Diva – Katrina Ruth


Product: Re-Order. Receive the course after 3-5 days after payment.Price : 208$ => Price SALE: 62$Please contact with Wsobox via Email [email protected] to receive payment information for this course.Purchase Diva – Katrina Ruth courses at here with PRICE $208 $62When purchasing Diva – Katrina Ruth course, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Let’s be clear.You came here to do particular work, in a particular way, and that is really all you care about.Woe betide anyone who gets in your way when you have art to unleash, a message to share, pieces of YOU to share with the world.All you should REALLY have to do, EVER, is go within,let what’s in there out,and continue on your merry way.Oh, and you’d like a grilled cheese sandwich while you’re at it, a plate of fresh and JUST the right amount of crunchy AND tangy cherries, and a glass of nice red to follow.It goes without saying, that any doors you happen to be moseying by should open, any seats you desire will await you, any passing fancy you have shall be fulfilled.And the whole entire thing will happen in VIFP vibes.Low-key but fabulous darling, that’s you, except for obviously when you don’t feel like being low-key at ALL, and everybody should stop and stare.But mostly, no no, no need for that, or at least not until you’ve gone within, been left TF alone, and done whatever it is that YOU NEED TO DO TO BE ALL OF YOU.The unleashing.The creating.The floating.The flowing.The pulling down from the quantum.And the allowing through of, well, whatever it is you decided to blink your eyes at, snap your fingers at, and turn on your ruby red heels away from as you continued that days dance of YOU.Diva.Demanding.Too loud.Too much.Too INTENSE.Wants to be the centre of attention ALL.THE.TIME. (well, no, actually, but sure. We can see how it looks that way!).Unreasonable.SO over the top!DRAINING. Too full on!Do you think she even gets how she is? WHO does she think she is? All that, AND a cup of tea, apparently!The AUDACITY! The WTF AUDACITY of her!That she thinks she can …That she ACTUALLY … !And then – !I KNOW!^^ These are the things. Just a few of the things. Which you’ll hear said about a woman like you. A few of the things you’ll hear them say about a woman like me. A few of the things they WANT to say but often forget to because they’re so damn fascinated | infuriated by women like US.A few of the things which, over the years, you’ve allowed yourself to listen to, take on board, absorb, and RESPOND to.Shrink to, more likely.As you learned –You do it WRONG sometimes.You’re silly.Over the top.Too much like a little girl.HAVING TOO MUCH FUN!Not serious enough.There’s work to do, don’t you understand! Growing up to concern yourself with! A grown up to BE, by now, come on!YOU DON’T FIT IN.And you realised,bit by bit,oh –How … embarrassing.I didn’t … mean to.Was I?Okay.But at the same time,something within you,deep and at times dark and always, actually, when you got down to it, CERTAIN,SOME not-so-small soul shakin’ thing within you,knew:Fuck.That.Noise.I’m here to run this thing.I am here to be SEEN.(when I’m good and ready and in the mood)I’m here to PERFORM.When I write or speak or create you LISTEN, you WATCH, you WANT.And when I don’t you WAIT.Life?Gets to take care of me.FULLY AND ALWAYS BECAUSE THIS IS HOW IT WORKS!That doesn’t mean I’m selfish.It doesn’t mean I’m irresponsible.It doesn’t mean I’m not being ‘serious’ about being a good human, a purposeful one, one who contributes.And the way that acting ‘right’ looks for ME?Is completely mofo different from how it’s every gonna look for YOU my furry little friend.Over time you’ve danced back and forth with the idea that your too MUCHNESS, your ridiculousness, your OUTRAGEOUS-ness, your AUDACITY, is a Very Important Valid Problem For You to Concern Yourself With,and alternately thrown THAT shit to the wind as you’ve reminded yourself who you are,what you came here to do,and what it actually LOOKS like when you’re doing your damn job.(The job of being you).You’ve reminded yourself, when you are IN that connectedness to God and soul and life and TRUEST you, that ALL you are supposed to do, ALL you are supposed to concern yourself with, ALL that actually matters?Is that you follow the damn flow of the day each day.Let what’s in you out.BE the artist | creator | messenger | vesselAnd then CARRY ON WHILE LIFE TAKES CARE OF THE REST.(Or, sure, people. Whatevs).When you’re in KNOWING of this, you REALLY know it.It’s soul truth, and there’s no two ways about it!But when you’re in questioning?Worrying?Wondering how on earth you can possibly get away with being such a ridiculous diva and still Do The Important or Business-Y or Proper Grown Up Things?You feel sad, and bad, and a little mad, and most of all – CONTRACTED INTO A REALITY YOUR SOUL NEVER SIGNED UP FOR BUT WHICH YOU SOMEHOW NONETHELESS TOOK ON BOARD AS REAL.I mean,after all –(says the you in this space)how else are you actually supposed to get the things done that get the outcomes and build the things and make you a real person!And,it wouldn’t hurt you to dial your over the top-ness back a LITTLE bit, just sometimes.Or to do a little work that you don’t really wanna do, that doesn’t really vibe with the flow of you!But darling, don’t you