DigitalMarketer – The Viral Funneling Method – Rachel Miller


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $54 $295, DigitalMarketer – The Viral Funneling Method – Rachel Miller Course.When you post to social media…Are You Getting Clicks Or Crickets?If you are like most, the response to your social media content sounds like a silent summer night in the middle of a Kansas cornfield. Chirp, Chirp If you’re lucky, you might get a few likes and comments…From your mom…your friends…your spouse…and, of course, your kids (ha yeah right!) Seriously though, it feels like no matter what you post NO ONE IS LISTENING and it can make you feel stuck, embarrassed, and frustrated. This is the thing…It’s Not Your FaultOver the past decade, the “social” media platforms have specifically re-engineered their platforms to reward paid promotions and suppress organic content. It makes sense though as platforms, like Facebook, are overrun.Brian Boland, Facebook’s VP of Publisher Solutions, shared that the average news feed curates posts from 1,500 possible stories every time a user logs in and, users with a large network, could have a queue of up to 15,000 stories.Wow! That’s a lot of wedding photos and cat videos. This means that as these platforms continue to grow, organic reach will continually decline even further. So it’s clear why it is nearly impossible to get your organic content seen.Then what do we do? We run ads of course! And that’s where the fun really starts…“What ad type should I use?”“What the heck is a pixel?”“Should I just boost it?” “What’s a custom audience?”“How the heck do I verify my domain?” “How on earth do I know it even WORKED??”The platforms have forced us to ‘pay to play’ without giving us the playbook.And all this is just to get our content seen, we aren’t even talking about making sales yet.It’s enough to make you want to throw your hands up and quit.But I’d encourage you to read on because…“Sometimes The Best Way To Win The Game Is To Simply Know The Rules.”– Rachel MillerSee Rachel Miller, our resident social media maverick, has unlocked the secret to the organic side of the social media maze. And, more importantly for us, she’s discovered how easy it is to benefit from that power. Recently, by applying her research, Rachel has crafted…29 Viral Posts That Each Have Resulted In More Than A MILLION Page Views!That’s 1,000,000+ page views — not likes, comments, or shares. (Question: What would be possible for you if your sales pages got 1M page views for free this month?)Rachel has not only done this for herself, but found the process simple enough that she’s been able to help over 18,000 marketers and small business owners replicate her success.Rachel’s method? It’s called…“Viral Funneling”See, while engaging content can often be viewed as an art, social media algorithms themselves are a science. Which means they were designed by engineers with rules that reward specific behaviors. So, once you understand those rules, you can make those rules work for you. Combine this knowledge with the art of great content, and “going viral” now becomes mechanical, meaning massive reach for your business—all without paying for ads!Rachel discusses her formula here in this quick video…This ONE strategy, when applied, will make it impossible for the social media platforms to bury your content ever again because it’s not some kind of fly by night hack… it’s based on their algorithms. It also works on ALL the major platforms—Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and yes, even TikTok.This means that you can now have a social media strategy that reaches millions of die hard fans who are eager to promote your content and grow your brand’s reach…all for FREE!Think about what would be possible with a consistent and reliable strategy that turns social media strangers into raving fans and followers without breaking the bank.The freedom, the excitement, and the FUN of ‘viral funneling’ will have you falling in love with your business all over again!All this while providing an experience that people LOVE to engage with on your channels AND frames you as a trusted and loved authority in your niche.Some might even call that being “Social Media Famous”  The satisfaction of being heard and the thrill of having customers actually begging for your links will make you wonder why you haven’t been doing this the whole time!