Dimitris Skiadas – Conversion Masters


Dimitris Skiadas – Conversion MastersWhat the course is about?Here people are going to learn all about Analytics,– reporting,– scaling their store,– adding other traffic sources in the mix,– how to set up goals,– how to tag and track FB ads,– how to write a compelling about us page that increases their Conversion rate,– how to raise the authority and trustworthiness of their store,– which are the major conversion killers.– Have the ability to download 10 READY-MADE ecommerce reports that they can install into their Google Analytics account,– A start up Q&A webinar where i am going to help them step by step how to get started,– Join a private FB group– Get my Google Adwrds Adavnced Training – 2 and a half hours of pure value.– I will show them how to get started with– Google ads,– Remarketing on Google Display Network,– Google Shopping,– Youtube ads and so much moreWhat You’ll Learn On This FREE Web Class! SECRET #1:“Top 6 Mistakes you Are Doing in your Ecom Business & How to Fix them SECRET #2:“How to use Google Analytics to Scale your FB ads SECRET #3:“How To 2X your store’s Conversion Rate in 21 days or less.”