DigitalMarketer – Engineering a Pitch Perfect Webinar – Jason Fladlien


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Archive: now $54 $295, DigitalMarketer – Engineering a Pitch Perfect Webinar – Jason Fladlien Course.Webinars Are The Most Powerful Customer Conversion Tool In A Marketer’s ArsenalWith rare exception, the most dominant marketers in every space are using webinars.Combine that with innovations in technology and Zoom now a household name, webinars have become synonymous with modern marketing.Unfortunately, so have their reputation.Fundamentally webinars were taught and designed solely to maximize sales, almost always at the expense of the customer’s experience, and unfortunately that model worked…really well.So well that unfortunately the same fundamental “used car salesman, sell you a timeshare” style presentation still dominates the conventional practice today.The effect of that approach has resulted in….Increasing low show ratesExceedingly high skepticismAnd an overall pessimistic view from consumersMaking it hard for the rest of us to be successful using the same stage.…Until Jason Fladlien.Jason dared to imagine a different approach that turned conventional wisdom on its ear and would empower his audiences rather than abuse them.As a matter of fact, Jason’s proprietary approach has been so successful that…Jason Fladlien is the only marketer that video streaming giant Zoom has brought in to teach their customers how to do webinars …and now he’s sharing that same methodology with you.Because of Jason’s trainings, you can now use webinars to successfully…Create cash flow for your companySell your most high ticket productsAnd unlock the true profits of your businesses bottom line… All while leaving your attendees feeling that you are a trusted and valuable advisor to their business and the one they look to for help.So if you want to make a radical change to the trajectory of your business this year join Jason as he unveils his “Perfect Pitch Webinar” for the first time with us here at DigitalMarketer.During this training, you’ll learn how to execute on every principle of his million dollar methodology including…Profitable Webinars Provide Up Front ValueStruggling with the “sales” part of your business?If there’s one fundamental law of marketing it’s this:People LOVE buying things. But they HATE being sold to. So if you’ve had trouble in the past with just getting people to show up for your webinar, it’s because your customers either:(a) Don’t know what they’ll ultimately get out of it, or(b) Assume their time will be spent on a sales callModern webinars flip the script on the traditional “Buy from me first and then I’ll help you” sales narrative.Because what’s important is giving your customers something of value before you get to your offer.In our brand new workshop, you’ll learn how to showcase your content as something of value. Afterward, your customers know, like, and trust you, making purchasing your core offer the obvious next step in their transformation.This means you don’t have to work as hard as you have been to get your customers to buy.Instead, you become an instant authority who brings them closer to their desires. Closer than your content alone can get them.They’ll walk away saying “Where have you been all my life??!”A value-first webinar does the work for you. It’s the missing piece of your customer acquisition strategy!Furthermore…Profitable Webinars Solve Your Cash Flow ProblemWith all this talk about providing value-rich content upfront you might be asking yourself:“If I give them something for free, won’t that discourage them from buying later?”It sounds counterintuitive, I know.But webinars are a perfect way to take a customer who’s paid you money before to pay you A LOT MORE money.Put it this way…Let’s say 500 people show up to your webinar. If 75 people (15% of attendees1) buy your $2000 offer…You just made $150,000 from one webinar! The webinar framework in this brand new workshop empowers your customers to choose your offer INSTEAD of going it alone. They’re exchanging their micro-commitments (webinar, lead magnet, or low-cost sale) for a BIG one.In other words… Your customers show up. They get to know, like, and trust you through your content. They build a rapport with you. They buy from you.It’s that simple.Profitable Webinars Aren’t A Luxury—They’re A RequirementA bad webinar makes your offer a wall between your customers and the solution to their problem, one that they must first exert energy and money to scale.A good webinar eliminates the need for a wall. It’s a bridge that your offer helps your customers cross, bringing them closer to their desires.Think about today’s marketing heroes. They are documenting and sharing their knowledge (i.e. valuable content) with an online audience.Whether it’s through virtual events, Facebook Live, Clubhouse, Instagram Reels, or YouTube videos…Today’s marketers focus on the needs of their customers, guide them to their offer, and secure a mutually beneficial outcome for both of you.In our brand new workshop, we show you how to capitalize on the digital-first experience that’s transforming marketing today by leveraging the most important aspects of webinar selling.Finally…Profitable Webinars Are Engineered With PrecisionIf you’ve held webinars before, chances are you noticed declining attendance rates, skepticism, and overall pessimism among consumers.And all of the above made it hard for marketers with genuine intentions to compete using the same stage.Until Jason Fladlien came along, that is.Jason dared to imagine a different approach to offering webinars. His methods turn conventional wisdom on its ear by EMPOWERING his registrants, rather than abusing their time.Spoiler Alert: Jason’s webinar formula works BETTER.Now, you can use the most powerful tool in your sales arsenal to…Quickly create cash flowSell your high-ticket productsAdapt your sales funnel to today’s modernized market…all while giving your attendees a trusted and valuable advisor they can look to for help.Swipe Jason Fladlien’s “Raise the Bar” Webinar Framework for your business, LIVE on the DigitalMarketer stage, Friday, June 11th at 1pm Central.Workshop Details:Get the Framework That Positions Your Content & Offer for the Perfect Sales PitchSwipe the efficient webinar model that showcases the potential of your product with the least amount of effortFlood your funnel with content-primed customers who are ready to buy and unafraid to pay good money for your product or serviceKick excessively long campaigns and elaborate follow-ups to the curb with the format that makes buying your offer a no-brainerSell More Of Your Product Or Service At The Highest Price Point In Less TimeEconomically drive traffic to your front end offer for more sales per customers & save your budget for more thingsMaximize profits & pump your business full of the cash needed to float business expensesQuickly turn existing customers who’ve made micro-commitments in the past into buyers of your core offerAdapt Your Sales Funnel To Today’s Modernized MarketGet a masterclass in consumer psychology to predict your customers’ behaviors and use that information to leverage your irresistible offerBuild a webinar with the least amount of moving pieces and put your time where it matters most—delivering value and getting salesApply the lessons from running successful webinars and use those details to power other areas of your businessAnd more!Jason’s already produced thousands of webinars, amassed 10,000+ hours of experience, and earned over $100M in webinar-based revenue to build a framework that works for your business!No more having to choose between your content and your pitch—you’ll build a special relationship with your customers that showcases your valuable content alongside a thoughtful sales pitch.By the time the workshop is over, you’ll have a webinar framework for your business that drives customers to your core offer naturally.  What You’ll LearnLifetime Access to the Workshop RecordingWebinar Presentation FrameworkWebinar Promo Calendar & Email CampaignWebinar Bullet Point Swipe FileWebinar Funnel Swipe File