality

“Integrate anything” design customization options

Customizable Focused Landing Page template

Structured HTML data for killer SEO

Perfect for page builders

Heroic support
Your Theme is the most important decision you’ll make for your WordPress website.
See how Focus makes your website journey easier in every way ↓
No matter what kind of site you want to build, Focus has you covered:
A design system based on the golden ratio with intelligent and adaptive customization options

Incredible content presentation styes for maximum impact on every device

A remarkable visual template editor that lets you break free from intimidating technical restraints like FTP, text editors, and code

Optimized for speed, SEO, and easy maintenance

Modular Content so you can deploy email forms, calls-to-action, sales pitches, or whatever else you need—wherever you need it!

Includes free add-on Boxes for enhanced performance, smarter customizations, easier site management, and social media promotion
Explore these major Focus features below, and be sure to watch the videos to see how Focus gives you the power and control you need to make any kind of website you want!

The Focus Design System
Your design is responsible for a heck of a lot more than simply looking good. After all, it plays a key role in some of the most important aspects of your site:
Customizations — Are your customizations easy to manage and maintain over time?

Flexibility — Does your design have options? Can you change things easily? Are those changes adaptive?

Performance — Is your design built for speed or fancy fluff?
A proper design system—which no other WordPress Theme besides Focus has—ensures your customizations are easy to make and easy to manage over time, maintains flexibility (you change options, and everything—including your customizations—adjusts accordingly), and preserves performance.
The Focus Design System gives you control over fonts, sizing, colors, and spacing (even on specialty elements like this caption)
Working with a system provides benefits now and in the future. Keep costs down and reduce headaches by letting the Focus Design System work for you!
See FOCUS Pricing

Content Presentation Styles for Maximum Flexibility
With 3 different content presentation modes and custom templates for specialty pages (like landing pages), Focus includes everything you need to dominate on the web.
This means you don’t have to use clunky page builders or landing page Plugins—which slow down your site—unless you absolutely want to.
And while Focus works great with page builders, it’s nice to know you have the option to keep it simple!
On top of that, no matter which presentation mode you choose, your content will be formatted with Golden Ratio Typography for pixel-perfect readability on every device!
Check out the video below for a quick demonstration of the Focus content presentation modes.
And the best part? Focus content presentation modes are non-destructive.
This means you can choose one mode now, and if you ever change your mind in the future, you’ll be able to switch seamlessly!
With Focus, you’ve got options—your site can be whatever you need it to be.
BONUS: See how easily you can create rich, engaging pages with Focus.
See FOCUS Pricing

Easy Customizations with the Visual Template Editor
When it comes to editing templates, the “WordPress way” requires you to edit hybrid PHP + HTML code in files.
YUCK! This is inconsiderate and downright insulting to non-technical WordPress users. Here’s why:
Editing templates is an intuitive task, but using code to edit templates is…well…the opposite of intuitive.
That’s why Focus includes a remarkable visual template editor that enables you to make any changes you want to your templates.
Thesis Skin HTML Editor
Anyone can edit templates with the Focus visual template editor!
If this were any other WordPress Theme, the visual template editor would be the main feature.
But this is just another way Focus gives you complete control and makes it easier to run your website!
(I’ll share a secret, though: The basic Focus options are so effective that most customers never even need to use the template editor!)
See FOCUS Pricing

What does “optimized for speed” really mean?
Marketers love to claim their products are “optimized for speed” or built for “performance-first,” but what does that actually mean?
I don’t want to throw a bunch of buzzwords at you. Instead, I’d just like to show you what this stuff means in the context of Focus.
Bottom line? Focus nails the technical details that make your site load faster and perform better in search engines.
This frees you up to focus on the two things most critical to your success—your content and your audience.
See FOCUS Pricing

Modular Content for Easier Site Management
What’s the most important thing on your website? It’s not your design—it’s your content! I’m talking about stuff like:
Posts and Pages

Email signup forms

Calls to action

Sales pitches

Personal/company bios
Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t give you intuitive, bulletproof ways to handle anything beyond basic Posts and Pages.
I know how critical some of this content is to your success. You need an easy way to manage it, and beyond that, you need an easy way to deploy this content precisely where you want!
That’s where Modular Content comes into play. Watch the video below and see how Modular Content will make it easy to manage the “other stuff” that’s important to you.
If you want to win with WordPress, you need simplicity. Focus delivers.
See FOCUS Pricing

Free add-on Boxes to help you dominate the Internet
When you purchase Focus, you also get 4 free add-on Boxes to help with performance and customizations:
Clean Up WP — (better performance) Undo some basic performance sins committed by WordPress

Google Tag Manager — (enhanced SEO management) Easily deliver your custom Google tags

Move Plugin CSS — (easier customizations) Customizing a site with lots of Plugins? By moving Plugin CSS above the main CSS, you’ll be able to use the same CSS element targeting that appears in the Plugin CSS!

Social Media Profiles — (social media) Add links to your social media profiles
Bottom line? Your Focus purchase includes the tools you need to build highly customized, ultra-high-performance websites with WordPress.
See FOCUS Pricing

Exclusive access to Premium Add-on Boxes
After you get Focus, you’ll be eligible to improve other aspects of your WordPress website with these premium add-on Boxes:
Breadcrumbs Box — increase the value of your existing traffic with enhanced navigation

Open Graph Box — make your content look irresistible within social media feeds

YouTube Box — easily include YouTube videos while preserving your site’s performance (I used this to include the videos on this page!)
In short, we make the tools you need to run a blazing-fast website that gets results.

