
DevelopedByEd – The Full Stack React Course 2023

Original price was: ₹11,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,652.00.



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DevelopedByEd – The Full Stack React Course 2023
The Full Stack React Course 2023
Unlock Your Potential with Our Up-to-Date Full Stack React Course
The Full Stack React Course 2023 Edition
Learn to create a full stack e-commerce website with cutting edge tech!
In this course, we will build a full stack e-commerce application using cutting-edge technologies such as:

Tailwind CSS
Daisy UI
Vercel for deployment

But don’t worry if some of these technologies are new to you – I will guide you through everything step by step! By the end of the course, you’ll have a complete understanding of how to build a full stack application using the latest and greatest technologies.
And the best part? You’ll have a stylish full stack e-commerce application to add to your portfolio, complete with user authentication (including Google Signin), secure payments (including Apple and Google Pay), email invoicing, user profiles, history and more.
Your Instructor
Ed is a full stack engineer and designer from Romania who has dedicated his life to making coding and design accessible and fun for people of all backgrounds. With over 800k subscribers on YouTube, DevelopedByEd offers affordable coding courses suitable for all levels, helping people unlock their potential and achieve their dreams in the tech world.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1 – Introduction

1. Course Introduction (0:53)
2. Join the discord group (1:16)
3. Github Repo

Chapter 2 – React Refresher

1. React Refresher (0:41)
2. Setting up the tooling (8:10)
3. Components and State (5:34)
4. Imperative vs Declarative (12:45)
5. Passing data and Conditional Rendering (11:11)
6. Use Effect (14:49)
7. Other tools to use (7:29)

Chapter 3 – Next.js

1. Let’s geted with Next (1:13)
2. Installing Next.js (3:08)
3. Page Routes (8:43)
4. Client Side vs Server Side and Static Generation (11:32)
4. CSR VS SSR VS SSG Example (14:12)
5. Api Routes (6:38)

Chapter 4 – Tailwind CSS

1. Different Styling Options (10:05)
2. Basics of Tailwind (9:13)
3. Mobile First Approach (6:57)
4. Apply Feature (2:15)
5. Pseudo Classes (1:33)
6. Making it your own (2:30)

Chapter 5 – E-Commerce Project

1. Gettinged (0:36)
2. Setting up Next with Tailwind (6:01)
3. Prisma Schemas (15:34)
4. Next Auth With Prisma (21:38)
5. Creating A Stripe Customer (15:51)
6. Creating our Navbar (23:16)
7. Fetching Stripe Products (16:31)
8. Formatting Prices (10:10)
9. Styling our home page (9:50)
10. Product Description Page (23:00)
11. State Managment With Zustand (16:17)
12. Adding Products to Cart (26:39)
13. Cart UI (9:57)
14. Adding and Removing Products (12:10)
15. Empty Carts (4:44)
16. Adding Google Fonts (6:02)
17. Total Price Format (4:03)
18. Framer Motion (16:09)
19. Keeping It Mobile Friendly (3:34)
20. Gettinged with Stripe (17:10)
21. Stripe Order Data (26:56)
22. Saving orders (32:48)
23. Rendering Stripe Form (30:33)
24. Success Page (28:36)
25. Stripe Webhooks (26:46)
26. Dashboard Page (30:19)
27. More Dashboard Styling (6:57)
26. Lottie Animations (11:09)
27. Daisy UI (17:21)
28. Adding a dropdown (10:01)
29. Dark Light Mode (18:04)
30. Stripe Darkmode (13:14)
31. Adding Different Fonts (3:55)

Chapter 6 – Deployment

1. Quick Fixes before Production (8:59)
2. Pushing to Vercel (14:45)


1.Setting Up Strapi (7:59)
2.Creating a product (3:24)
3.Adding GraphQl (5:52)
4.Cloudinary Integration (9:19)
5.Heading over to the Front End (2:11)


1.Intro to Next.js Files (5:20)
2.Routing System in Next.js (7:03)