see?WHAT IF IT DEFINITELY WOULD HURT YOU, AND IS?very day, another little piece of your soul just dropping off the face of the earth, that’s GOT to count for something doesn’t it?Doesn’t it?!Not to mention that deep down you KNOW the way to have and receive and all through and BE everything you’ve seen inside of you is not.like.THAT!Never mind the ACTUAL real question here, and let’s make it this simple ’cause it REALLY really is:Which side of you is winning right now?And finally –For what is it time?More adjusting, more dialling back, more trying to be good enough to get just a LITTLE bit further ahead?All the while sinking EVER further away from the actual freakin’ vibe you KNOW you’re meant to be swanning around in?Or a complete and utter and ABSOLUTELY over the top crazy bitch return to you?There ain’t no in between baby.It’s time.DIVADo Absolutely Nothing Except What You Came Here to Do. Get Fully Taken Care of By Life, and Paid To Be Fully You. The Way it Was Always Meant to BeAn 18 Day Immersion with Katrina Ruth. Starts October 19.Why You Should Be a DIVA, Baby, and NowWell that’s a stupid question, isn’t it?You ARE a diva, your truest nature is to be the person who simply expects life to show up for her and knows that it WILL.Who lives and twirls and swirls in the YES of her soul work, her creating, her art, letting each day unfold itself onto her and all around her as she does the damn thing of BEING the damn thing.That’s just how it’s meant to be.And always was.What, you think there’s something at ALL possibly a bit … wrong about that? That being a diva means being selfish, irresponsible, flighty, reckless, or anything BAD?It may well mean those things.In some sort of way.And PERHAPS THOSE THINGS NEED REDEFINING.In some sort of way.For us?This is truth.Let’s start with the word DIVA, as it relates to us.Either you trust that you just being you is a good thing, an in integrity thing, an of ALIGNMENT thing, a thing that you can TRUST in, lean back on, depend upon, create your LIFE from, and that everything you’re meant to do, be of impact with, show up for, and Be | Do | Have will come FROM that,or?You do not.And really –WHAT KIND OF ACTUAL LIFE WERE YOU THINKING TO ROLL WITH IF YOU DON’T TRUST THAT YOU JUST BEING YOU, WITHOUT HAVING TO HELICOPTER PARENT YOUR OWN ASS ALL THE TIME IN ORDER TO BE A GOOD OR WORTHY OR SUCCESSFUL HUMAN, IS ENOUGH?!DIVAWHAT WE SHALL BE REMEMBERING, CLEARING YOU’ SHIT ON, AND EMBODYING TF OUT OF:(in no particular order. + a cherry on top)1) Your too much-ness. We is gonna reclaim it, reclaim it good, reclaim it hard, reclaim it all the way ALL the way. That over the top audacious just wants to be SEEN AND HEARD AND HAVE WHAT SHE WANTS HOW SHE WANTS IT YOU?That bitch is the pathway.WE NEED HER.2) Turning up the dial. Turning it alllllllll the way up, til the nuts and bolts fall off the thing! What does this mean?SO much.It’s about that a good part of the reason you’re not gettin’ what you want is you’re aiming way lower or more careful-like than what your soul actually wants and knows she gets to have,which is an EXCELLENT way to not receive just FYI,and it’s also about that that dialled down version of you, careful, filtered, a little more PROPER?Is putting everybody to sleep. Blocking your shit from coming in. And taking up space where the world needs a light!Hint: THE LIGHT IS YOU.3) Receiving more by demanding more.No this is not about being a greedy bitch.Yes this is a soul aligned and in integrity sort of thing.Yes you are making your life hard AF right now by not gettin’ this and living in to it.Yes I know you freakin’ DO get it, deep down.And yes we now gonna make it the rule.4) Stuff That Terrifies You and Expands TF Out of Life For YouThat’s all I will say about that.Except to add that yeah we gonna ADDRESS that shit.You know it.This will be fun …5) Your Boring Blocked BullshitLook, the trauma is real and that IS for real. Reasons you hide, play small, protect yourself, I get it!God knows I get it.And some of what I’ll be sharing in here relevant to this and my own journey has never been shared before in the public eye, nor will it.So it’s not, not EVER, that it’s not valid that you have really real reasons for having adjusted yourself DOWN, more INWARD, or into a version of you who seeks to be accepted, loved, uplifted, and so on.It’s just that –we get to transcend that.Into all that you’re still WAITING to be.And everything the deepest part of you knows is true about how free that place ACTUALLY is? Gets to come to life.Which is why we will be doing the work of getting ALL the way into the ‘shit’ in order to understand it,re-write it,and release those suckers to the wind,so that YOU CAN GET ON WITH THE FULL COLOUR GLORIOUS DANCE OF BEING YOU.6) RecodingPattern recodingBelief recoding (and understanding sub-conscious beliefs and stories which you are perpetuating as FACT when they are not, thus recreating the same reality over and over again!)Money frequency recodingAbundance / wealth (not just financial) recodingRECEIVING recodingAllowance and permission to be fully YOU recodingExpectation of being fully taken care of recoding!ALL THE REWIRING AND RECODING NECESSARY TO RESET YOU TO YOU!7) Creating From and Playing in the QuantumQuantum work is essential DIVA work! Not just because