What is the Focus Ethos?
The Focus Ethos is deep—it’s why Focus exists. If you like depth and details, you’ll appreciate the video below:
This video is delivered in a high-performance way by the YouTube Box mentioned above!
If you’d rather not watch that video right now, then explore the links below, which shed more light on the Focus Ethos:
The internet has changed—has your site changed with it?

The Truth about WordPress (you’ve been lied to!)
PS: Earlier, I said Focus is the only WordPress Theme built for the way internet behavior has changed in the age of social media. For more info on this, check out that first link above.

What are customers saying about Focus?
And now I’ll cede the floor and let customers tell you how they’ve benefitted from the power Focus:

You’ll have simpler customizations that are cheap to maintain…
“Focus is seriously cool. Planning a big redesign and it will make my life way easier.”
~ John Harries, small business owner
“Focus has more than halved the time it takes me to create a new design and layout.”
~ Martin Malden, Abledragon Marketing
“I just want to congratulate you for Focus, because the design system is GENIUS!!! …now can I do whatever I want, faster and more wisely.”
~ Jérôme Lacroix, web developer

You’ll deliver a better experience for your audience…
“I’m happy with Focus. The speed is amazing.”
~ Malte Polzin, digital business consultant
“It’s the technical excellence that convinces me and the ease of use that helps me (a non technical guy) to provide a fast and responsive blog to my users.”
~ Andreas Gerads, German Style Magazine
“You’re a ruthless champion for the end user experience”
Get immediately download DIYthemes Focus — Best WordPress Theme On The Planet Since 2008
~ Jim Hudson, digital marketing agency

You won’t need to rely on so many Plugins…
“LOVE this, Chris! I’ve been using Shortcodes Ultimate for years to create custom shortcodes for content insertion, but formatting is always a challenge. So happy you’ve added Modular Content shortcodes!”
~ André Chaperon, Tiny Little Businesses
“Looking forward to Focus Modular Content. This will kill another plugin. I use post snippets right now.”
~ Volker Knoeringer, web developer
“Focus is a plugin killer machine lol”
~ Ariel Berloto, physics teacher, web dev, and musician

You’ll enjoy thorough, thoughtful, and tenacious support…
“Superior product, superior service.”
~ Tim Smith, Jack Mountain Bushcraft School
“Man, great response. I really appreciate that…Thanks so much for your time you applied to my answering my question.”
~ J. K. Allen, Growth Effect Digital Marketing
“It’s amazing what we can learn here on top of an already kick-ass product.”
~ Jordan Francis, SEO professional

Bottom line? Your entire experience will be awesome.
“Focus over-delivers on everything I look for in a WordPress theme, including lightning-fast loading speeds, unmatched readability, distraction free design, minimal need for plugins, and so much more. Your rigorous defense of the end user experience is incredible, and Focus is a perfect reflection of that. But what makes it a no-brainer is your ruthless support of Focus users. I know that if I ever have a configuration or technical issue, I’ll have help getting it taken care of.”
~ Chris Henry, digital marketing agency
See FOCUS Pricing

Common Questions About Focus

Why is Focus a recurring payment and not a one-time fee?
Focus is constantly evolving to meet the needs of an ever-changing internet. This evolution requires continuous development and testing to keep your site on the cutting edge.
Beyond that, Focus is more than just a WordPress Theme—it’s a master class in how to run your website. Through the community forums (where we go deep on best customization practices) and private email support, you’ll have access to answers and expertise you simply will not get anywhere else.
Finally, you have total control over the recurring charges and can cancel at any time. You will not be charged in perpetuity because you are in control.

What makes Focus more valuable than other WordPress Themes?
Unlike every other WordPress Theme, Focus is optimized for the experience of running your website.
This is the key to understanding the value of Focus—it’s the difference between stage 1 and stage 2 website thinking:
Bottom line? Trying to save a few dollars now will cost you a heck of a lot more in the future!

Will Focus work with my favorite Page Builder?
Absolutely! Though it’s worth noting that Focus includes specialized templates you can use to create pages—like landing pages—that are significantly faster than whatever you make with the Page Builder.
This is critically important because faster pages promote higher conversion rates.
Also, by creating your pages with Focus (instead of a Page Builder), you’ll experience the benefits of better organization, which leads to easier and more manageable customizations.

Does Focus work with the Gutenberg editor?
Yes, Focus works with both the Classic and Gutenberg editors.
In addition, if you’d like to speed up your site by removing the 33kB of CSS Gutenberg adds to every page, you can use the free Clean Up WP Box that comes with Focus to do this.

Can I use Focus on my site?
No—you must have a installation in order to run Focus.

How does support work?
We offer two exceptional avenues for support—community forums and private email assistance.
Most customers prefer the forums because the quality of information is so high and because the Focus community is active at all hours of the day. However, if you’ve got a more sensitive question, we’re happy to address that in our private, email-based support!

Can I use Focus on sites for clients?
Yes! Please note that client domains count toward your licensed domain usage. If you need more domains, you can upgrade your Focus license at any time.

What will happen to my site(s) if my Focus license expires?
If your Focus license expires, your site(s) will still work, but they will no longer receive automatic updates.
In addition, you will not be able to download Focus, access the forums, or use private email support until your license is renewed.

Can Focus be translated?
Yes! Focus is completely internationalized and ready for translation. We even have a dedicated forum category for translations, so you’ll be able to hit the ground running.