Disciplined FX – DFX Scalping Strategy Course


Forex Training Group – High Probability Trading Using Elliott Wave and Fibonacci Analysis
Learn the five setups I trade to make consistent profits in the market
12+ hours of video lessons packed with clear, concise instruction on the practical application of Elliott Wave and Fibonacci in the market. It will start with the foundations and build up to the exact setups that I use.
The combination of Elliott Wave and Fibonacci Analysis provides the most powerful analytical model for trading the market. Elliott Wave helps us to understand the underlying structure of the market, while Fibonacci ratios act as the mathematical fabric that bonds the entire Elliott Wave structure.
And so, by understanding the Elliott Wave Principle, you can know where the market is within the overall wave cycle. The application of Fibonacci ratios within the wave cycle provides us with an excellent market timing technique for identifying and taking advantage of critical turning points between waves.
Complete Step By Step Training

12+ hours of video learning packed with actionable strategies
Recognizing Elliott Wave Impulse and Corrective Patterns
Understanding The Most Important Fibonacci Relationships Among Waves
How To Use Supporting Technical Studies To Facilitate Wave Counting
Know How To Anticipate Market Turns Rather Than Reacting To Them
Learn My 5 Powerful Trading Setups, including Entries and Exits
Hone In On The Highest Probability Trade Setups Using My Filters
Precise Market Timing Using My Aggressive and Conservative Entries
Dozens of Practical Examples To Illustrate My Exact Trade Process

What You’ll Learn In High Probability Trading Using Elliott Wave and Fibonacci Analysis?

Elliott Wave Foundations
Motive Waves
Corrective Waves
Elliott Wave Guidelines
Fibonacci Analysis
Fibonacci Ratios within the Impulse Phase
Fibonacci Ratios within the Corrective Phase
Additional Technical Studies and Considerations
Vic’s Trade Setup # 1
Vic’s Trade Setup # 2
Vic’s Trade Setup # 3
Vic’s Trade Setup # 4
Vic’s Trade Setup # 5
Final Thoughts and Resources