it is so FUN, so FREEING, so RELEASING, but also because, let’s get real –as a DIVA there is no time for doing things the 2+2 way. We don’t need to mush mush with the rest of the world to get our oats. (Gold plated oats hehe). We just always knew we don’t HAVE to do things that way, even when we were submitting to it.So actually this is just another part of being all of you.Plus it is effective AF for saving time and having | being | doing everything you’ve been waitin’ on and one dayin’ on, now.The great news? This is one of my most powerful areas of expertise to teach on. One of my gifts is in ‘translating’ the spiritual and supernatural, and I do it in such a way where you actually fully understand and can implement and also DUPLICATE the results you’ve at times danced in and out of.Included in our quantum work we will touch on things like accessing superflow, dancing in and out of the energetic / supernatural, knowing and using spiritual and supernatural gifts, collapsing time, going beyond outcomes, clearing reasons to not receive or allow through faster, being on the beat of life, instant / immediate receiving, and so on.All of my supernatural teachings are grounded in Christianity. YES QUANTUM AND SUPERNATURAL WORK IS A MATCH FOR CHRISTIANITY. What, you trying to take the supernatural and spiritual out of God? 😉Why this work is so relevant to DIVA work is simple:The DIVA girl does not have to do the things when she can simply choose the things. But if she does not CHOOSE the things? She more than likely pushes away the things.Speaking of which – !8) Knowing What to Choose, Demand, Expect, and WhenIt’s a fact of DIVA living that anytime you try to ‘align to’ (or receive, get, become, whatever) some version of life or you OTHER than what is actually shown for you, that fucks shit up royally.It actually REDUCES your capacity to receive, closes off the portals so to speak!It is stoopid.So, we’re going to work very clearly and with NON-negotiable discipline around choosing all that is meant to be chosen.9) Accessing, Recognising, Dancing with FlowUnderstanding what is flow and what is noThe myth of marshmallows and rainbows and unicorns (aka … flow is not always la di-dah, it includes the murky bits!)Getting INTO the superflow wave when you want or need toKnowing when to act even without flowOr when to say NOWorking WITH flow rather towards itBeing the flow, duh!10) Ruthless Shedding and Shredding of Things You Hate to DoAnother reality fo the DIVA life:every time you do shit you don’t really want to do, in a way that does not really suit you or delight you, you CLOSE OFF THE GATEWAY TO, WELL, YOUR ACTUAL LIFE.Yes, it’s scary when it feels like you’re being disorganised or inappropriate and that you really need to pick up or tidy up your game!But your soul already knows truth about this, and the truth IS this:Things work for you when you ONLY do what you’re meant to be doing.I want to help you understand that, live it, and also understand exactly what to do with all the other stuff!11) Intention Setting That WorksHow to use intentions to create your outcomes and completely hand over the ‘how’, such that EVERYTHING just gets taken care of.12) Full Life Clean UpWhat it says 😉13) Selling NOTHING, and Making All the MoniesAgain: LET’S BE CLEAR THAT THIS IS NOT ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN DELIVERING EPIC TREMENDOUS VALUE, EXACTLY THE WORK YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO DOLet’s ALSO be clear that what THAT means?Is it gets to flow for you and indeed it MUST.YES, we are the kind who live for ‘the work’.We live and BREATHE the work!And also? The real work, when we’re in it?Feels like nothing but a damn beautiful dance every day, one we couldn’t NOT be in.I can’t wait to teach you this HUGE gateway to money makin’!14) Next Level Income Activation^^ building on the previous, by understanding how to use Diva and ‘do nothing’ principles of simply BEING, in order to elevate and increase revenue sources and automation!An entire course in and of itself!15) Always KnowingA DIVA always knows what action to take,how and when to take it,and what the vibe of HER is when she’s taking it.Let’s get you that DIVA certainty shining out of you, and ALWAYS accessible for you!16) Aligning CONTINUALLY to even greater elevation and expansionThis is one of the most powerful work I do with my private clients! And is about becoming the person who automatically and CONTINUALLY uplevels, in all areas.17) Business BurnYou’ll have to wait and see 😉18) SECRETThe long and the short of it?You’ve been doing every possible thing, for so long now, to somehow try and get to your next level ‘there’ by being anything other than a COMPLETELY ALL IN AND ALL THE WAY DIALLED UP VERSION OF YOU, and enough is enough.DIVA.Do Absolutely Nothing Except What You Came Here to Do. Get Fully Taken Care of By Life, and Paid To Be Fully You. The Way it Was Always Meant to BeIt’s time.Get Your Place in DIVA Today! Are you interested in? diva argan oil. diva acne defense face cream. diva animal crossing. diva animal crossing new horizons. diva accessories. diva annie lennox.Purchasing Diva – Katrina Ruth course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Purchase Diva – Katrina Ruth courses at here with PRICE $208 $62